ForumsArt, Music, and WritingEndril and End Cold

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Everyone makes these, so I decided to try my luck. Please comment on what you think.

I use the people I'm friends with in the story, as well as random people I find compliment the story. All characters are from AG and are represented by their armatar. I don't have a title yet. The first post will be the first chapter.

  • 389 Replies
2,520 posts

I drew a map of Endril today!

2,520 posts

âWhat?!?â Yelled Nurv incredulously, a stricken look on his face. âWeâve spent the better part of a month traveling, and all of us have risked death! And you tell me that weâre going the WRONG WAY?!?â
âIâm afraid thatâs exactly my point, old boy.â Said Waluigi huffily. Nurv exploded, and began to run about the desolate basement, kicking and clawing at anything he could. âBe careful with Aristotle!â Waluigi cried as Nurv sunk his buck teeth into a particularly large book. Rukia, Cowmaster, and Jeolâs combined efforts finally settled Nurv down, while Tibbers looked on with glee. Panting, Nurv looked up.
âWhat are we going to do? He said mournfully. âHow far away are we from Armor City?
âThat, dear man, is a secret. You must, as Iâm sure your source told you, pass a test of mine.â
âAnd what would that test be?
âCross the lake. I might as well tell you, you must cross the lake height-wise to reach your goal. From there, you can make out large grassland from there. If you can cross it, you should be able to spot a river. Ford it, and you will reach the city. But itâs a dangerous journey, and the fields of Asphodel are broad and wild. That is all I can tell you, for my map of Endril has been destroyed.
âCross the lake? Thatâs all?â
âThat is all.â Waluigi said, adjusting his glasses. âThere is a raft out back, it should take you less than half an hour to cross. But as always, my new friends, you must beware. Farewell, and luck be with you. As Galileo saidâ¦â But his words were lost as his head turned back to his writings. Nurv led the group up a steep incline back to floor level, and out the abandoned turret. The sun had just begun its downwards fall when they reached the shore of the Western Lake, glittering and full. As Waluigi had said, a ramshackle wooden raft awaited them, large enough to accommodate them comfortably. They all piled on, but Cowmaster chose to stay in flight, to enjoy the warm lake currents. The three rabbits and treos shoved off from the shore, and began to float peacefully down the lake on some unknown rapid. The four sat in relative silence, until Rukia piped upâ
âA whole new world. Who knew what weâve missed while we went about our business in the warren?â She trailed off as she contemplated the sheer size of Endril, and Nurv interjected.
âGantic must have known something about this. If only he were still around, we could find out. But hey, we might find some interesting tidbits while weâre abroad!â Jeol nodded in agreement.
After about fifteen minutes of drifting, Cowmaster alighted on the raft in a flurry of feathers. The others paid him little heed, for they were drowsy and the floating raft was quickly putting them to sleep. Cowmaster, however, shook Nurv anxiously and stood by as he regained his bearings.
âWhat is it, Cowmaster?â Nurv asked, looking about. He saw no disturbances.
âSomething is coming towards the raft in the water.â Cowmaster said loudly, startling Rukia and Jeol. âI can see its shadow, and itâs gaining fast. We need to get the raft to shore somehow. Nurv looked about, but he couldnât see the shore in any direction. With his ruff on end, he went to the edge of the raft, apprehensive, and again saw nothing. Just then , there was a gigantic rumbling, and the water began to ripple as something rose to the surface. As it breached in a spray of foam, only yards away from the raft, the only things visible were long, red, primordial spikes webbed together. The water foamed on either side, and before any of them could jump overboard, three dragonesque heads had risen out and were staring right at the five. Green eyes and snarling mouths defined the heads, with teeth as long as Cowmasterâs wingspan.
âItâs an Alt!â Rukia screamed over the commotion. âGantic taught us about these in his biology class!â But before she could finish, Cowmaster took to the sky with a shriek, and the Altâs middle head swung down and crashed into the raft.

Written in comp lit class lol

4,689 posts

lol Alt attack. Thats a good one.

