ForumsWEPRDo you believe that homosexuals should be able to get married?

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48 posts

It is my opinion that they should be able to do anything that straight people can do. The fact that we are restricting them from getting married reminds me to much of the restrictions we placed upon women and blacks which most people would agree were terrible. I would also like to point out that I am not gay, I just believe in the freedom of the people.
Feel free to post the opposing side of this as always.

  • 276 Replies
1,747 posts

Despite that, many homosexual couples who adopt simply have one member of the couple adopt as a 'single parent' in order to avoid the questioning that would occur if they both attempted to do so.

Really? never have thought of that...
4,005 posts

Unfortunately, despite the Supreme Court ruling, it's still the only way for many homosexual couples to be able to adopt. Which is too bad. There are hundreds of thousands of children waiting to be adopted and they would be denied a chance at a loving family simply because of the sexual orientation of the prospective parent.

130 posts

[quote]Not being a religious man, but still respecting the beliefs, am i not wrong in saying, it would be somewhat of a sin to get married in a christian church as a gay couple?

Not all Christians view homosexuality as a sin. As far as I know it isn't written crystal clearly in it that homosexuality is a sin, but many interpret it as though it is.[/quote]

The Bible does regard homosexuality as a sin, but it puts it in the same level as working on Sabbath, adultery, not believing in their god or abortion, stating that the punishment for these "felonies" should be death. These are things we everybody do (specially working on Sunday, remember that at the age the Old Testament was written "working" implied doing almost anything), so I don't think we should take this as a rule for the present day. Furthermore, the Old Testament is so cruel with everybody, and even contradictory in some things, that is not even considered a part of the Bible by a big group of christians.

When this becomes out of hand is when they are allowed to adopt a child, nothing wrong with them having a child, it's what the childs future will become, more so at school the child would be ridiculed for having 2 dads. Certainly as he grows up, and can be very confusing for children from young ages.

And this happens to have been empirically proven wrong. Children raised by gay people don't develop a trauma because of it, nor they grow up gay. The problem appears with couples of any race, religion or sexual orientation, who do not love/take care of the child.
993 posts

Sure I think they should get married.If they love eachother etc.I think is bit rasistic when they cant.

9,434 posts

The Bible does regard homosexuality as a sin, but it puts it in the same level as working on Sabbath, adultery, not believing in their god or abortion, stating that the punishment for these "felonies" should be death.
There's something about shellfish in there too, isn't there...?
Also the whole "THOU ARE UNCLEAN" at anyone who's menstruating and anything they touch... Yeahhh. >.>

Sure I think they should get married.If they love eachother etc.I think is bit rasistic when they cant.
Racism does not apply to discrimination of anything other than race.
3,085 posts

I believe that Homosexuals are just as entitled to marriage as anyone else - two loving and consenting adults should be allowed to do what they like (within reason) without fear of reprecutions or objections from people who base their opinion on religion alone (forgetting about many religions teaching that love is important) or because they find it 'squicky'

355 posts

I have the very same opinions of a lot of people.

[quote]I believe that Homosexuals are just as entitled to marriage as anyone else -

103 posts

One of my favorite comedians is also a Christian singer. He made a good point: "I don't have time to hate your sin. Hate your own sin... and let's just try to love each other."

I grew up Catholic. In the realm of some denominations, Christians tend to think the sin of another is their sin and their burden. When it comes to protesting, I think the radicals are the worst and they give the rest of us a bad name ('oh, you're Christian? So, you don't drink/smoke/think gays are human beings/etc'. Firstly, I do not like being placed in a box. And secondly, I don't think God is as uptight as the rest of us.

Sure, homosexuality as a sin? I can understand that. So is sex before marriage. So is swearing. So is lust. So is eating meat on Fridays during Lent. Are we really going to go into that? Christians are horribly judgmental--and that is why, even as one myself, I absolutely cannot stand going to church.

I have gay family members, a lot of which are Christian (to include family friends I've known for years). Marriage? Sure, why not. My acceptance of them living their lives the way they want is not a sin. God will not shun me or punish me because I think they should have rights. I have my own faults and setbacks to worry about. It's not going to be politics or contemplating a thought that would send me to Hell.

