perfect example: feelings. Science states that feelings are caused by electrical impulses within neurons that produces emotions. If that were true, then why can't man create A.I. to a full extent? With all of our technology youd think that electrical impulses would be simple to recreate.
Actually our feelings are just about the most inaccurate tools we have. So if your '
roof' is a feeling, you might as well say aliens came to you at night and programmed your **** probe with the knowledge. It would probably be about as likely a story.
And creating those 'electrical impulses' is not at all difficult. It's creating a system which responds to them in the manner that our brains do, as the response is created by a chemical reaction within an organism, not pure electric impulses.
Man puts what he wants to when he writes a book. In order to get a point across and to make you believe, what better resource is there than to use fear?
Keep that in mind when you are touting the Bible as a factual document.
Do you have proof that everyone who denounced there faith actually went to hell and suffered?
Nope, most likely because hell is highly improbable, and an afterlife of any sort is even more unlikely. Which is why I am completely unconcerned about what will happen to me after I die.
All im saying is that you should just live a good life and be remorseful about your wrongdoings. Dont just shrug them off like they never happened. Remember: the past is forever.
I fully agree with you. And I would contend that the atheist is more resistant to temptations of sin, and is more remorseful of his wrong doings. You see, when we go against our morals we have to make reparations, we have to rectify our actions, and we have to do it on our own.
Most religious folks have these wonderful superstitions that all they have to do is have some inner monologue, ostentatiously under the guise of telepathically communicating with some divine being, and all wrong doing is forgiven. My, wouldn't that just be lovely if it were true?
I would contend that the price of our mistakes is what deters us, and when our religion gives us an 'easy out' it lessens that price, and subsequently our mistakes are less of a deterrent.
I would like to state that a lot of theorems that scientist come up with are proving the bible. Edward Zganjar has proved that humans are made of stardust. Notice a correlation? "then the Lord God formd the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living creature" Genesis 2:7
Umm.. stardust is not dust, sorry. Technically speaking, the 'stardust' of which we are made are simply individual elementary particles which can only be created through the fission in the heart of a star, and are only released when that star goes supernova.
To quote Lawrence Krauss "Every molecule in your body came from a star, and the molecules in your left hand probably came from a different star than the molecules in your right. ... Forget Jesus, the STARS died so that you could be here today".