it has come to my attention that this nation (america) is dividing, very quickly. could there be a way to stop it, or are we so determined to change everyone into unthinking machines, that there will be a second civil war? i want some different views on the causes of this, and possible solutions to the division. people from other countries are encouraged to jump in, it might be helpful to get some insight from people whos culture is several hundreds, even thousands of years older than ours.
I was wondering what it would be like to talk to Hitler's reincarnation
geez jump a little, you may have missed the first 8 words of my post, so here they are.
just a suggestion, and not one i support
obviously that wouldn't work, completely, what needs to happen is the world has to end, really.... there is no way to bring down the people at the top. there just isn't a way.
i think hitler had an ok plan, he went a little crazy, well a lot crazy, went about it wrong, and tried to exterminate the wrong people. religion cannot be a part of a utopian society, it gives the opportunity for some to be better than others.
i would like to add, that no one has the guts, because every one in charge is far too worried about hurting feelings, and getting sued, so they skirt the issues. its like with the people living on welfare, with 4 kids, no jobs, and government housing, its called get off your ass, and work, they should make people on welfare do public services to get it, otherwise, you starve to death, that might make them work a little harder.