The title says it all. What do you think? And I mean what do you REALLY think? Don't try to act like you're not a little biased if you are. I hate people that lie. And Zophia, if you come on, I already know you're opinion.
Are mens' and womens' rights equal? In some parts, yes. But in others, no.
If we are talking about equal rights in America, then sort of. If we are talking about how men and women treat eachother in America, then no.
Personally, I think a woman is just as equal as a man. They should definitely be equal. I also think the same goes for peoples' ages. A 13 year old young adult, should have the same respect as a 30 year old man.
Because I said I will not state my opinion, I will not either agree nor disagree with your personal choice, however I agree with what you said about rights. As to the age thing, you're right to a certain extent. A 3 year old, for instance, should definitely not be as respected as a 30 year old.
I disagree, to an extent. A three year old should have the same respect as anyone, but it's opinions should not be on the same level as a 30 year old man's. What I was getting at was that someone who is smart enough to make their own opinions should not be put down because of their age, but this is really a whole other topic.
Depends on what you mean 'superiority'. Women are classicly displayed as being able to easily seduce men. Men have the hormone testosterone to help muscle development. All depends on what your goals are.
In opinions of course not. Way too many factors create one's opinion.
Are men and women equal? Equal in what specifically?
Oh, well different men and and different women are going to be better than one or the other in a sense. Everyone is different when it comes to physical features. You can't say male is better than female, or vice versa.
Well, that's how male dominance really started out in the world--because men were stronger, and by popular belief, they thought they were the ones who really gave life and that women were just the vessels of the newborn child. I could see how they thought that back then. Now in modern times, we see that differently, because of science.
So for today's laws, women really do have an equal voice, equal right, equal chance, equal...everything along with men. That doesn't stop stereotypical jokes being passed along occasionally though. What's to be said here is that, both sexes are equal, until one of them stoops upon the other so much so that they seem to be unequal. In most cases, men do this to women. Is this remnants of the old world still getting to us? Who knows.
I'm talking on average. For instance, the average girl isn't going to go be a logger, but the average man might. And as to equal in what specifically, I can't answer that, as we are talking about whether or not they are equal in every field. In the physical and the emotional, in their rights and in what people think of them, and other things. As we are just getting started, the argument could go anywhere.
I know. That was an example of physical difference. Men are simply naturally stronger. But as I said, that little fun fact has no reflection on my opinion, as my opinion will NOT be stated.
Yes but they don't on average. We're talking about the average man and woman here, not the woman body builders who take steroids and start growing facial hair.