I am not in any way trash talking atheists, but what i don't see is their sole purpose. Do they get some sort of delight i trying to lure people away from their beliefs? You tell me.
I think that genocide of homosexuals in Africa in the name of Christianity about 6 months ago is pretty recent. You can thank the evangelicals for that one.
I'm atheïst. But I don't have any trouble with any religion (as long as it's not fundamental like in 'I believe in X and all who doesn't should convert or die' fundamental. However, in a discussion pro contra religion I will heavily defend atheïsm untill someone will come up with the proof God or whatever excists.
I apologise i didnt explain myself fully. People with faith but an indistinct label for a perceived power that cannot be explained through science. Would prefer not to be considered atheist since they do not claim that a higher power might have a vested interest in the universe this came over as ...
I was wondering if people realise that faith is different to religion and having faith makes someone an agnostic.
But was wot i meant innit.
i was reading a journal based on chaos thoery concurrent to the creation of the universe and it may have transferred itself into this crap, But even so 45 or no you wouldnt see me coming.
I think that genocide of homosexuals in Africa in the name of Christianity about 6 months ago is pretty recent. You can thank the evangelicals for that one.
So if a group of atheist killed Christians in the name of nothingness, would that make you guys look bad, of course, that is the way the world works, one radical group makes the majority look bad.
People with faith but an indistinct label for a perceived power that cannot be explained through science. Would prefer not to be considered atheist since they do not claim that a higher power might have a vested interest in the universe this came over as ...
An atheist is nothing more then someone who holds no belief in a deity/ies Has nothing to do with weather that person likes the term or not. They of course would be unlikely to refer to themselves as one, but by definition it wouldn't change that they are.
I am not in any way trash talking atheists, but what i don't see is their sole purpose. Do they get some sort of delight i trying to lure people away from their beliefs? You tell me.
I want people to believe in themselves and realise they have morals because it is a benifit to all, not because god told them to.
So if a group of atheist killed Christians in the name of nothingness
Athiests would tend to call that group of people murderers or psychos. Since we dont rely on a god to provide a moral standing its fair to say they are wrong because we dont want them to kill, not because god said, and I quote, "thou shalt not kill". Strange how religion seems to pop up as a continuous stream of atrocities done in the name of god even tho not killing is one of the commandments laid by god.
So I agree with 314d1 when he says if religion didnt affect my daily like, I wouldnt have a problem with it.
religion hinders people from thinking entirely rational iam not saying that someone who beliefs in something cant think rational but for there will alwasy be a point where religion wasks you to trust it blindly and follow it rules - religion hinders you from asking about (your) religion
All i do is thinking rational and on my own not beeing blindly guided by words from a book /that a person said long ago - therefore i am an atheist
Do they get some sort of delight i trying to lure people away from their beliefs?
i dont necessarily want to lure someone away from their beliefs i respect if someone says that he beliefs in whatever and dont want to change that - thats his human right you are not made an atheist by another atheist - atheism is not a disease. you make yourself an atheist when you start asking about the rationalit of religion you maybe only got a poke from an atheist
so if i want to explain my arguments and reasons to someone that beliefs in a religion i just want him to ask questions about certain issues and want him to think freely without religous bonds
I am not in any way trash talking atheists, but what i don't see is their sole purpose. Do they get some sort of delight i trying to lure people away from their beliefs? You tell me.
I personally do not want to lure anyone away from anything. What I do want to do is promote critical thinking skills and lead people to question their surroundings and ideas. Only by asking questions, and openly seeking the answers, will we ever gain knowledge.
If you are a Christian, Muslim, Buddhist(which are atheists by the way), Shinto, Taoist, or any other faith, then great. If that is what works for you and gives your life some higher purpose then go for it. But do not allow your faith to blind your reason. When we are presented with evidence that contradicts our ideas we must either reject the evidence, or change our ideas.
That is the difference between a skeptic and someone with faith. A skeptic will change his ideas in light of evidence. Someone with faith will reject the evidence to preserve their ideas. While this is not a huge deal on a personal level, when this type of thinking makes it's way into science and government it is a detriment to everyone, and in that sense I feel that it is wrong.
And again, because there seems to be so much misinterpretation of what an atheist is, I'll put it in layman's terms. If you do not assert that there are deities, then you are an atheist. That's all. You don't have to be anti god, or anti religion. Simply by doubting, you are an atheist.
Listen pal, the simple IDEA of the universe go POOF for the will of a supreme being is so silly, that I would laugh in the face of someone telling it aloud. "Yawn! What can I do this morning? I know I'll create universe! And life on one planet! And then I watch those ants if they behave according to some arbitrary rules for their limited life: if they do they get eternal bliss; if they don't they get eternal punishment."