It is my opinion that they should be able to do anything that straight people can do. The fact that we are restricting them from getting married reminds me to much of the restrictions we placed upon women and blacks which most people would agree were terrible. I would also like to point out that I am not gay, I just believe in the freedom of the people. Feel free to post the opposing side of this as always.
I love our freedom of speech but I wish people would stop and really think about what they're saying before opening their mouths.
I'm all for freedom of speech but I do have to agree one of the drawbacks is that it gives those who probably shouldn't open there mouth to do so. But this is a small sacrifice to make since it also gives those who should open there mouth the ability to do so.
Well, Marriage is between a Man and a Woman so they need to create a new word. Like ***gimony
May I ask why? Or is it self evident, because if you say god I swear I'll go insane. And trust me you do not want insane, I'm already as mad as a hatter.
So, you mean adoption is wrong? I don't this so. Homosexuals are also humans like us. They know how to take care of children.
And, if they want to marry, why stop them? They also have rights to enjoy life and it is not HARMFUL or DANGEROUS to anyone in any way. They do not violate rights of anyone else.
Well if you take the bible literally then yes. She is pointing out exact verses in the bible that refer to marriage. However Mrs. Betty Bowers is a character created to point out the flaws in creationism, fundamentalist christians, and the far right political spectrum. But seriously, look up the bible verses she points out and that show on the screen. Pretty interesting stuff.
To the OP (the current argument is a little askew) I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed to; they aren't hurting anyone by getting married. However, we do run the miniscule but existing risk of creating a dangerously even balance between "straights" and "gays". It depends quite on the "norm" (as I often preach to the choir) as to whether it is "normal" or not, as the "norm" these days is based on the assumption that marriage is a union between a man and a woman. If this "norm" were to shift in favor that marriage makes just as much sense to be between two of the same sex, then we would see many aspects of our culture change. Homosexuals would want dictionaries changed, "gay" as in slang would have to looked at, and much would have to shifted into a "olitically correct" zone.
Also, Homosexuals have no claim to the word 'Gay', it's first meaning was 'happy' or 'jovial'. Perhaps the people who use it to mean happy should have the 'slang' meaning removed? Once a word has entered common usage it is quite hard to force it out, you'd just have to wait til people stopped using it anyway.
Homosexuals have no claim to the word 'Gay', it's first meaning was 'happy' or 'jovial'.
Pay no mind to my use of it. I used it while I still had the whole politically correct thing on mind.
As for equality, never think I'd be "against" equality, however if there was basic equality between man-woman marriages and homosexual marriages, what would that do to number of children being born? Especially with abortion numbers rising.
I can't see how allowing Homosexual Marriage would change the number of children being born because you aren't going to get a 'mass conversion' to Homosexuality just because it's equal. You'll still have just as many Heterosexual couples...
Don't worry about it, you're a smart person - you realized your mistakes and can now work towards a better understanding. Don't feel bad over it, you got rid of some misconceptions and that is always a good thing.
I think if we allow homosexual marriage that it will lead to the destruction of the sanctimony of marriage! We can't allow it or God will punish us for giving those filthy sodomites equality.
God doesn't want us to love our fellow man, he wants us to force our arbitrary and skewed religious morals on everyone else because he wants us all to be the same.
If we allow those homosexuals to get married then people will start choosing to be gay at an even greater rate than they do now!! It will be then of our country!!!
Ooops, sorry. I was having a Catholic flashback...