ForumsWEPRDrugs: Why not legalize?

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3,675 posts

The topic says it all.

Why do governments feel the need to make drugs illegal? If anything, it causes a lot more problems than there were before. If they were legalized, there would not be nearly as many violent actions over getting them since the prices would not be nearly as high. There would not been as many people over doing it with drugs, since it would eventually just become a normal thing in day-to-day life.

  • 948 Replies
2 posts

People would get addicted to them and waste all of their money on it. they would od and die.

24 posts

Right now, the US doesn't need anymore problems, and by legalizing drugs, were just screwing ourselves.

1,482 posts

Go Underoath. That pwntd.

By drugs being un-legalized and them becoming what the main poster said "Everyday thing" it would screw up people, America's mainstream of social problems already consists of drunks, driving, shootings, rape, blah blah. If we add "Everyday drugs" into it we'll just add to that, thus showing not only will people die over Drugs themselves, but just lead to everything else.

588 posts

You guys seem to forget about the success of drug decriminalization in Portugal.

There are low addiction rates, and little if any deaths.

Marijuana kill brain cancer cells, and can increase concentration, and cure various diseases.

Please stop using the policeman who comes to school as a source for your information.

5,043 posts

Some drugs are best to remain illegal, but I support the legalization of weed 100%. Everyone who is anti-cannabis tends to have biased opinions. I swear, do some actual research please.

For a good start, go to google video and search "The bussiness behind getting high."

I swear, if you think smoking weed is worse than smoking cigs or drinking alcohol, your a moron. Sorry, but I have been around the weed smokers, drinkers, and cig smokers. The pot smokers are the least harmful of the three.

78 posts

(This is why I believe drugs have not been legalized)

First off, drugs cause serious health problems. Even weed has been studied to produce respiratory problems, so all drugs can cause damage to your body in some shape or form.

Second, hallucogens such as LSD can also cause major mental issues, any hallucogen is known to sometimes have some permanent effects on the mind, causing insanity and depression.

Next, overdosing on drugs is FAR too common to legalize. Many people die each day from doing this. It is way too easy to start doing something, and not stop. America can't sit back and hope people don't overdose on drugs all day.

You could argue that Cigarettes and alcohol also cause death, and alcohol even causes people to harm those around them, but far too many people have become attached to drugs such as those, and many riots would ensue after the banning of them. With riots, comes those who harm others to get what they want, and if somebody wants their beer bad enough, they will murder somebody else to get it. This is a serious problem that can't be fixed.

There is no reason for the government to let innocent people die just to let you have some drugs. There are many other places where the drugs you want are legal, and there are still places where you can obtain drugs illegally. If you want your high, send a petition to the government instead of complaining about it on the Armor Games Forums, but that's only if you were serious about this.

Just my 2 cents, but remember this is only my personal opinion backed up by facts, i'm only here to state what I think, not what I think you should all believe.


1,532 posts

There illegal for a reason, if the government thought it was appropriate, then it would be legal. unless your taking this to the supreme court, good luck on legalizing it

9,821 posts

There illegal for a reason, if the government thought it was appropriate, then it would be legal. unless your taking this to the supreme court, good luck on legalizing it

Don't blindly trust the gov't. They're blinded by the same propaganda that they blind you with. Legalization of drugs isn't a bad thing. Less deaths from drug trade, no black market, and better support for addicts.
588 posts

Next, overdosing on drugs is FAR too common to legalize. Many people die each day from doing this. It is way too easy to start doing something, and not stop. America can't sit back and hope people don't overdose on drugs all day.

Tell that to countries who've legalized all drugs, no one overdoses.
Most people overdose on prescription meds.

Second, hallucogens such as LSD can also cause major mental issues, any hallucogen is known to sometimes have some permanent effects on the mind, causing insanity and depression.

And how often is that?

First off, drugs cause serious health problems. Even weed has been studied to produce respiratory problems, so all drugs can cause damage to your body in some shape or form.

...Because respiratory problems are deadlier than the cancer cells which marijuana can kill.

There is no reason for the government to let innocent people die just to let you have some drugs

Ever heard of the drug wars, and the DEA raids?

Thousands die every year because of wars on the streets between cops and drug lords funded by drugs, they wouldn't have funding if drugs were lega. In fact, a drug lord even thanked a cop for the drug war.

instead of complaining about it on the Armor Games Forums

Honestly, if you hate the idea of debating eachother on the internet then stay out of this forum. The whole point of this place is to argue against eachothers opinions.
9,821 posts

We shouldn't legalize all drugs-but marijuana and some others wouldn't hurt.

1,532 posts

Its also not just about your health...

9,821 posts

Its also not just about your health...

How so?
78 posts

And how often is that?

It's actually more often then you think. If you looked back in the past towards when all the flower children decided to move west to California, you would find yourself upon a nice little cult run by somebody called Charles Manson. He used hallucogens to pretty much brainwash his members into thinking he was Jesus so that they would do everything that they told him. Good thing they were all convicted.

Tell that to countries who've legalized all drugs, no one overdoses.
Most people overdose on prescription meds.

People will continue to overdose no matter how bad you tell them it is. Their love for the drug is too much for them to listen to common sense. There are people who will use drugs sparingly, but others will do the wrong thing and kill themselves with it.
And how often is that?

...Because respiratory problems are deadlier than the cancer cells which marijuana can kill.

That doesn't mean it needs to be legalized. It means that it should be given to those who need it until they no longer need it, then taken away. I agree that it is perfect for medical use, but that doesn't mean it's perfect for people that don't have cancer.

Ever heard of the drug wars, and the DEA raids?

Thousands die every year because of wars on the streets between cops and drug lords funded by drugs, they wouldn't have funding if drugs were lega. In fact, a drug lord even thanked a cop for the drug war.

And more people will continue to try and smuggle drugs to get past the taxes the government will impose on them. Drugs will always be smuggled no matter what you do, and the government will always try and stop them.

Honestly, if you hate the idea of debating eachother on the internet then stay out of this forum. The whole point of this place is to argue against eachothers opinions.

You missed the jest of my point. I meant that if you actually wanted to make a difference you would send a petition to the government. I don't mind if you share your opinion, I just think it's funny that you think posting here will make it legal.
1,532 posts

its also about class...people may view you highly and have more respect for you if you dont use them

9,821 posts

Does alcohol denote low class? Does tobacco denote low class? Depends on the tobacco. Depends on the alcohol. The same stigma would be present in the different illegal drugs too. The class thing isn't a problem. The class thing doesn't matter. Besides, do we outlaw shoddy clothes or oily hair? No. We don't outlaw things that lower your class appearance or social standing purely for that reason.

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