A while ago, I was watching some TV show, and a commercial came on for the "NAACP Awards Show" which would include only black people. Why? Aren't we past the differences? I can bet all my money that if a Whites Only award show was presented, it would cause an absolute from everyone, not just blacks.
So, the question is, why does the NAACP awards ceremony still exist? It just shows that blacks want to be in a different category.
It's a word that is rapidly losing it's original meaning!! A word! We will probably bastardize the use of it enough that it will replace dude/bro in the next ~10 years.........happy?
Oh honestly - that's just silly. Why did they get so angry? That black woman said "it sounded like a group of school children insulting blackness... Again". Why do they always have to drag up the past? Especially when it wasn't their personal past either - It all goes with the 'race' card I suppose.
I think the reason whites don't find 'cracker' offensive is become it is never used in a derogatory way like n*gger is used towards blacks, the word 'cracker' never really caught on as a negative description of white people, but n*gger did for blacks..
You can kinda tell when someone is using it in a 'friendly' way or in a derogatory way though, but blacks shouldn't call each other it and not want whites to say it, that is racist in itself and a double standard.
Disclaimer: I in no way intend to be racist or want to be deemed racist by any comments on this thread.
Also, I don't understand at all why the term crackers to white people is deemed offensive. If some black guy calls me a cracker I don't receive any negative feelings about the word at all...it just doesn't seem insulting to me whatsoever.
I dont get mad about that. I just laugh.
I think the reason whites don't find 'cracker' offensive is become it is never used in a derogatory way like n*gger is used towards blacks, the word 'cracker' never really caught on as a negative description of white people, but n*gger did for blacks.. You can kinda tell when someone is using it in a 'friendly' way or in a derogatory way though, but blacks shouldn't call each other it and not want whites to say it, that is racist in itself and a double standard.
I myself dont find the word Nigger to be raicst at all. People have been using that term for hundreds of years, and lately it has only been deemed racist. Bunch of pissed of blacks used it for the word of the revolution i guess.
Disclaimer: I in no way un-intend to be racist or want to be deemed racist by any comments on this thread. I approve of stereotypes, discrimination, racism and etc.
I've only heard 'n*****' being used in movies, music etc. Honestly I've never heard it used negatively personally in conversations. It can still be used offensively though. How is 'cracker' different?
It's basically never used, if so rarely, how serious can you take a guy saying 'cracker' to insult you? xD I would only be able to laugh.
I have been called cracker in a way that was meant to be racist and demeaning. I laughed in the guys face, so he decided to threaten me by saying he would kick my @$$. I said "go ahead, try it" with a serious face and he ran. It was hilarious.