ForumsWEPR[concluded] Was Jesus real?

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This is not about whether or not he was the son of God but whether he actually existed.Most atheists agree that he did live but there are some who don't so what are you're thoughts?

  • 453 Replies
3,085 posts

Oh yes, religion teaches manners, Christianity for example - Disrespect your elders? STONED TO DEATH! Work on the holy day? STONED TO DEATH! Be homosexual? STONED TO DEATH AND GO TO HELLLLLLLL! If that's how religion teaches manners then I'd rather just follow one of the numerous Social science theories about how manners and polite behaviour came about in early human tribes (Heck, it goes further back, groups of animals with hierarchies have this goin' on).

59 posts

A formula for death? Really? We need a formula for that? Furthermore I'd like to point out that there are probably an infinite number of things that we don't have proven formulas for. That has no bearing on this discussion though.
Haha yet another contradiction. do commemorate you for trying. Death is a very much studied topic in the science world. It's kind of sad that you guys havent came up with an explanation for it.
Actually that's been debunked numerous times already. It was based on a late 18th century experiment which is not regarded as scientifically relevant in any manner.
you got your dates wrong. tests were recently done on it a couple years back.
4,005 posts

Can you explain? all of you guys make statements with no links to anything yet you nag me about citing a page. Just another typical atheist contradiction.

Here you go.




The first will explain how the human body derives it's cellular energy through food. This is the source of our energy. The next, about decomposition, will explain the process of a dead lifeform breaking down. The third link discusses the immediate physical changes after death, and the timeline of changes up to over a day after expiration. All of these processes the body goes through require energy. If, as you claim, our energy leaves us in the form of a spirit when we die then none of these things could take place.
753 posts

Oh yes, religion teaches manners, Christianity for example - Disrespect your elders? STONED TO DEATH! Work on the holy day? STONED TO DEATH! Be homosexual? STONED TO DEATH AND GO TO HELLLLLLLL! If that's how religion teaches manners then I'd rather just follow one of the numerous Social science theories about how manners and polite behaviour came about in early human tribes (Heck, it goes further back, groups of animals with hierarchies have this goin' on).

Do I smell bacon or did someone just get BURNED?!?!? Haha but for seriously you can look at the Bible and blame their morals, but the worldwide image of christian charity is something that won't be destroyed anytime soon; Slimmy's got that.
59 posts

Oh yes, religion teaches manners, Christianity for example - Disrespect your elders? STONED TO DEATH! Work on the holy day? STONED TO DEATH! Be homosexual? STONED TO DEATH AND GO TO HELLLLLLLL! If that's how religion teaches manners then I'd rather just follow one of the numerous Social science theories about how manners and polite behaviour came about in early human tribes (Heck, it goes further back, groups of animals with hierarchies have this goin' on).
stop being ignorant. Nowhere in the bible does it say that homosexuals are evil. God created them and god doesnt make mistakes. Now people who were born gay and people that became gay because of fads are two completely different things. All that stoning was done by man, not god. And just because god didnt prevent it, doesnt mean that those lives were wasted. Those people, like me, stated their views and taught humanity something. The people who were throwing rocks proved themselves to be savages.
4,005 posts

Sorry for the link fail.


Haha yet another contradiction. do commemorate you for trying. Death is a very much studied topic in the science world. It's kind of sad that you guys havent came up with an explanation for it.

Umm. Contradiction? Where? Simply because scientists do not have a proven theory for something does not mean that the religious view is correct by default. The simple answer is that 'we don't know for sure yet'.

Furthermore, I fail to see how science not having an encompassing theory for death has any bearing on the discussion at hand. It seems to me that you are grasping at straws, searching for any fault you can find in the scientific community so that you can thereby dismiss all science which disagrees with your world view, while you pick and choose where to apply your reasoning and where you get to write things of as contradictory or inapplicable without so much as a cursory understanding of the information being presented.

I do suggest you begin to actually debate, and dismiss with the fallacies, name calling, and failed attempts to sound intellectual with your overuse and misuse of terms you seem to not quite understand.
3,085 posts

Look, I found this rather charming article on Snopes about 'soul weight', please read it.

Anyway, charitable behaviour amongst Christians is notable, but not unique. Anyone can be charitable - most of the main christian charities were founded a long time ago when Christianity was truly prevalent, I suspect that even if it wasn't then these charities would have been established under more humanitarian banners.

59 posts

The first will explain how the human body derives it's cellular energy through food. This is the source of our energy. The next, about decomposition, will explain the process of a dead lifeform breaking down. The third link discusses the immediate physical changes after death, and the timeline of changes up to over a day after expiration. All of these processes the body goes through require energy. If, as you claim, our energy leaves us in the form of a spirit when we die then none of these things could take place.
sorry to burst your bubble but i learned that stuff in science class. Anyways, all i am saying is that science and religion are like twin brothers. They are the same thing, but with different personalities. What one says, proves the other. Just think about that.
3,085 posts

stop being ignorant. Nowhere in the bible does it say that homosexuals are evil. God created them and god doesnt make mistakes. Now people who were born gay and people that became gay because of fads are two completely different things. All that stoning was done by man, not god. And just because god didnt prevent it, doesnt mean that those lives were wasted. Those people, like me, stated their views and taught humanity something. The people who were throwing rocks proved themselves to be savages.

Do you read your own Holy Book? For that matter - can you read? Or do your parents have to read it to you when they tuck you in at night.

Leviticus 20:13 (New International Version)
13 ââIf a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.
753 posts

Avorne, on your link; It'd be pretty hilarious if you took convicts and nice people and weighed them after death, and the convicts lost more weight. Just a random thought:P

753 posts

Leviticus 20:13 (New International Version)

H'actually, Slippy stated homosexuals aren't evil. In your verse, they are condemned for committing a DEED, not just the mindset. Who exactly is the one who can't read?
4,005 posts

Oh, and here's the link to your 'soul weight theory' and it's subsequent (and thorough) debunking. If you have links to a legitimate source which has created results which support your claim feel free to present them.


Furthermore, and one thing that was failed to be recognized on the site I link to, is the inaccuracy of the scales. There were no, at the time of the experiment, any scales available which were accurate to over 100kg and to within 1/4 ounce simultaneously. This would have been required for an accurate measurement of the body pre- and post-mortem to discern the precise weight loss of 3/4 of an ounce as was touted when the study was originally published.

3,085 posts

H'actually, Slippy stated homosexuals aren't evil. In your verse, they are condemned for committing a DEED, not just the mindset. Who exactly is the one who can't read?

So you're allowed to be homosexual but you can't be homosexual?
9,504 posts

sorry to burst your bubble but i learned that stuff in science class.

Good. If you learned it, then you would know why a body is "lighter" after death, or if that is even plausible. Or did you fail it?

Anyways, all i am saying is that science and religion are like twin brothers. They are the same thing, but with different personalities. What one says, proves the other. Just think about that.

No. Religion and Science are like...Black and White, respectfully. It does not mean that what one says proves the other. It doesn't go that way. Because something is wrong or is lacking does not mean the other is automatically right. It However, if something is proven to be wrong, then it is wrong. And you've been wrong for quite a while. Saying that science and religion are "the same thing but with different personalities" just proves that you do not have a firm grasp on the scientific perspective on life.
4,005 posts

sorry to burst your bubble but i learned that stuff in science class. Anyways, all i am saying is that science and religion are like twin brothers. They are the same thing, but with different personalities. What one says, proves the other. Just think about that.

You know, I have thought about that. A lot. And I left religion because I realized that science was honest, self-correcting, and genuinely concerned with the truth. This I could not honestly say about any religion I have studied or been a part of.
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