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2,770 posts

I am not here to argue because that would imply that am doing anything less than stating facts. And I just wrote this all before and it all god deleted because I backed up the web page and AG is the only poorly enough coded site that it doesn't auto keep my text on so I am keeping this way shorter than the last.

The problem with mods these days is that they are poorly picked, because we have a shortage of mods and instead of waiting for the right people to show up the wrong people get picked. This doesn't work. You should have a quota of mods, that makes no sense on a site that has to wait for mod-worthy people to come, you can't do that. If at one point you have 5 qualified mods, then that sucks for them, lots of more work, but if there is 15 why then not take them all instead of saying sorry we full.

But the latter isn't the issue, it is the former. An issue is that the distinction between a great user and a moderator doesn't exist. It actually does, me. I am a quality user that is not a mod, but many other mods just like me who fit in same category shouldn't be there, and I won't mention names, but everyone knows who I am talking about clearly, even the mod themselves, because even they realize they shouldn't be mods. Yes you, you all know who you are. These people are great users with great content and you've turned them into mods which has not only made them worse, but you ruining the community as well.

Anyone who is awesome you've swept from the AG community and turned into a moderator who shouldn't be there because they are power tripping and think anyone who criticizes them should be banned, and instead of letting kids deal with their problems just instantly ban half the populous. Most of the best community from the past, all the old users, have left. When I talk to them on MSN about why they left, almost every single one left because of the poorly manages mods, who were either nonexistent when needed or took action where they should have stopped nosing around.

These mods, who instead of spending their time posting fun threads and letting users do what they want, they ruin users fun because it's not constructive to the site. Take a step back, who are these rules meant to be helping? Oh right the majority of users. What happens when the same majority of users want to do something like make a spam thread or do something fun? They get banned. That doesn't make sense, this isn't US congress, laws aren't irreversible or inflexible. But instead of being normal people and letting small things slide, they act uptight(even though they were the exact opposite when normal members) and power trip and ban all the good users. Almost no one from the past is here on AG anymore and for a good reason.

The mods are suppose to be here to facilitate fun and help the community progress and all they do nowadays is deter that. You seem to forget that just like police you are here to serve and protect us, not harp over us and ruin your own community.

Also, once a mod is chosen I have never seen a single one be fired(except maybe 1). You guys are way to passive. There is no way on earth that every single one of the mods ever chosen have all been perfect. The same thing in a company, people hire others, realize it was a mistake and fire them. Not let them go AFK and sit there being useless or being a bad mod ruining the community and wait until they resign. You need to grow a pair, grow up, and take lead and fire other mods, stop being so passive towards each other you are just ruining armorgames.

Now I know this thread will just be ignored or locked by the mods. Because the one thing I always realize with you guys, is that you have lots of criticism for everyone else, but when ever so clear problems with you guys come up, you ignore it or delete and/or ban users who were completely in their right. I have tried for countless years to have anything done and nothing ever does because everyone is too scared to speak out and stop being useless.

The mods list right now is in terrible shape, stop ignoring me, stop telling me I am wrong with no reason and just banning me. Instead, try doing something, stop being little whimps and actually do something for a change, maybe you will finally make a right decision and stop ruining the community you are suppose to be supporting. This forum is so tiny compared to others I am on, it is insanely surprising to me how you have so much trouble dealing with such a small group of mods. But then again, I am not so surprised because it is a circle. Hiring terrible staff who wont admit when wrong and rectify errors leads to the best community-lead users hating the staff, making them leave,and these good players who make the community thrive leave, the community dies more,less good mods to chose from, and staff has then to pick from more shitty people to become mods, then we have more shitty mods.

Someone needs to break the cycle or else this site will keep getting worse. And if you don't like how brash I am being then I suggest someone finally either brings me to somewhere I can deal with this myself with someone who can actually do something or do it yourself. Because I don't say this for nothing, I say it because I know better.

  • 206 Replies
9,434 posts

Are you seriously serious?

I honestly think you're exaggerating way much. There's issues, indeed, but hey. Not as severe as you put them out to be. Would be nice to be able to solve 'em, though...

*would like names on the claims, 'cause is apparently oblivious*

13,657 posts


Also, yes I will admit I am a bad mod, I have been saying that ever since I was made a mod, and I have been waiting for someone, mod or otherwise to recognise this properly and report me.
Perhaps you should do that. But then again, Carlie choose us, Daniel said okay for us. So perhaps it is just the entire community.

4,005 posts

I take gross offense at this. I'm a fantastic mod and I feel like you are singling me out for persecution.

Oh wait, I'm not a mod. Disregard my last.

3,880 posts

I feel like there is a shortage of mods, and yet I do have some issues with the remaining moderators. But I do love most of you!

But Klaus, if you have trouble with a moderator, just report them.

3,880 posts

But yes, Armorgames is poorly coded. You can tell by looking at my profile and realizing that I'm using an armatar that's not even released yet as well as that I'm 2010 years old. :P

I reported the exploits but meh, no response.

9,434 posts

But Klaus, if you have trouble with a moderator, just report them.
This is what I told him to do last time I banned him. Did he do it? Not to my knowledge. Did he complain directly to me about anything? Nope, he used an exploit to post in a locked thread. Silly unhappy Klaus who thinks he knows it all~

T'is okay, though. Ego trips happen.

