We brought this issue up in my government class. Many people, in my class at least, believe that creating life, is something that should be left in the hands of god. I personally think that there is nothing wrong with it, as long as the clones are fully functioning normal members of society. On the same token if we find some way transfer a brain from the body of one clone to another we could cure a cure for many terminal illnesses, as the persons consciousness is simply transferred.
I think cloning organs is fine even invaluable but as for cloning a person would you do it of somone already alive and what the clone and the cloned think of being both alive at the same time? Who really is the clone? Personally I would love thousands of mes cloned forever but others might not think that.
We invent clones, some power hungry ruler makes a million, and we are all trying to keep up in an arms race that destroys civilization. So yeah, Im really tired of you embarrassing yourself here the past few days.
I personally don't see an moral problem with cloning. However, it would be expensive, and time consuming to, lets say, make an army of clones. Because clone or not, it will develop like a normal human. It has to grow up first. So making actual human clones would not be very practical. Cloning organs however, like someone already said, would be invaluable.
Yes organs would help! Still unless we bend time somehow human clones would be only long term investments something neat to think about. Perhaps on a long space voyage they might be practical where the original cant live ling enough but otherwise just something to think about.
We invent clones, some power hungry ruler makes a million, and we are all trying to keep up in an arms race that destroys civilization. So yeah, Im really tired of you embarrassing yourself here the past few days.
Im afraid you are the one being a dolt. Just because some country gets rich does not mean that we are going to be wiped out, and we are in no greater threat with cloning. We already have nuclear weapons, cloning would in no way spark a nuclear war or other kind of disaster.
Dolt? I think that makes you the dolt. Hah. Not only is my statement to the effect that religion did not influence my comment at all, but cloning would spark the economy, or destroy it; and so if you led a country you'd just pass on a million extra troops? ABM's would neutralize nuclear threat.
Dolt? I think that makes you the dolt. Hah. Not only is my statement to the effect that religion did not influence my comment at all, but cloning would spark the economy, or destroy it; and so if you led a country you'd just pass on a million extra troops? ABM's would neutralize nuclear threat.
*Facepalm* I just realized that I took the term "Make a million" as in money, when you meant it as in clone. The clones would still have to be fed, clothed, and armed. A nuclear weapon would be far more dangerous, and do you think the world would not notice a large army being made? If there was ever a real threat, it would be noticeable and easy to neutralize.
Well as Kyouzou said, they don't need to be taken seriously. Give them bread and a pistol, keep them naked, and send a million in a boat to the US from Korea. How do you stop that?
Well as Kyouzou said, they don't need to be taken seriously. Give them bread and a pistol, keep them naked, and send a million in a boat to the US from Korea. How do you stop that?
By blowing up the boat. By blowing up the clone factory. How easy do you think it is to produce a million clones? How easy do you think it is to do it without getting noticed by a world power?
Now lets look at this from a cost way.
Lets say it is a cheap five billion for the cloning machine. That is a likely price for the starting.
Then importing the chemicals needed without any country knowing, lets go with another cheap number a thousand dollars per clone.
Going with a pistol and limited ammo, without grenade or knife, lets say fifty dollars per clone.
Then lets say another two hundred for basic living expenses like bed and food, the cheapest possible.
Then the transport ships would be easily noticeable, but probably already part of the army, so I will not count them to the costs.
So even if the nation is able to get that much money and spend it without any other country noticing and without noticing that your making them as well, there is a very very VERY VERY slim chance. And even then it would not be a world end thing, but another world war. A million poorly armed and poorly trained troops will not beat the millions of the other countries.
Now we are getting into speculation: If Russia and China decided to take over the world then we would be doomed anyway, they have a high number.
They may be able to get money for the cloning machine, but were would the middle east get the chemicals? They would be able to make a hundred clones or few hundred before they ran out of the chemicals they already had, then it goes back to the thousand per clone. And that gets expensive fast.
Sigh if russia and china do try to take over world nukes will fly and only cocaroaches will win. Doubtful china and russia would help korea to them is more of an embarssing realative then serious ally.
i really dont see a problem with cloning, but overpopulation is a problem... i mean, if there are 2 bill people on the earth, then you clone all of them, where does that leave you? DEAD! but cloning cattle could feed the earth... soo