ForumsWEPRIsrael attacks Turkish aid ships...

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50 posts

I just want to know your opinions on the action done by the Israeli marines, and what do you think was the reason for such terrible action...

  • 63 Replies
4,871 posts

Israles should not be in Islamic property. They invaded it because they got kicked out of Europe. The israles should get out.

First of all a religion can't claim an area that makes no sense whatever. Second the Jewish population was decimated in WW2 and deserved, and needed, to have an area where they could rebuild they're culture. Third it was originally Jewish land as Islam is a later religion so technically the Middle East belongs to the Israelites.

I just want to know your opinions on the action done by the Israeli marines, and what do you think was the reason for such terrible action...

I would like to point at the while Israel hasn't released a reason as to why they landed, other than suspicion of weapons, the "humanitarians" were the first to attack and it does appear that the soldiers fired in self defense. In no way can you condone the deaths and it must be called into question Israel's right to blockade the Gaza Strip but into further study is done the answer to this problem is inconclusive.
4,220 posts

I don't know much about it, but the only reason that this would be any problem for the Israelis is if they purposely and willfully attacked for no reason, at all.

Which they don't have a history of doing.

However, the do have a history of killing people who they believe may be a threat and don't identify themselves otherwise.

I'll wait and see for this one.

1,751 posts

I'm from israel.
The israelis wanted the ships to enter the Ashdod port so they can check there are no dangerous things in the ship, and would pass on all the real aid.
The israelis and the turkish knew this would happen for some time, and it has been the headlines for a few days. The turkish put cameras on the ship so this tipe of parapagonda would happen. As for who started firing first I did not find out.
It should be noted that it was in the israely law to do this.

purposely and willfully attacked for no reason, at all.

A purpose is the same as a reason in this contex, so it's quite impossible.

However, the do have a history of killing people who they believe may be a threat and don't identify themselves otherwise.

Why not, if every threat results in the death of a few israelis?

You are wrong! THe middle east is for the arabs. The Arab are so smart they created numbers lol!!

I hope you are joking.

First of all a religion can't claim an area that makes no sense whatever. Second the Jewish population was decimated in WW2 and deserved, and needed, to have an area where they could rebuild they're culture. Third it was originally Jewish land as Islam is a later religion so technically the Middle East belongs to the Israelites.

1. It was the zionist movement that caused the formation of the state of israel. For the muslims it is forbidden to attack jews and must honor them, but they still attack israel.
2. They nedded to rebuild there culture because of the diaspora caused by the romans after the Bar Cohva revolt, and their regections by other countries, which caused the formation of zionism. The holucost caused all the jews in europe to seee that they are regected. some went to america, and some to israel, and some to other places.
3. You make it sound like they wanted to conquer it. The reason the zionists wanted israel was because it was their homeland, but did not fell any extreme hatred of the arabs or thoughts of conquest during the desicion.

Israles should not be in Islamic property. They invaded it because they got kicked out of Europe. The israles should get out.

1. Arabic, not Islamic.
2. Some arabic nations do belive israel has a right to exist. ex- Egypt, Jordan.
3. Why do you used the term "invaded"? First it was a political movement, then the UN agrred to the division of Palestine between an israeli and arab state.
4. check your spelling.
4,871 posts

1. It was the zionist movement that caused the formation of the state of israel. For the muslims it is forbidden to attack jews and must honor them, but they still attack israel.
2. They nedded to rebuild there culture because of the diaspora caused by the romans after the Bar Cohva revolt, and their regections by other countries, which caused the formation of zionism. The holucost caused all the jews in europe to seee that they are regected. some went to america, and some to israel, and some to other places.

Got the basics right I suppose.

3. You make it sound like they wanted to conquer it. The reason the zionists wanted israel was because it was their homeland, but did not fell any extreme hatred of the arabs or thoughts of conquest during the desicion.

I was talking biblical Israel real not modern Israel sorry if it offended you.
1,751 posts

I was only stating fact it didn't offend. You got the basics right I suppose.

50 posts

Thank you for all the opinions... i won't reply to any actually, i am just collecting the opinions...

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

The Israeli marines attacked ships that were in international waters. Attacking ships in international waters is against the law.
They had every right to control what these ships were carrying, but not there.

1,751 posts

The Israeli marines attacked ships that were in international waters. Attacking ships in international waters is against the law.
They had every right to control what these ships were carrying, but not there.

I agree that they could have "attacked" the ships in israeli territory, but the results would not have changed.
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

They were going to Israel. There was really no reason to break international laws.
The prosecution charges that Israel engaged in acts of piracy.

4,871 posts
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

I think you made some sort of mistake, cause the link is no article. It's the New York Times Art & Design section.

4,871 posts
50 posts

Well... goumas13, there is nothing new with Israel breaking international laws, i mean there are 3 different (i don't know what they call them) contracts which have a preceding number which state that Israel should move out of Palestine, yet the Israelis are still there

16 posts

I'm Turk in my opinion Ä°srael is invader at Middle east Ä°srael should get out middle east

4,871 posts

I'm Turk in my opinion ðsrael is invader at Middle east ðsrael should get out middle east


Well... goumas13, there is nothing new with Israel breaking international laws,

International law means a law that America, Canada, and Western Europe generally follow.

The UN is a joke and wont be able to do anything about this problem except be disappointed in Israel.
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