Honestly, if you don't like it, don't stick with it. I'm sure those bigger forums you frequent have room for you.
If you have specific issues with specific mods, take it up with them directly. If you somehow manage to squeeze a good suggestion out from under your ego, I'm sure it'd be listened to.

This is just whining. It has some points that would totally be worth discussing, but it's presented in a blabbering whiny manner that reads like one big rant (which is why I'm refraining from addressing any of them).
2,770 posts

This is exactly what I mean. Instead of actually addressing any of my issues all you say is "this isn't big deal" and that I am whiny. You exemplify the thesis of a terrible moderator.

"If you don't like it, leave". Which is exactly what 90% of the good population has done on ArmorGames, that is a stupid mentality to have on a forum that is only around because of the population you neglect.

I have specific issues with moderators in general, hence my made a thread, so instead of acting like an ignorant tool, why don't you reply with some respect to someone who knows a lot more about this site than you, Zophia.

You are a great person on forums Zoph, but you are the worst mod and I would honestly prefer Cenere as a moderator because at least she realizes she might not the be best out there, and the first and only step to not being shitty is realizing it, which is much more than you've done.

8,051 posts


I think the word you're looking for is: elitism.


417 posts

You took the words out of my brain, and arranged them in an order that is pure win, klaushouse. I am 100% with you on this one.

4,005 posts

On a serious note I have begun to notice some of what Klaus has put forth as well, though I must admit that even though I have been a member for a long time I've only recently (~2 months ago) joined the forums so my observations have been on a small scale of time, even though I'm here nearly all day and most days.

13,344 posts

It surprises me that the merit system hasn't really been brought up yet. Have the mods forgotten completely about merits? They may be rare, but that's only because the users have been discouraged due to the lack of merit-awarding.

Merits are the insentive to write a good game review to help the game creator, and you can't encourage an insentive just by completely ignoring it.

But instead of being normal people and letting small things slide, they act uptight(even though they were the exact opposite when normal members) and power trip and ban all the good users.

I think they just want to get in on the "action" and ban people when the slightest rulebreak occurs. That's a problem in more ways than just the obvious &quotower-hungry" theory, because it causes them completely ignore the endangered merit system.

I would honestly prefer Cenere as a moderator because at least she realizes she might not the be best out there

9,434 posts

This is exactly what I mean. Instead of actually addressing any of my issues all you say is "this isn't big deal" and that I am whiny. You exemplify the thesis of a terrible moderator.
Try making your points without whining. Try directing them at the people you think suck instead of the forum at large.

There's a contact link. Use it. Or take individual issues up with the individuals.

I'm not saying there's no issues that are a big deal with the way AG's run. You're just absolutely terrible at pointing them out.

"If you don't like it, leave". Which is exactly what 90% of the good population has done on ArmorGames, that is a stupid mentality to have on a forum that is only around because of the population you neglect.
That's a nice statistical number. I wonder where you came up with it.
It's an internet forum. People come and go. Some return. I really don't see this point of yours as something that is an issue.

I have specific issues with moderators in general, hence my made a thread, so instead of acting like an ignorant tool, why don't you reply with some respect to someone who knows a lot more about this site than you, Zophia.
Ego tripping much? Try showing respect before you request it. I used to have some for you, apparently it was a bit misplaced.

You are a great person on forums Zoph, but you are the worst mod and I would honestly prefer Cenere as a moderator because at least she realizes she might not the be best out there, and the first and only step to not being ****ty is realizing it, which is much more than you've done.
The worst mod, huh? I'm still wondering why you keep blurting stuff like that out, yet refuse to take it up with me in person (you have my AIM and should know I'm on invisible from past chats), or report me for being a fail mod. Seriously. Go talk to Carlie if you have such a huge issue.

Also gotta love the ignorance you put up there. Have you met my self esteem? I doubt it, it hardly even exists. I'm ridiculously inactive most of the time and essentially only mod around in the forums. How on Earth do you come to the conclusion that I think I'm an awesome flawless fabulatastic mod? Dude. Get some sense.
I mean, even the fact that I'm taking this argument probably counts as bad mod behaviour. Woo.

4,005 posts

Cenere ... moderator because... she

Cen? Really? When did you have the operation? Could have sworn Cen was a he, although with modern medical procedures and you just never know...
9,434 posts

It surprises me that the merit system hasn't really been brought up yet. Have the mods forgotten completely about merits? They may be rare, but that's only because the users have been discouraged due to the lack of merit-awarding.

Merits are the insentive to write a good game review to help the game creator, and you can't encourage an insentive just by completely ignoring it.
We actually started organizing the merit worthy comment hunt a while ago. It's still not going too well with it because there's a lot of games, a LOT of spam, and not enough mods searching. But they do still get awarded.

I think they just want to get in on the "action" and ban people when the slightest rulebreak occurs. That's a problem in more ways than just the obvious &quotower-hungry" theory, because it causes them completely ignore the endangered merit system.
Usually warnings are given before bans. If anyone thinks they've been unjustly banned, they should tell Carlie or the people behind the Contact link.
13,344 posts

The worst mod, huh?

I don't think you're the worst mod, and I'm not just saying that because you're right there. I found ubertuna to be much worse. He went inactive for a long time and, backing up Klaus's point, AG waited almost a year to fire him.

I'm hoping Estel doesn't do the same thing.
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