2,520 posts

Kawaii wriggled as he extracted a sticky burr from his tail. Darkroot had helped him for the most part, but after the fifth extraction, Kawaii had been in so much pain that he had snapped at Darkroot and the treefrog had fled. Kawaii regretted that now, but he decided heâd find the frog after he was done.
They had decided to skirt the main bulk of the forest, due to the eerie tendrils of mist that curled around them, and in a matter of a few days they had arrived at a desert, so large that neither could see the edge. Kawaii was an expert tracker, and successfully identified the tracks of Nurv, Jeol, and Rukia, He also noted a treos, and assumed that Cowmaster had flown. He did not recognize the large footprints accompanied by a four clawed foot, but he paid no heed to it many creatures probably roamed these parts. Kawaii was fascinated by the world around him, and although he started his journey against his will, he was beginning to appreciate the solidarity, accompanied by Darkroot, who he had begrudgingly began to like. Now that he was free of the hitchhikers that had attached to him from the desert shrub heâd run into, he was feeling fresh and ready to travel. Citing the tracks and where they led, he called out to Darkroot, hoping the irrepressible frog hadnât gone too far.
âDarkroot? Come on bud, letâs get ready to go.â Darkroot, had, in fact, been just on the other side of a small dune, and without further ado, they started the long trek across the desert. Kawaii was slightly worried about food and water, but he was feeling good and he decided that if he didnât make it, then the others hadnât made it, and his journey had been a success anyways.
A few hours later, Kawaiiâs attitude had very much changed. He cleared his parched throat, wincing with pain as the sore muscles contracted. Darkroot, as well, had been suffering, and as they breached a particularly large dune, they both groaned; there was no end in sight. Kawaii felt like giving up, but he was distracted by a quiet âahemâ at his side. He looked down, and was surprised to see a bruised, ragtag ant waiting expectantly for a reply.
âWho are you?â Kawaii rasped at the ant. The ant waved its feelers around for a few moments, as if pondering the question, then replied;
âMy name is Nilo. No doubt you search for Nurv and his cohorts?â
âWhy⦠yes. Yes I do. How did you know?â
âLong story. Longâ¦freakingâ¦story.â Mumbled the ant. Kawaii raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. âI can lead you to where I last saw them, if youâre finding it hard of late to read the tracks.â Kawaii admittedly was; sandstorms had all but buried traces of the group. Darkroot was going along with whatever the sarcastic rabbit was choosing, so Kawaii relented, and Nilo turned to lead them into the barren wasteland.
Back at the warren, things were deathly still. None of the rabbits dared to go outside, for fear of Sloth, and with four rabbits gone, there were little paws for gathering, and starvation was setting in. Lycanac, the faithful guard, was the only one who stayed outside, furtively watching the horizons for any sign of returning parties; but there was none. Secretmapper began to spend hours in the generalâs quarters, looking over maps and conversing quietly with Zaichic, who had smoothly transitioned to Secretmapperâs advisor. Windshift was not seen often, and it was speculated by the few ragged rabbits left that Secretmapper had given him some enigmatic task to complete for the good of the warren. It was on such day, as Secretmapper pored over some scrawled notes, that a rabbit hopped in and greeted him.
âHello, Secretmapper, can I have a quick word with you please?â
âAh yes, Einfach, please take a seat.â Einfach was a large rabbit, perhaps the largest the warren had ever seen besides Nurv and Gantic, and he was shrewd and surly. Secretmapper did not know him well, but he had respect for him. âNow, what is it you want to discuss?â
âThe monster outside our doors, thatâs what!â Secretmapper blinked irritably at the outburst, and leaned forward towards the larger rabbit.
âEinfach, do you not think weâre doing all we can to fix this? Supposedly, there is some invincible wraith outside the warren, who was already done away with FIVE of our members, not to mention our only source of protection, Cowmaster. I have been studying with Zaichic and Windshift for many weeks, and we may soon reach a conclusion. Is that enough for you?â
âNo.â Einfach said coldly. âI want into your little scheme.â

2,520 posts

Okay. So guys. How exactly do I kick the symbols? I know I've asked it a million times, but I'd appreciate an in-depth explanation.

3,386 posts


Select all of the words from Word, and copy them.
Then open Notepad, and paste them.
Then get on here, and Copy them from notepad, into the little submit box.
Then move your mouse to the submit button.
And click.

2,520 posts

My laptop doesn't have a Notepad application.

âThis is a test from pages.â /// ââââ ââââ ââââ âââââ

676 posts

Even when I did the notepad thing it didn't work, I gave up awhile Ago

2,520 posts

This news saddens me... Moon will be plagued with headaches forevermore... squak.

676 posts

It builds character! And I've got used to it, considering my whole thing had those

3,386 posts

This news saddens me... Moon will be plagued with headaches forevermore... squak.

Well...... Let's see something.

TEST! " " " " "

I used WordPad for that.
What program do you have besides word?
2,520 posts

Pages (which obviously doesn't work) and stickies. maybe I could send the story to you and you could convert it?

3,386 posts

Uh, sureeeeee. Talk to me on my profile, I'll give you my email, and we shall discuss what to do from there >

1,448 posts

Here's how you get rid of the weird marks - you use Word, but you turn Autocorrect off.

2,520 posts

But einfach I have a mac!

Showing 226-240 of 389