We brought this issue up in my government class. Many people, in my class at least, believe that creating life, is something that should be left in the hands of god. I personally think that there is nothing wrong with it, as long as the clones are fully functioning normal members of society. On the same token if we find some way transfer a brain from the body of one clone to another we could cure a cure for many terminal illnesses, as the persons consciousness is simply transferred.
Ahhhh.. I see. But wouldn't this just be getting rid of all the useless expensive things that exist nowadays? The useful things we use are mainly mass-produced anyway.
Dude we're human, we want something in return for what we do, a society where everything is free just wouldn't work.....
Actually theories of communism and socialism would be effective if they could be executed correctly. We do actually have a way to mass produce diamonds, and the economy if fine( Mainly do to the fact they are useless as gems, and instead they are only used as glass cutters)
We're attracted to aesthetics not just value. (I'm going to leave it at that, because I'm sure you'll find some way to disagree.) I'm not even going to comment on the communism and socialism, just ask your government teacher.
Not entirely sure one what I think on the subject.. It'd be great because you could design a person to be exactly the way you want but..Has anyone seen Gattaca? ..Yeah.
Cloning will happen, just like all technological advances. Even if you ban it in your own country, some third world country will do it since it will give them an edge. So the best thing to do is just to decide how best to use it. I think medical ways are the most moral. Cloning could be done if you just clone parts of yourself like your brain. Suppose you got brain tumor. Then they'd just plop that brain out and stick in the brain that they had being stored on the shelf.
If there is a god (IF.), and have a little bit of imagination here instead of going "THERE IS NO GOD MERRMEHMEHMERRMEHMEHMEH". But if there was, and souls existed, my main question would be if the clone actually had a soul. If it was a soul-less husk I wouldn't really feel good about myself. Sentient yet no soul? That's immoral.
Then, speaking for my self actual self here, so long as they're not used for organ farms (or even if they are) they should be allowed and perfectly okay. In fact, I could see humans making clones and then taking the organs to replace organs of another person.
Mother have chronic pancreatitus? Good thing that you bought a clone of her 6 years ago. A 6 year old, healthy, living, awesome pancreas? Hell yes! A broken heart for grandma? good thing 20 years ago you bought a clone. Say bye-bye heart problems!
To solve the immoral-ness of organ farming from that, how 'bout you lobotomize them?