Let's say, hypothetically, heaven was a real place, and after death, you got the choice to either go to heaven or stay down on earth as a ghost. Which option would you choose and why?
Keep religious discussion out of this, because that isn't the point of this thread.
Hate to break it to ya sparky but the idea of Heaven is almost undeniably linked to religion - I don't think you'll find many religions that don't have some form of reward for doing good in this life. Anyway, obvious choice is a ghost. I'd get to explore the world then and hang around all the coolest places.
No, it's my fault. I was unclear about that and it was only a matter of time before someone would point that out.
I'd rather be a ghost, because you get to annoy the living and do virtually anything you want. Heaven would be boring because it's a perfect place, and the idea of having no problems whatsoever would just get old quickly.
i would choose to be a ghost because it would be like your normal life except you would be able to do a bunch of things that you could never do as a human
Usually how the old folklore goes is that ghosts are here because they were faithful and had the option to go to Heaven, but since they didn't live to complete all they had to do, they stay down in Earth until their finished business is done, then ascend.
But I'm also missing the point XD
I'd also rather be a ghost; you are intangible, yet able to interact with the earth around you.
Nobody seems to want to go to heaven? Eternal happiness or eternal purgatory. Sounds like a no brainer. There are too many unanswered questions here. If we are a ghost, can we do anything as a ghost? Such as interact, haunt, or possess people? Or can we only remain as ghost and just watch people. Because that sounds really really boring. I'm not a huge people fan to start with, much less sitting around for all eternity watching stupid people do stupid things and not have anything I can do about it. Whats this heaven like? Is it everything you could possibly want? Cause that sounds pretty good over just watching people. Ghost might be fun for a couple days even a couple weeks. Maybe go see things you always wanted to see, but after a long time once you've seen it all wouldn't that get old? Besides if your in heaven can't you look down and do all that from there? If these are the cases and the question is really A. would you rather watch people and wander around earth for all eternity or B. endless fun doing anything you could possibly want to do for all eternity. I'm gonna choose B. Heaven.
If we're talking a Christian heaven, then there's no way I'd want to go. Having to spend eternity singing praises of God's love and all that crap - I'd rather be in Hell. Muslim heaven, though, with 72 virgins - I think I could live with that...
If we get to choose which Heaven then I'm switching - I wanna go the Pastafarian Heaven. It has beer volcanoes stretching as far as the eye can see and stripper factories. Hell is much the same but the beer is stale and the strippers have VD.