ForumsWEPRAre blacks hypocritical?

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1,359 posts

A while ago, I was watching some TV show, and a commercial came on for the "NAACP Awards Show" which would include only black people. Why? Aren't we past the differences? I can bet all my money that if a Whites Only award show was presented, it would cause an absolute from everyone, not just blacks.

So, the question is, why does the NAACP awards ceremony still exist? It just shows that blacks want to be in a different category.

  • 88 Replies
53 posts

All of this is stupid. Yes, they are hypocritical. What happened to their race happened so long ago. It's not like anyone is full African anymore. THey're all American. And still pulling the race card and saying "My people" YOU'RE AMERICAN!!!! Jesus. Itr's stupid. It doensw't matter. It's done with. Christ. If you don't like iot go to Africa. With "Your people." yuo can't go back to Africa because you were never there. Just go see how it is over there you'll be begging ot come back to america.

340 posts

Maybe in a couple of generations it may change, just don't expect a TOTAL conversion overnight. And you were generalizing in your earlier posts.

340 posts

All of this is stupid. Yes, they are hypocritical. What happened to their race happened so long ago. It's not like anyone is full African anymore. THey're all American. And still pulling the race card and saying "My people" YOU'RE AMERICAN!!!! Jesus. Itr's stupid. It doensw't matter. It's done with. Christ. If you don't like iot go to Africa. With "Your people." yuo can't go back to Africa because you were never there. Just go see how it is over there you'll be begging ot come back to america.

I sense a lot of rage in this post, or a troll
53 posts

No. It's just so stupid. I hate stupidity. People just need to get over it. Most black people I meet and have met think all white people are racist. And they always pull that same old shit. It gets old fast. It's not like my fmaily owned any slaves. I'm Irish. "My people" were slaves too. You don't see me Whining.

4,005 posts

Here's my philosophy on the subject.

If you intentionally promote yourself as a separate and distinct group and promote race only celebrations, organizations, and groups then you had damn well better expect the rest of society to view you in the same light. If you want equality, promote equality. If you want to be separate, the promote separatism. You can't have both. And yes, blacks only organizations are hypocritical. They promote recognition based on skin color, then they decry whites only organizations as racist. It's a double standard and it promotes separatism, not unity and integration.

340 posts

Damn that post has me stumped.(15 minutes and can't really think of anything)

5,043 posts

I think most whites are ready to move on and apologized, but it's some blacks that just refuse to and see racism that isn't there.

If a black comes up to me and tells me I owe them an apology, this is my reply:

"I'm not a slave owner, you're not a slave. I don't owe you shit."

My ancestor's came from Ireland for Christ's sake.

I can't stand black only groups. I'm disappointed how the media ignores them unless they are radical such as the New Black Panthers.
1,361 posts

Black People < White People

I'm just saying.

340 posts

If a black comes up to me and tells me I owe them an apology

Knee him in the balls and then tell him sorry, he did ask for one.

Black People < White People

I'm just saying.

What exactly are you trying to say, just wanna make sure
75 posts

I think that a lot of black people call whites racist but in some ways are still racist themselves, and neither of us mean to be racist, but others are much too sensitive.

The majority of Americans are not racist anymore, but there are still whites who like to remember slavery as a good thing, and blacks who still like to make whites feel guilty about past racism.

A lot of this is an overreaction, but I'm fine with blacks keeping some memories of the abolishment of slavery, although I don't think it's right for either race to blame the other or criticize for no good reason.

53 posts

I'm not saying Blacks should totallyh forget what happened to them. Or anyone to forget. But it's over with. It wont happen again. Or for a very long time. No one can predict what'll happen later.

But it's say that to think that someone else is a sinner is a sin itself. Can't the same be said for racism? Some people just look for any excuse to call someone a racist.

145 posts

Like feminists who just look for any excuse to call some male sexist.

53 posts

That's funny. But if there is a feminist in here look out.

2,662 posts

If the latter holds true then cultural integration would be a bad thing because people are losing the heritage of their ancestors through mixing with other cultures too much and therefore we should separate blacks, whites, hispanics and asians and not integrate with other cultures.

Interesting you reach that conclusion. Although you are completely missing the point of black only organisations if you think its to protect their culture and avoid integration. That said, 'black culture' is extremely diverse and when whites talk about it as if its homogeneous it just reveals how much they dont understand. Take london for example and 'black culture'. There are the africans, like myself, many of whom dislike other africans and the carribean blacks, who dont get on with other islanders either. Is it really so hard to understand the purpose of groups like this. There needs to be black solidarity before blacks can even hope of integrating properly into white society.

However, if the former is true then I don't see the need for celebrating the achievements of a particular group if all that makes them different is skin colour.

Pretty much all award ceremonies are dominated by white people. When blacks win it is an anomaly. Awards shouldnt be given to blacks because they are black. But at the same time, i dont see why you take such an issue with the black community creating its own role models, when they are none in mainstream society.

Woody, I hope you've been there as well. Not a day trip, I'm talking about living there, for years.

Yea i have been there and done that. I wouldnt be talking if it wasnt from exprience.

They have a culture, based entirely on ignorance and drugs. Getting out of a ghetto is an award in itself.

When most white people hold stereotypes like this, its no wonder racial tensions are oeroetuated, and blacks feel the need to create their own award shows.

Also, I say every race should have its own awards, charities, etc. Including white people. Don't like it? Shoot me. Make people think your an idiot even more.

Yea, because all black guys own guns, and run around busting caps in white people. After theyve eaten their daily watermelon intake and fathered a few illegitimate children that is. Give me a break.

I think most whites are ready to move on and apologized, but it's some blacks that just refuse to and see racism that isn't there.

Its not that blacks arent ready to move on. Awards ceremonies ar eblack exclusive. Thats not holding a miiddle finger up to whites. Its just celebrating achievement within one community. Blacks dont want white people to apologise to them, they want white people to stop stereotyping them as people who want apologies/crave attention as a community.

Yet, if a group of White people made a ceremony and invited only White, there would most likely be an uproar. Since we all want to be together, why not abolish these color-based events.

There would probably be an uproar because blacks create award ceremonies out of necessity. Every mainstream award ceremony is dominated by whites (remember the last time you saw a black face at the baftas?) In any situation because of the legacy pf the nazis, celebrating 'white culture' would be pretty contraversial, and i doub it would be just blacks and other minorities who would complain about it.

Seriously though. Blacks dont force people to watch them. They are for their own benefit. Why do you actually care that there are culture specific ceremonies? It doesnt affect you in the slightest.

P.S. Woody: 4-0 loss to Sevilla?

Pre season means nothing. We had a terrible one last year, and look where we ended up.
3,085 posts

What's wrong with just having role-models because they've done something worthy of being a role-model? Rather than because of their skin-colour?

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