Scientifically speaking, the scientific explanation is obviously more likely - amino acids are really everywhere in this Universe. Once they get complex enough, they auto-assemble into a cell membrane, and soon a cell.
Sorry for the huge amounts of posts, but...
How do you know that? has anyone seen it take place? It can't be scientific if it has not been observed
systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation.
How do you know that? has anyone seen it take place? It can't be scientific if it has not been observed
First, that also works for Creationism*
Second, science is repeatable. If I told you I dropped my penny and you did not believe me, then I could drop the penny to prove pennies drop. We have seen amino acids form in a simulate of earth in early stages, thus we can say it is likely.
* ID and Creationism are almost the same thing, just one specifically states the Cristian god and the seven days.
Please, learn all theories before arguing about them next time...
The big bang was not a literal bang, but an expansion. Basically an infinite amount of matter was in an extremely small space that expanded creating the universe. The universe is still expanding today and some scientist predict a big crunch, the opposite of the big bang, then having another big bang then repeating the cycle.
It was a near infinite matter, and it couldn't, that is why the big bang happened.
PS. While we are asking questions, Were would the Creationist god get the matter to create the earth? How would he do so? If he was omnipotent, why did he need seven days? Why did he form other planets, and the rest of the universe for that matter?
1. Wiki is actually one of the best cites I found. It works great for homework as it is a large database. Though it has been challenged as a forum, most of the one on the link I gave is cited, feel free to research more fully.
2. Were you paying attention? The stars formed light elements... Ill just link.
Energy formed particles, particles formed atoms ( mostly hydrogen idk what the exact statistic is but threw out the universe scientist estimate it comprising of like 99% hydrogen, its that common), nebula's of gases mostly hydrogen formed and created stars, Stars can continue fusing atoms together until iron comes around, then the larger ones explode into super novas which create everything up to uranium, which is the last natural element...
... derbies collect and planets are formed, eventually water comes around, now the thing is that ice and water vapor can be found on many planets but its very rare to find liquid water. Pools rich in bio molecules form on these planets with water and that is where life comes from, billions and billions of years of randomness causes all this. Most of these ideas comes from well made documentaries, many of them and who says you can't learn things from T.V. B)