It is my opinion that they should be able to do anything that straight people can do. The fact that we are restricting them from getting married reminds me to much of the restrictions we placed upon women and blacks which most people would agree were terrible. I would also like to point out that I am not gay, I just believe in the freedom of the people. Feel free to post the opposing side of this as always.
Only a government as pure as the United States government can choose, because Jesus corresponded directly with George Washington and the other founding fathers. And we are so far doing this marriage business correctly, don't fuck it up you left leaning sinners.
Actually, if you really want a twist on 'being saved', by Christian dogma Adolf Hitler is going to heaven. He was a devout Catholic and had accepted Jesus Christ as his personal lord and savior, which is all that's required for entry to heaven. Really makes you proud to be a Christian huh? A God that grants Hitler eternal paradise is definitely a God worthy of my praise and worship...
You can destroy worlds and still go to heaven, as long as you beg forgiveness. Committing suicide however, is unforgivable (if you think about it) and so...nah, he's not.
So wait a minute. From what I can tell from your post, you're saying you would allow them to marry, yet not be able to adopt children? The point of allowing gay marriage would mean granting homosexuals full equality with the rest of us, so by you saying "they will turn their son gay" you are being hypocritical. By granting homosexuals the right to marry, the state and/or federal government is declaring them equal with the majorities.
He committed Mortal sin with the murder and torture of millions of innocent people. He is rotting in H E double hockey stick
i thought al sins are supposed to be equal in gods eyes or something like that. so telling a lie to my friend to keep them from being hurt, and raping and murdering 5 trillion people would be the same right? i am not attacking anything just stating what i heard.
Umm... please explain how this comment has any basis in anything other than your bigoted and skewed misconceptions regarding homosexuality.
i thought al sins are supposed to be equal in gods eyes or something like that. so telling a lie to my friend to keep them from being hurt, and raping and murdering 5 trillion people would be the same right? i am not attacking anything just stating what i heard.
This has been widely misunderstood. There are many passages in the bible that refer to this, not in that any sin carries lesser weight, but because apparently god hates all sin equally.
In response to many of you regarding my last post, traditional and fundamental christian dogma states that the only way to be denied heaven is to deny jesus. The catholic, along with other denominations, have categorized and arbitrarily added to and taken from the list of what will and will not get you into heaven, but even theists have to recognize that this has happened multiple times over the years. If you follow traditional early dogmatic principles you are closer to the original teachings of christianity with as little modification by mortal men with their own agendas as possible.