ForumsWEPR[concluded] Was Jesus real?

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This is not about whether or not he was the son of God but whether he actually existed.Most atheists agree that he did live but there are some who don't so what are you're thoughts?

  • 453 Replies
843 posts

Apparently someone found pieces of the actual cross and people paid millions for just a wood chipping, quite ridiculous but I guess they really believed he was real

59 posts

[quoteWait, so is he god or not? Seriously. Let's try to be concise here.[/quote] Yeah he is god. For one, he claimed to be. It's like C.S. Lewis once said, "Jesus is either a liar, a crazy, or our savior." He's not crazy considering that he had so many followers and hes not a liar since the roman empire was afraid of him. So we can conclude that he was telling the truth. Also, he is perfect. God is perfect. Just because he came to earth as a mortal doesnt automatically cancel out the option of him as a god. It's like a doctor. He checks up on us, or in this case, the planet. You can't say "Oh hes a doctor so he cant be a normal person" or vice versa. Its bad logic

254 posts

He's not crazy considering that he had so many followers and hes not a liar since the roman empire was afraid of him

Jim Jones had a lot of followers as well.
The rest of the logic is fine but you may want to work on it a little more.
59 posts

[quoteJim Jones had a lot of followers as well.[/quote] Well jim jones killed people. Jesus didnt. Theres a BIG wall dividing the two

254 posts

Well jim jones killed people. Jesus didnt. Theres a BIG wall dividing the two

The people who followed Jones chose to kill themselves. Millions of Christians have chosen to die when they could have saved themselves just my worshiping another god.
1,573 posts

The logic of this...

So we can conclude that he was telling the truth. Also, he is perfect. God is perfect. Just because he came to earth as a mortal doesnt automatically cancel out the option of him as a god. It's like a doctor. He checks up on us, or in this case, the planet. You can't say "Oh hes a doctor so he cant be a normal person" or vice versa. Its bad logic

Is not fine. Its assuming many things, one of them being that the logic only stands if you believe in the Abrahamic god. The other being that if he came to earth as a mortal... hes not a god. And if he is the son of god hes also a god and not a mortal. Think b4 typing sir!

Also doesnt the bible say he is gods only son and he sent his only sone because he loves us but punishes us if we dont accept him yet is omnipotent and knows all so he knows in advance who is to be punished... and we are all gods children. Yep. Thats the god for me.
59 posts

Is not fine. Its assuming many things, one of them being that the logic only stands if you believe in the Abrahamic god. The other being that if he came to earth as a mortal... hes not a god. And if he is the son of god hes also a god and not a mortal. Think b4 typing sir!

Also doesnt the bible say he is gods only son and he sent his only sone because he loves us but punishes us if we dont accept him yet is omnipotent and knows all so he knows in advance who is to be punished... and we are all gods children. Yep. Thats the god for me.
atheists are so dumb.... One, a god can enter a human form, thus becoming mortal but still retaining god status. Jesus proved this when he performed all of those miracles (i.e. the lepers). Two, It does say in the bible that jesus is gods only son. Read b4 you type! You guys are using nothing but bad logic. Jesus was sent to forgive us of our sins and in the process he made us gods children, but only if you believe in him. If you dont, it doesnt mean you are going to hell. Jesus is simply an alternate, improved way of entering heaven. The jews are a prime example. As for god knowing who is going to be punished, that is also debatable. For one, life would be meaningless if we couldnt make our own decisions. God probably knows every possible route you could take in life, but doesnt know how you are going to choose them. That is life in essence
59 posts

The people who followed Jones chose to kill themselves. Millions of Christians have chosen to die when they could have saved themselves just my worshiping another god.

The followers of jesus died of a noble cause. Jesus could have also opted to run away and not die on the cross. But he didnt. We can learn from that. That is an example of improving humanity as a whole. The people who died for jones died, but it was basically for no reason. It impacted humanity, but not in a positive way. You might argue that "oh it was important to them" but whats important to one person might not be important to another. The same is for society.
1,573 posts

atheists are so dumb.... One, a god can enter a human form, thus becoming mortal but still retaining god status.

Ok... insult... and logic fail. Well done big man.

EVERYTHING else you say is only on the priciple that you believe in the Abrihamic god. Do you know who that is? I wonder because you call me an Atheist. While thats basicly true, what if I believed in Buddah? Would I still be dumb and go to hell?
59 posts

[quoteEVERYTHING else you say is only on the priciple that you believe in the Abrihamic god. Do you know who that is? I wonder because you call me an Atheist. While thats basicly true, what if I believed in Buddah? Would I still be dumb and go to hell

haha that is the folly of man. While we call anyone unlike ourselves dumb, god does not think that way. He respects our decisions, no matter what we did or what we look like. And to answer your question, No you wouldnt go to hell. As with most religions, man tends to slur what the actual god said. with that, if you live a good life, and are remorseful about your sins, then you will be admitted into heaven. And so what if i base my logic off of christianity? it all makes sense in the long run. My answers do have some scientific research in them btw
5,001 posts

While we call anyone unlike ourselves dumb, god does not think that way.

Weak-minded people would call someone unlike the, dumb. However, there are not many weak-minded folks here.

He respects our decisions, no matter what we did or what we look like. And to answer your question, No you wouldnt go to hell. As with most religions, man tends to slur what the actual god said. with that, if you live a good life, and are remorseful about your sins, then you will be admitted into heaven.

And your god has said this to you? Just to be clear?

And so what if i base my logic off of christianity? it all makes sense in the long run. My answers do have some scientific research in them btw so?
59 posts

[quoteWeak-minded people would call someone unlike the, dumb. However, there are not many weak-minded folks here.[/quote] sorry for the misuse of the word. What i meant was irritating.[quoteAnd your god has said this to you? Just to be clear?[/quote] Not through words, no. You learn things from books. Religion is the same, except we learn through events in life (and a little from books). Just because someone doesnt tell you that they are angry, you can infer that they are. The same idea applies with religion.[quote so?[/quote] Really, it's just common sense. You do realize that this is a never ending argument right? Do you also realize that out of all the things that ive said, youve only argued a small percentage?

59 posts

and sorry for the bad quoting, im using a track pad

1,573 posts

Its not common sense, it comes down to actual experience. No-one on earth really knows if god exists yet you argue your point as if Im stupid and as if it is common knowledge he does exist. I have to say it... there is no evidence. My common sense tell me there is a serious amount of god delusion on earth. And you still didnt really answer my points, you kinda side-stepped em with religious logic.

650 posts

there is however evidence that jesus as a physical human being was real

Showing 211-225 of 453