The Obama administration is not doing all they can. As it is, even the military has more intelligence than the Obama administration, and military intelligence is an oxymoron!
The article you cited was clearly biased and might as well have been written by a conspiracy theorist (maybe it was). If your argument that the Obama administration isn't doing everything it can is based simply on the alleged fact that other countries offered aid, the argument is weak to say the least.
If the Mafia offers you assistance in a crisis, do you take it? Of course not! And you're not faulted for not accepting their assistance because of the obvious ramifications of dealing with such people. Of course, I'm not comparing these countries who offered aid to the Mafia, I'm simply pointing out that an offer of aid does not immediately mean one should accept the offer. We have no idea what kinds of strings were attached to these offers.
Besides all this, BP had taken full and complete responsibility early on in the disaster. So why isn't BP contracting out ships from other countries? After all, it's going to be their company who should end up paying for all this.
We can't oppose offshore drilling just because there was an accident. Who knows? Maybe the Obama administration wants us to stop offshore drilling, which would explain their refusal to accept foreign aid.
We absolutely can't. And I don't think anyone with any sense does oppose offshore drilling. The reason for the 6-month moratorium is to help ensure an accident like this doesn't happen ever ever again. No less than 2 failsafes failed to work and safety commissions can figure out why and how to keep this from happening again.
And it's not like the moratorium was done is a vacuum. It's also costing jobs for those who work on the rigs plus the thousands of support and ancillary jobs to get the oil to refinery and to the pump. This was obviously a tough and somewhat unpopular decision, but it's one that, I think, needed to be made.
It's about time we impeach that moron. Barack Hussein Obama is unfit as a president and needs to be impeached.
Really? I mean... really? Nixon should have been impeached, but he resigned. Johnson and Clinton were both impeached but neither were convicted - and both had clearly violated either a constitutional or criminal law.
I swear, every time a president nowadays becomes unpopular, people start shouting to impeach the man. When, in fact, only about 1% of those people actually know what an impeachment is or what it does.
But Obama has not been shown to have committed any high crimes or misdemeanors that would even justify an impeachment proceeding.
Could Obama have done more? Yes. But so could have the myriad of oversight committees on safety that should have been watching for this kind of situation in the first place. He, like the rest of us, thought that BP would handle this mess quickly and effectively. Not only because they said they would, but because they also said they have ample equipment to do so. Obviously we see now that was a lie, but it wasn't Obama doing the lying.
As a Gulf Coast resident, the entire situation just didn't seem real. That is, until oil washed up on the beach where my fiancee and I are supposed to be getting married. It's hard to wrap your head around the magnitude and significance of something like this and it's hard to figure out even where to start.
Much much more could have been done. But it wasn't. That, however, in no way implies malicious intent.
I am almost sure that the USA made the twin towers attack easier, after that, USA could invade Iraq to make petroleum cheaper.
And yet the cost of sweet crude continues to climb. I wish people would stop talking out of their a$$es.
The entire friggin' world is petroleum crazy. That's just how things are. And until alternative energy methods are developed, that's how it will continue to be.