ForumsThe TavernShould Homework be banned?

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I think Homework should be banned because we are home to enjoy time away from school and us students don't want to drag our school work home.

My parents don't like the idea of homework because they think that when students get home they should be able to relax not do more school work.

Do the users of AG agree that Homework should be banned??

I sure do agree!

  • 275 Replies
151 posts

truthfully, i don't do homework because i don't see the point of doing it anyway, and why do something with out a reason or point?

This is a good example for the attitude of the people I have to fire. "Why should I? It's not my job!"
If your really curious, why don't you ask your teacher this question before assuming they are just giving you work to do at home because they enjoy giving students pointless assignments.
There is a word you should look up too. It's called initiative. You are going to need a lot of it to succeed in life.
9,504 posts

Wow. 12 hours old and already 4 pages long.

To answer this question correctly, you need to know what homework is, and especially what it is used for. Homework is work given to you by instructors, teachers, professors, etc. to train you on the specific subject before a test. It is given to you at home so you do not forget entirely what you are supposed to be learning tomorrow. It is given to you so teachers know that you understand the subject. Aside from school assignments, it is there as a side from tests as a grade, meaning it reflects how well you are in that specific subject.

Do you do your in-class assignments and not your homework? Or do you not do both? How well you understand how important homework is reflects how much you care about your standing in your education, which I can tell you thus, "Not a whole lot".

3,880 posts

Summer reading is ok, as long as it is interesting, i would hate to have to read something uninteresting.

I have to read 4 books I don't at all care about as well as 5 of the first chapters of my AP US history book + take notes and fill out a packet. Gahh..
9,504 posts

I would do the ^ sign to show that I agree with the above poster, but that would be spamming if all I did was that lol. I also have summer books to read for college, mostly works that involve Colonist/Farmer in the 1800's that had to endure a life of harshness and how they used God and friends to help them through the perils and prevailed in the end. Every sort of nonsense like this is cliche. Too bad they have different events and character names, or else I would ace every test we would have.

4,682 posts

Summer reading is ok, as long as it is interesting, i would hate to have to read something uninteresting.

I had to read White Fang. Not interesting at all...
75 posts

The sad thing is, I have to do homework. My parents check if I have missing assignments on the internet.

9,504 posts

And that's a good thing. See, you have parents that look out for you. It all counts in the end bud, trust me.

23 posts

Why is this even being discussed?

Schools should encourage reading books like the Discworld series and Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. Books that are truly funny and interesting and not what some would consider dull books like Of Mice and Men that tend to put kids off of reading for life.
Tell me one thing that you learned from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Sure its hilarious, but what about it can you apply to your life? We need quality literature like Of Mice and Men. Sure the book may be longer than eternity but in the end you come away with something much more satisfying.
333 posts

No, it's simply helping you be more prepared for the future and what is to come. Which is why college is a great way for people to become lazy because of all the free time of slacking and the easy courses you take which one topic spreads over two years.

75 posts

I had to read White Fang. Not interesting at all...

Really? I thought it was good.
13,701 posts

I hope you've been reading the recent posts in this topic, especially those that quoted you. Homework DOES have a purpose - otherwise, what's the point of doing it? surely if something does not have a good purpose, there is no point of doing it since it will be a waste of time.

it "does" have a purpose, but just because is has a purpose doesn't mean it's a good one.

Everything has a purpose. Simply because your feeble little mind cannot grasp the purpose does not mean that there is none.

read above

This is a good example for the attitude of the people I have to fire. "Why should I? It's not my job!"
If your really curious, why don't you ask your teacher this question before assuming they are just giving you work to do at home because they enjoy giving students pointless assignments.
There is a word you should look up too. It's called initiative. You are going to need a lot of it to succeed in life.

-sighs- they deserved to be fired. just because i don't see a point doesn't mean i know their's one(if a bit pointless)
initiative = doing something before being asked to, right?
347 posts

One thing is for sure, you probably just put that your parents want homework banned. They probably think its really good for you. So, no. I don't think homework should be banned, because if you don't learn anything, then how are you going to get into college and get a job?

13,701 posts

One thing is for sure, you probably just put that your parents want homework banned. They probably think its really good for you. So, no. I don't think homework should be banned, because if you don't learn anything, then how are you going to get into college and get a job?

umm isn't homework "supposed" to be review...
9,504 posts

dull books like Of Mice and Men that tend to put kids off of reading for life.

if you are whining about an awesome book such as Of Mice and Men, then you do not know what dull is my friend. You REALLY do not know....

COME ON! This was on freaking Bugs Bunny with Sylvester!

Which is why college is a great way for people to become lazy because of all the free time of slacking and the easy courses you take which one topic spreads over two years.

HAHAHAHAHA....whoo *wipes tear from eye* College? Easy?? You are one funny man.

umm isn't homework "supposed" to be review...

In a sense, it's review from the teacher's lecture that makes sure you understood what he/she was talking about. If you did poorly on it, then there's something that needs to be covered; if you just didn't do it, then you fail and have some responsibility issues.

it "does" have a purpose, but just because is has a purpose doesn't mean it's a good one.

Homework doesn't have a purpose to you?? Read all around! Read my posts for crying out loud! Homework helps you succeed!
25 posts

Homework shouldn't be banned. Besides, if you use your time wisely, you should be able to finish it even before getting home! Also, if you pay attention in class and know what the homework is about, you don't have to spend a lot of time on it at home.

Showing 31-45 of 275