Guns don't kill people. People kill people.
Why would you outlaw guns? If you're crazy enough to murder someone, you will not give your guns away. If you're a good citizen, you will. Therefore, you will merely end up with a bunch of murderers who have guns and a bunch of good citizens without guns. Wouldn't it be better if the citizens had guns instead, or at the very least, as well?
I read somewhere on the internet that these local citizens were afraid to eat at this star bucks because they served people who carried guns on them (legally). Why would you be afraid of such place? You couldn't find a safer place!
[quote]Alot of people have guns that aren't legally owned though
If they took away our right to bear arms you do realize these people would still have guns right?[/quote]
Exactly. I agree with everything Orion said in his post.
Think like a criminal for once. Think like a thief. If you had a gun and you were going to rob someone, would you rob someone who you thought might possibly be armed, or would you rob someone who you knew would most likely not have a gun. Think like a rapist. Are you going to tape the armed woman, or are you going to rape the unarmed woman? If it's illegal to carry around fire arms, you can safely bet they won't be armed. If you were in an area that was known for having armed civilians, would you attempt to rape a woman there?
Most criminals want to avoid using their guns if they have too, so they will avoid those who are unarmed.
Don't tell me you wouldn't be able to rob someone or rape someone because gun laws would prevent you from owning a gun. If you were willing to rob someone or rape an innocent lady, you will probably have no problem obtaining a gun for yourself.
Turns out that America has a higher muder rate than Canada (and it's per 100,000 so you can't argue population differences). Here's the fun part, Canada has laws restrciting fire arms.
Then explain the following:
Yeah, and look at what the gun ban in Chicago is doing! Law abiding citizens are unable to defend themselves against criminals, the murder rate in that city has increased to almost 15% since Daley started that!
Neither argument can be proven, but I feel that because there's coincidences on both sides that we can't simply pull numbers up and use them as valid reasons alone.
Having the right to arms isn't necessary, pocket knifes are just as effective in close combat, especially if they have a gun to your head.
A pocket knife is always a GREAT tool to carry around. It can even be used as a weapon in case you need to defend yourself! However, if you pull a knife out on someone who has a gun pointed at you, you're a moron. Only an expert with extensive training would benefit from doing so.
If someone has a gun and all you have is a pocket knife, you will be best off to comply with the offender. Pulling a knife will threaten them and they will much more likely shoot you. If you have a gun, don't threaten them with it while they are holding their gun. If their gun is holstered, then you can tell them to put their hands in the air, otherwise you should simply shoot them.
Penn and Teller's BS on gun lawsYou obviously don't have to agree with Penn and Teller, but they present some very good arguments as to why guns should be legalized. Pay close attention to the lady who's parents were shot at a restaurant. If one civilian had a gun, at least one innocent life could have been spared.