ForumsWEPRArizona's Way Of Thanking California For Boycotting Us

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323 posts

Congratulations California, you have boycotted us due to the immigration law. In defense, we, Arizona, will threaten to cut the power to Los Angeles.

Since summer is coming up, LA is going to be stuck with no A/C and electricity and while our temperatures is going to skyrocket into the 100s, we always love surplus power

  • 60 Replies
186 posts

Los Angels will Solo Arizona
Epic Curbstomp.
If they wanna fight like that we'll send 18th street on them.

5,043 posts

This is different. That's acting suspicious. The Arizona law makes it so they can stop for just looking suspicious. And by suspicious, they mean Hispanic.

Have you read the bill?
4,220 posts

You know, because of the errant racism in that law...

Despite having a very specific statement in the law saying that nothing can be investigated based on race.

Yeah, really racist.

Anyways, the bill is perfectly fine. Far more restrictive than the federal law on the part of the officers.

That, and the number one proof of identification on the list is a valid drivers license, which last I checked is completely illegal to drive without.

And they have entire pages about what reasons they can and cannot check for papers about. Only in the course of another offense can they ask for papers.

Whoopty freaking do. They're already in shit, so why is that a problem?

Arizona law = perfectly fine.

Everybody boycotting them and screaming at the top of their lungs about an obvious cry for help = completely and utterly stupid.
4,220 posts

Sorry about the double post.

Honestly, Arizona is just being immature. Okay... so California boycotted you, no I do not think that that is the way to solve the problem. But are you seriously going to leave thousands and thousands of people without power going into Summer? People need there fans, A.C's and things, especially California.

Yup, and they will. They can get their power from another source, or shut the boycott down.

And what if you have no other type of ID?

Then maybe stealing that car wasn't a very good idea.
9,821 posts

See, racial profiling is morally wrong, but when pretty much all of the criminals you're trying to stamp out are of the same race, it just makes things easier. Arizona is apparently in a very bad situation with the cartels, and almost all of the cartels are Hispanic! I don't care if it upsets a bunch of nice, innocent people - it'll help save lives if the policemen are efficient enough(which we'll need to watch and see for, really)and if it is effective in hindering the cartels, then I say it's worth putting a few more Renegade points in the USA's morality meter and attacking some of the batarian drug-runners. I think the bill should be modified so that it isn't geared to targeting illegals, but to the drug cartels. They're more dangerous than Al-Qaeda, and they're coming across our border because we're too busy getting rid of the innocent illegal immigrants to take down the real criminals.

3,035 posts

They're more dangerous than Al-Qaeda, and they're coming across our border because we're too busy getting rid of the innocent illegal immigrants to take down the real criminals.

Or because the law enforcement is way too scared to even try...
9,821 posts

Or because the law enforcement is way too scared to even try...

Nope, because the law enforcement is trying, just not hard enough. Illegal immigration is too much in the spotlight right now, when the cartels are the real problem.
4,220 posts

Or because the law enforcement is way too scared to even try...

Too scared? Nah, they're going at it with ungodly fury. They are too undermanned to be able to effectively stop anything though. The cartels look at them as flies that need to be swat and jokes due to this. Send some real firepower, and the cartels will look at them as lions to be feared.
3,035 posts

Nope, because the law enforcement is trying, just not hard enough. Illegal immigration is too much in the spotlight right now, when the cartels are the real problem.

In reality, there are many officers, and citizens too, that have admitted to either not doing their job or not reporting anything against the Cartel because they know they'll be killed if they do.
323 posts

Yes, there are many officers, but their getting laid off one by one due to Arizona's downhill economy. The only person that can get the job done is Joe Arpaio... unless he gets past Romney.

Our only hopes are John McCain, Joe Arpaio, National Guard, and a little bit of our newly passed Prop 100 law.

263 posts

The law also states that police can question you under "reasonable suspicion", which will no doubt cause racial profiling against Hispanics. I myself am a Hispanic, and I am revolted at the very idea of this law. But whatever.

"reasonable suspicion"
Yes reasonable suspicion of doing something illegally, like illegal activities other than being an illegal immigrant, like if they think you are robing a bank and catch you, they will then ask for your papers. Now an officer can now racial profile, BUT it would be that officer doing this, not the law that says he can do this. I think that your &quotapers" should be checked all the time, more so if your of a grater statistic, hence Mexicans, and hey, statistics aren't racist they are facts.
3,035 posts

"reasonable suspicion"
Yes reasonable suspicion of doing something illegally, like illegal activities other than being an illegal immigrant, like if they think you are robing a bank and catch you, they will then ask for your papers. Now an officer can now racial profile, BUT it would be that officer doing this, not the law that says he can do this. I think that your &quotapers" should be checked all the time, more so if your of a grater statistic, hence Mexicans, and hey, statistics aren't racist they are facts.

Of course statistics say Mexicans have a lot more illegal immigrants than other reasons. America is right by Mexico. What other race is gonna immigrate? White people from Canada? I think not. How about black people immigrating from Kenya? Not happening either.
9,821 posts

Of course statistics say Mexicans have a lot more illegal immigrants than other reasons. America is right by Mexico. What other race is gonna immigrate? White people from Canada? I think not. How about black people immigrating from Kenya? Not happening either.

Which means all arrests are gonna be Hispanic people, which means it isn't racial profiling because it's just stone-cold fact.

There really has to be something done - the illegal immigrants are basically refugees, and about 350,000 of them are going into just Arizona every year. I don't care how bad the situation in Mexico is, that's too much. If nothing's done, Arizona will become just as bad as the Mexico across the border. We need to slow down the flow of immigrants coming in, but we also need to treat them like humans in the process, because they aren't vermin, they're people. Arizona's trying to make this a national issue with this bill, and it needs to be because if we don't control the flow of immigrants, Arizona is gonna be laden with slums and poverty, and the cartels are gonna get waaaaaay too big of a foothold here. Also, if we give all of the illegals a path to citizenship, then the political climate in the USA is going to be overbalanced to the South, and there'll be a huge turmoil for a while. It's really a tough issue, because we have to stop so many illegal immigrants from crossing the border while at the same time treating them like humans and giving the ones that do come over a place to stay.
3,035 posts

Which means all arrests are gonna be Hispanic people, which means it isn't racial profiling because it's just stone-cold fact.

That's not the problem people have with it. The problem is that innocent law-abiding citizens who happen to be Hispanic are arrested because the police officer believes he has 'reasonable suspicion'.
3,817 posts

That's not the problem people have with it. The problem is that innocent law-abiding citizens who happen to be Hispanic are arrested because the police officer believes he has 'reasonable suspicion'.

That is not the case. Reasonable suspicion for something else, like murder or theft. Or even speeding. They have to break the law or be under suspicion for breaking the law, and any American should find it easy to give the proper papers.
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