Why do governments feel the need to make drugs illegal? If anything, it causes a lot more problems than there were before. If they were legalized, there would not be nearly as many violent actions over getting them since the prices would not be nearly as high. There would not been as many people over doing it with drugs, since it would eventually just become a normal thing in day-to-day life.
Well, legalizing them would really increase the need for personal responsibility, which unfortunately not many people have. It would also be somewhat beneficial to the government, since they could federalize the sales and collect taxes on them, in addition to taking the sales out of the hands of criminals. On the other hand, many people would go overboard; people would get sick, others would die, the constant state of inebriation in some individuals would lead to accidents. I think that the legalization of natural, non-addictive drugs wouldn't be so bad (they're no worse than cigarettes, which should've gone out of production years ago), but harsher drugs shouldn't be condoned. That being said, I still think inebriation is altogether a bad thing. It's a personal choice, but I just don't see the benefits in such a lifestyle.
I live in Western Australia and flavour of the month for drugs of addiction is currently rock/methamphetamine (which, for the record, I detest). Legalise it? Are you kidding?! Forget the moral issues, I am forever telling people that there are far far more dollars to be had by the powers that be if methamphetamine is kept illegal. And, furthermore, I wish the long line of sheep nullifying their existence daily by means of this crap would wake up and smell the coffee... Think about it- if they tried their hardest, the government could not have done a better job of keeping various elements of our society just a little bit dulled and just a little bit more financially disabled. Or did they.....
The topic says it all. Why do governments feel the need to make drugs illegal? If anything, it causes a lot more problems than there were before. If they were legalized, there would not be nearly as many violent actions over getting them since the prices would not be nearly as high. There would not been as many people over doing it with drugs, since it would eventually just become a normal thing in day-to-day life.
My best guess is that it is too profitable leaving things the way they are. Both sides profit from the status quo. It is the basic laws of supply and demand. As long as there is a demand, there will be a supply.
Because drugs are illegal, producers and traffickers can charge more money to bring their product to consumers. And government agencies, federal and local law-enforcement get more government funding to try and stop it. It is a self-perpetuating economy that remains stable as long as neither side ever completely wins.
imagine everybody walking around saying stupid things and how is it going to help people no how i think that the government is doing a good thing for once by not making drugs leagle i personaly hope that people fined a way to get read of all the drugs in the world
more important of motivations like money, health, or similar: if you have used drugs, and you bring your car, you drive in my same street, and you lose control of your car, and so you crash with my car and i have to go to the hospital, i'll beat you up (not mentioning that the hospital has a cost in money, not in Italy though).
Mirko... these days, the governement is trying to tighten everything drug-related. I heard via-via that they want to make cigarettes just as illegal as heroin in ten years...
Devoidless, you raise an interesting point. Though, the after effect of the drugs causes more damage than getting them, so keeping them illegal reduces the damage.
The thing is, if they legalize drugs in America, there will be only small increase in the percentage of Americans that do drugs. The ethical taboo of drugs will remain, even with legalization. But, people do use drugs, and they are illegal.
I think some drugs should be legalized, such as (most) Psychedelics, Opiates,and Hallucinogens. They can have medicinal, emotional, and mental benefits. But, there should be a limits on their use, including: Be the age of consent or above Quantity limitations No driving or operating machinery No consumption in public
Ok first If drugs were legalized who would get it,who would spread it( They would be millionares) The goverment can sell drugs legal scanned, proccessed, and packaged. They also burn them so how many people would get poor and how many would get rich? Ok first they would mske the middle class poorer and the higher class poorer and the lowest class higher class. The mafia would love the goverment all they would do is buy it off the goverment and be happy. Good or bad? And the about using Marujuana as a drug to help people with that disease, and alzeiherms. And the children would be thinking of making a bussiness to sell drugs.
After I wrote this I thought why not use drugs as money? This is just my idea what would happen.
I agree with Bill Hicks on drug issues. they expand your mind helping you to think better. I'm talking mostly of psychedelic drugs. Think of the Beatles before drugs and after- I want to hold your hand to I am the walrus. If you are gonna make drugs illegal why keep cigarettes and alcohol the most dangerous drugs on number of deaths. Legalisation would give more control over them making them less dangerous decresing crime.