
101 19563
42 posts

In my school everyone makes fun of jews i was wondering if that was just my school or if it is other places and also why do people make fun of jews so much?

  • 101 Replies
4,097 posts

I've never heard anyone actually make fun of them, like they would the geeky kid or something. (Then again, we don't make fun of them either, lol. My schools pretty cool about everyone) We do have our Jew jokes, but it's all just kidding around. Even the kids who are Jewish have fun with them.

653 posts

um I've laughed at and made my Jew jokes but when i was in school no one really made fun of Jews

5,579 posts

No one I've ever met has ever made fun of jews or really anybody seriously. The only joke I ever make about jews is to mean I'm leaving shortly so I say, "I'm off like a jewish foreskin." But that's all in good fun. Besides, racism is futile as it's what one is making fun of will never go away.

3,224 posts

Anti Semitism in the 21st century? We have new scapegoats now.

1,078 posts

I hate people who make fun of jews for no reason.

Read "Night" by Elie Weisel

I have and thats why I am taking my position. Elie went through much suffering, including walking in the cold, with an infected cut in his foot. Why? Because the nazis wanted him to suffer.
890 posts

I hate people who make fun of jews for no reason.
Read "Night" by Elie Weisel
I have and thats why I am taking my position. Elie went through much suffering, including walking in the cold, with an infected cut in his foot. Why? Because the nazis wanted him to suffer

Those were Nazis. This is joking around.
3,224 posts

So what every man in the world suffered in WWII and we talk about the Jews all the time, more Soviets and other population died in WWII, Jew victims are so over rated now.

I really don't think trying to figure out who 'suffered more' will be a very fruitfull exercise, nevertheless, I'd like to point out that there is a huge difference between casualties of war and quasi industrial killing. Not to mention the fact that millions of Soviets probably died to their inept leadership and brutal tactics.
3,224 posts

I dont care about the Jew victims at all, every country defended itself, only Jews didnt fight back.

Not every country defended themselves. In fact, the majority which the Nazis tried to conquer capitulated.

Most historians would argue that only a small amount of blame can be attributed to the Jews during the Holocaust for the following reasons:

1) These Jews were certainly not a cohesive body. If you look at any memorial displaying the nationalities of Jewish victims you will likely be struck by the huge range of nations these Jews hailed from. Coordinating effective resistance is difficult when most don't speak the same language.

2) Most Jews would have been unable to resist due to their circumastances. Most were on around 300 calories per day, they had no weapons whilst the Germans had machine guns, gaurd dogs and electrified fences. What were they supposed to do?

3) Most Jews would have been focused on the day to day business of survivng, getting an easy work detatchment, avoiding selection for medical experiemtns, getting as much food as possible etc. This in itself is a form of resistance.

4) Many Jews, especially in the early days simply did not know what was in store for them, and by then it was far too late. Even by 1942 when rumours were beginning to surface, many simply refused to believe them due to their seemingly incredulous nature.

As an aside there were a few examples of Jewish active resistance, namely the Warsaw ghetto uprising or the Greek Jews blowing up some ovens at Auschwitz.
5,043 posts

I regret instances like this, becaue I am a moderator and I must be careful with what I say. So right now, imagine that this font is black and not blue for the rest of this post.

GAGAMEN, I need to say this now, are you serious? Do you know anything at all about history? Do you know the difference between soldiers being killed and civilians? Do you know how many Jews were killed in concentration camps? Do you know how much they were tortured? They would go into showers thinking they would finally be cleaned of the filth they must endore only to be poisoned. Many had experiments performed on them. They were forced to dig their own graves. Their bodies would be burned and many of their ashes would blow into the sky to shower down on the people. They were burned to death! Innocent people!

I dont care about the Jew victims at all

Most were innocent people! And do you even know what the hell your talking about? Do you know anything about history? And if not, do you care to do some research before posting?

every country defended itself, only Jews didnt fight back.

Their were more people than Jews, including (but not limited to) homosexuals, gypsies, Jehovah's Witnesses, mentally handicapped people, and anybody who said anything against the Nazi Party such as reporters or even regular people if they were caught. Oh, by the way, the first concentration camp started in 1933 acording to my sources, which WWII started offically in '39. The concentration camps grew in numbers around '41 but operations to secure unwanted people started before that year. It was between '41 till the end of the war when most of the people in concentration camps were killed.

But I digress, comments such as, "I dont care about the Jew victims at all, every country defended itself, only Jews didnt fight back," makes you sound arrogant. In fact, the may even prove so. But that is only a possability, not a fact.

I guess what I am trying to say is, don't be a heartless, no nothing, moron.

You may now picture my font as blue again.
5,043 posts

Its their fault for not organizing in time, they were weak, I think that they had a small amount of victims compared to other people who died in the battles in WWII, Russia 23 million, China 20 million, that needs to be respected.

You are so incredibly ignorant.
5,043 posts

I never said that the other victems didn't deserve to be mourned for or anything of the sort! Do you even know how WWII started? Why it started? How it could have been prevented?

3,224 posts

Its their fault for not organizing in time, they were weak, I think that they had a small amount of victims compared to other people who died in the battles in WWII, Russia 23 million, China 20 million, that needs to be respected.

Organising for what? Most didn't know til it was too late.

Number of victims is not necessarily an accurate figure of who suffered most. Proportionately the Russians only lost 2.8% of their population. Over 50% of European Jews were killed.

Cold War politics did have an effect on how highly we in the West value the contribution of the Soviets during the war. However this does not mean the suffering of the Jews should be belittled, just that more credit and respect should be given to the Soviets.
5,043 posts

Also, I must add, this is a thread about the Jews. So we are talking about the Jews. The other victems are not being ignored. They just aren't the subject at hand.

5,579 posts

Over 10 million Russian civilians were executed or sent to concentration camps. Along with POWs, and government officials. Over 75% of the Chinese killed by the Japanese were civilians, and were more than likely hacked to death with machetes and katanas. Hundreds of thousands of civilian POWs in the pacific were treated much worse that the jews or Nazi Germany. Many were sent on death marches specifically to kill them and those that survived were put into worse than slave labor. Equate all of that to 6 million jews. 6x as many American, British, French, Australian, Philipino, Russian and Chinese suffered just as bad as the jews.

5,579 posts

I was ninjad 5 times. Again.

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