Well considering believing involves having faith in something that is existing i could say it is a religion. But then again believing in something based on science which is almost 100% accurate, basically destroys there whole "belief" system. So i would personally say no, as religion require belief, not the lack there of.
Atheism is not a religion in my opinion, religion is basically believing in a specific god, or dietie (pardon my spelling), Atheism doesn't really have a god so I would say no.
Atheists DON'T believe. They inquire and learn, from science. It's not a belief in science, because science is not faith-based. There is nothing to worship, only learn and know.
Well Freakenstien made the best point here. It's not so much that atheists believe that there is a god so much as they simply don't believe. Atheism is more of an ideology taken by itself when you throw in science it depends how you view it. If you look at it as it as it's intended, that is objective learning and knowledge, it isn't however it can be perverted to the point that the individual "worships" science.
Atheism is the absence of religion, so how can it be a religion? Atheism is an idea against... Well, just about every faith there is. Which isn't really a bad thing.
Also wrong you can be an atheist and still see the beauty and simplicity in faith, atheism isn't against anything all it is, is a lack of belief.
I have heard this some where before atheist see all religion and they say it's bad. naturalist see all the religions and say its good, but please correct me if I am wrong.
An ideology is a certain view of how society should be organized.
Nah, not according to the good 'old dictionary at least but you're right it's the wrong word although I'm sure what to call it really. To Wikipedia! *comes back* Still unsure of what to reference atheism as being.
Also, atheism doesn't necessarily involve any view on science.
I agree but I believe I've seen some individuals on this site who have an unhealthy view of science; they've used it to replace religion.
I agree but I believe I've seen some individuals on this site who have an unhealthy view of science; they've used it to replace religion.
And true, you can be a..."spiritual atheist", for example Shaman and voodoo guys. They don't have a god, but they believe in spirits. They are atheists, but they believe in spirits.
Is not collecting stamps a hobby? Is not playing football a sport? No? Then atheism is not a religion.