Homosexuality was wrong according to the Old Testament because God insisted man replenish the earth. It's no more or less dirty than anything a heterosexual couple can do to one another (not after the Kama Sutra was published, anyway).

In general, it's not really my issue. The protesting is old news and should stop--the gays know who hate them, so leave them alone. Are they really that much of a threat? No, they aren't. The only moral barometers of this world are Mother Theresa, Buddha, Jesus, Ghandi, and other strong, good human beings. Otherwise, I think God maintains a facepalm as he watches what free will has allowed people to do in His name without Him actually approving of it at all.

844 posts

Just because there gay,I't doesn't mean they can't get married they should have equal rights as everyone else.For example blacks didn't have the same rights ad whites along time ago.There should no discrimination fool!

1,026 posts

their children were considered illegitimate.

I can't see otherwise.
How is possible for gay couples to even HAVE children?
And adoption is just wrong; for a correct sexual development a young boy or girl needs different gender parents (if not etero).
103 posts

[quote="WexMajor82"]And adoption is just wrong; for a correct sexual development a young boy or girl needs different gender parents (if not etero).[/quote]
Oh, really? What about mothers that die in childbirth and the child is raised by the father? What about my best friend's dad who died a year and a half ago and her 10 year old brother does not have a father?

Do you really think, Wex, that children HAVE to have that? My dad was not around, so my mother raised me with the help of my aunt and grandparents. I had mostly females around me growing up. I turned out fine--went to school, got a BS from university, get on with both my parents and step-family, interact with my half-brother frequently.

You're thinking is flawed. I disagree that people need both genders. That cannot be controlled, even in heterosexual relationships.

3,085 posts

Wex - are you retarded? 2 dudes or 2 chicks can parent every bit as well as a heterosexual couple. Take penguins for example, if a female dies then a male-male pair tends to form and one looks after the baby chick and teaches it stuff while the other provides food. I see no reason why a homosexual couple of humans couldn't do this. And as for sexual development - Homosexuality isn't a learned behaviour on the most part - you don't get taught to be homosexual so I don't think the issue really comes into this.

1,026 posts

Thanks for the retarded (I think it's against the forum rules, but who cares?).
So you are confronting humans and penguins right? And what about instinct? Or reasoning? Looks like penguin misses the later and humans have somewhat dulled instinct. Also do you have evre heard of the Aedipic complex? A boy looks for a woman similar to his ideal of woman, given to him by the woman who raised him. Look, no man here.
But if the most feminine figure is a man, what do you think it would happen?

103 posts

[quote="WexMajor82"]So you are confronting humans and penguins right?[/quote]
I think Avorne might have been comparing them, yes. And it's a valid point. Nature has it's ways of coping with the loss of a parent. Elephants mourn their dead, even. If a parent does, the animals that care for their young for a while find a way to ensure the offspring is taught what it needs to know, regardless of gender. The only difference is that humans have free will and the ability to make other choices.

The Oedipus complex is 'kill thy father, marry thy mother'; the Electra complex is 'kill thy mother, marry thy father'. Sure, it applies, but that kind of psychology is not rendered invalid if the parents are of the same gender. Gay couples understand the importance of male/female roles. When the child is old enough, I imagine, like any parent, they will have the talk and go about their way.

Homosexuality is not a choice and it's not necessarily influenced by the parents. Maybe it can be, or by the environment, or by a severely bad previous relationship, or because of curiosity. Sexuality alone has a lot of different names and forms. Maybe it can be controlled, maybe not. Plenty of people made themselves eunuchs, for example, or abstain out of choice.

Regardless... "gayness" isn't contagious or a disease you catch because of contact with someone who is. I would think that if a couple is responsible and encouraging, as long as the child turns out to be a productive and good member of society, who cares what they're attracted to.

1,026 posts

It's not in fact contagious, as we commonly percieve that word.
But people conform to the behaviour of those around them.
To be accepted, and understood better.
This will likely bring to a different sexual behaviour, if seen as normal. Expecialy by a 3 years older.

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