
240 39517
3,817 posts

The so called "Evil" antagonist of the Bible. The question comes to this: Why is he the evil one? He killed a mere ten people in the Bible, possibly more to around fifty at most, while God, the supposed good one, killed billions. The only "negative" thing he did was rebel against god, but it was a just rebel. Who would want to live under that tyrant?

So the question comes down to: Why do Christians think Satan is evil?

  • 240 Replies
3,085 posts

Humans are animals! did you completely fail life or just Biology? We are Homo sapiens of the genus Homo from the tribe Hominini of the sub-family homininae which in turn is part of the hominidae family of the Order primates which is part of the class of mammalia (mammals) in the phylum chordata of the kingdom Animalia!

Did you never learn these things? Where you too busy shielding your brain from the outside world by living in your bible?

2,420 posts

Avorne, if they believe that humans are animals, they probably believe in Creationism.

9,462 posts

I find it funny how you guys can debate an issue about a person who probably didn't exist.

I can debate over Kirk or Picard, the big difference here is there are many people who really think God and the Devil exist.

We don't know if Satan existed so stop trying to act as if you know he is real, and stop debating about beliefs because we know it won't resolve anything, nor will it make one belief better or worse than the other.

If you don't want to debate the matter then stay out of the thread. Debating here can be very useful for evaluating ones own position, rather then trying to sway anyone.
2,420 posts

If you don't want to debate the matter then stay out of the thread. Debating here can be very useful for evaluating ones own position, rather then trying to sway anyone.

I suppose you are right, just as if two people are fighting, you wouldn't want to get into that and promote any sort of peaceful resolution.
909 posts

Wow, what was that all about? I'll ask the writer of the OP,
314d1, if he cares to return to the original topic or will this tread just hopelessly become another "Atheist vs Christian" cagematch digression?

Before I take a long break from the WERP I try to answer a few questions that were posed to me, from page 7:

Would it not be strange to name something he would know he would consider an enemy light bringer?

All of God's ways seem strange to humans.
From what the Bible says about Satan starting from Satan's fall from God's grace, and then his trickery in Genesis with Eve. Then, making her decision to openly disobey God and to counter tempt her husband, Adam, the same way she was tempted. God already knew what the final outcome would be at Meggido, on the hill or, Armageddon with Jesus Christ, who holds the keys of heaven and hell, will triumph over Satan.
Yes, God knew all of this. He knew the number of hairs on each of our heads when we were still in our mothers wombs, even the tiny ones we call &quoteach fuzz".
God had to "mold" us and "shape" us, just like the potter does with wet, sticky clay.
Does this mean we are being controlled?
We can argue this, forever and never have a satisfactory answer.

Does this mean God is flawed?
My personal experience screams no because I wasn't following a preacher named Jim Jones and I wasn't nor did I, drink any kool-aid.
I was totally alone. My change was permanent as I haven't flip-flopped my beliefs. I have remained steadfast, not because I fear death, not because I fear Satan but because I remember what it felt like to be "separated" from God.

You see, I once doubted the existence of God and most all of the Old Testament seemed like a foreign language to me. God made his presence very real to me, in a personal and private way.
9,462 posts

I suppose you are right, just as if two people are fighting, you wouldn't want to get into that and promote any sort of peaceful resolution.

Even if the debate gets heated we can still keep a level of civility.

and then his trickery in Genesis with Eve.

As said before, it never states the snake was the devil.

All of God's ways seem strange to humans.

I don't consider it strange I considering cruel and sadistic.

Yes, God knew all of this. He knew the number of hairs on each of our heads when we were still in our mothers wombs, even the tiny ones we call &quoteach fuzz".

Battered wife characteristic,
"4. The woman has an irrational belief that the abuser is omnipresent and omniscient."

I remember what it felt like to be "separated" from God.

Battered wife: "I can't live without him".
3,085 posts

Did god molest you? A lot of priests have done that y'know.

909 posts

Battered wife: "I can't live without him".

Now, that I've stopped laughing, I'm painfully aware of the wannabe
Christians that think if they just stay married, stay quiet and do good then, "the meek will inherit the earth."

I don't represent that group and just ask my husband, I'm not timid.

Did god molest you? A lot of priests have done that y'know.

No, but this sounds like an interesting thread topic.

At the time of Genesis and Adam Eve, Cain, and Abel, the different tribes like...the ones that always end with "ites" hadn't started moving across the land. That was also after the first sin. Therefore, it's not weird for those people to have had grown and/or scavenged around for animals and stuff.

Let's not mix our timetable up because the ones Cain was afraid of were probably his own uncles and cousins and so, God put a mark on him to protect him from being murdered.

Oh,I wouldn't go there as the Hitt('yo mama)ites,Jebus(d'camel)ites were trading, stealing and warring often enough for God to call Moses, from the burning bush...
9,462 posts

Now, that I've stopped laughing, I'm painfully aware of the wannabe
Christians that think if they just stay married, stay quiet and do good then, "the meek will inherit the earth."

By the sound of it, it's not just the wannabes doing it.

Maybe I should make a thread on the comparisons, or do you guys think it would work as an extension to this thread?
279 posts

Satan has the best music

263 posts

Yea finally the atheist have taking over, hand five for mocking others' faith... not really.

"The devil is evil because the bible told me so, and that is the only reason"

What lame catholic believes that. It's because of what he did, (told in the bible)
Anyway atheist would be A LOT more appealing if they talking like the few educated ones do, they can argue a good point, not make molester jokes, and as far as that logic goes your more likely to get raped by a homosexual non-priest than a priest so what does that say for fags who make fun of the church?
9,462 posts

What specifics?

I could compare the characteristics, and other various comparisons for discussion. Sorry it's late here.
1,026 posts

This is weird.
Something made me post over here...
Maybe the convinction that a being with such power would not mess with someone as insignificant as humans.

How often do you mess with ants?

3,817 posts

This is weird.
Something made me post over here...
Maybe the convinction that a being with such power would not mess with someone as insignificant as humans.

How often do you mess with ants?

Are you implying that Satan made you post on this thread?

Well the Christian god seemed to mess with humans a lot in the bible, not so much now when it can be recorded though...
1,903 posts

Are you implying that Satan made you post on this thread?

I would advise you to look at his post count before he makes another one and screws it up.
Showing 76-90 of 240