We brought this issue up in my government class. Many people, in my class at least, believe that creating life, is something that should be left in the hands of god. I personally think that there is nothing wrong with it, as long as the clones are fully functioning normal members of society. On the same token if we find some way transfer a brain from the body of one clone to another we could cure a cure for many terminal illnesses, as the persons consciousness is simply transferred.
If you have nothing to say that is relevant to the topic, please don't bother posting.
In the case of a war, were clones possible numbers would no longer be an issue. The united states greater technological advances and financial stability (what little there is anyways) would allow us to produce clones that are faster and better than those of other countries. Although I would be one of the many that would have an issue with using human life as cannon fodder.
They are the kind of religious idiots I despise. They hold back science just because "they don't want to play god"
The thing that I find about the religious arguements is that they fail to take into account that even according to religions whichever god you believe in, the story is that we were given our intellect and our free will. So how is using our so called god given gifts playing god? God doesn't create babies, sexual intercourse does. Does that mean that we are using our god given gifts to play god in that scenario too? It's just another arguement by the religious zealots to try and dictate the path of society based on their elitist viewpoints.
What exactly do you mean by the greater good, depending on your point of view, the greater good could be the best or worst thing in the world.
The Greater good is the People. If it doesn't affect People negatively, then I'm all for it. It's not an opinion. It's a statement. I really want to flame you right now, sorry.
Ah but that is the technical definition, some would use it only to refer to those they believe are people, hence minorities are discounted, see what I mean? And what may be best for the people may not always be what's good for them, humans are a fickle creature at best.
Say there is a country were the ratio of men to women is 4:1. Cloning would be the most logical way to keep them alive. Cloning an army of heavyweight boxers, Spetsnaz agents, and Chuck Norris in hopes of world domination, then that is bad.
In any case, don't let religion get in the way of scientific advancement.
Then you would have to eliminate religion. It is too deeply ingrained within peoples minds for it to have no effect on their decisions, unless you can get them to be completely apathetic towards it.
Of course clonnig is moral!How creating life could be inmoral? But I think that we shouldnt clone human being, becouse we already have enough humans (of couse emergycy is differnt i can be done is some causes).I think we just need to clone plants, animals and parts of humans to same lifes. But if we can clone human, we need to know a lot of DNA.And if we know enough of DNA, we can manipulate it.If we can amnipulate human DNA we can make humans much stronger faster etc. get our avabilites much higher.That is much better than just cloning.And if nececarry we could get cybor impalts to get humans even more sronger. I think that making this is much important that clone humans (I mean hole human being, not parts og humans).
Well if clones can be made that live as long and as healthily as normal people then it would be completely moral. However (and while i could be wrong) it is my understanding that with current technology clones dont live as long as normal people. But once the technique is refined, I dont see why not.