ForumsWEPRDrugs: Why not legalize?

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3,675 posts

The topic says it all.

Why do governments feel the need to make drugs illegal? If anything, it causes a lot more problems than there were before. If they were legalized, there would not be nearly as many violent actions over getting them since the prices would not be nearly as high. There would not been as many people over doing it with drugs, since it would eventually just become a normal thing in day-to-day life.

  • 948 Replies
1,287 posts

They make weed illegal bcause it ruins peoples lives because tthey spend all their money on it. and they end up having too much and dieing

HAHAHAH!! HAHA..hehe...he...hoo...spreading lies sin't funny.

They make weed illegal bcause it ruins peoples lives

It doens't ruin lives, oh no! run! it's a non-habit forming substance with a form of usage that has virtually no ill side affects!!!

and they end up having too much and dieing

You can't overdose on marijuana, unlike caffeine. And show me one death related to marijuana use. You can't because there aren't.
4,682 posts

You can't overdose on marijuana, unlike caffeine. And show me one death related to marijuana use. You can't because there aren't.

That is true. There has been deaths caused by it, but that is because the person either killed themselves or died doing something very stupid.
1,287 posts

That is true. There has been deaths caused by it, but that is because the person either killed themselves or died doing something very stupid.

You mean isn't true. I think you are arguing agaist me xD, car accidents with alcohol as a factor is related to alcohol, so I will give you the fact that there have been deaths related to marijuana use.

The word "caused" would have been better for me to use.

Deaths from stupid actions while drunk happen much more often though, so don't even start on it
338 posts

I dont know why i keep coming back to this thread it just a bunch of people keep posting stupid stuff like this that isnt true.

Weed is very dangerous too, when you start with weed probably you will continue with harder stuff, it's almost certain.

That is so wrong. Most people i know who smoke weed ONLY smoke weed. Only about 10% go on to harder stuff.

They make weed illegal bcause it ruins peoples lives because tthey spend all their money on it. and they end up having too much and dieing

1st It cant kill you from ODing. Well you can smoke that really really really large amount and OD but thatâs like how you if you drink a tub full of Mountain Dew every day for a long time its poisonous.
2nd There are plenty of things that people spend way to much money on and end up going bankrupt that a perfectly legal. So thats not even a remotely good argument.
Not to motion if they legalize it the price can go down because most of the cost is because of doing it secretly. And to add even more to my argument if the cost of pot goes down because they legalize it even less people will go on to harder drugs that are cheaper.
One of which is meth cuz you can buy most of the stuff you need to make it at a store.
Oh, and if pot is legal the âgateway drugâ factor will be totally destroyed because it wont be crossing over in the realm of illegal drugs anymore.

Damn, that was too easy
1,036 posts

****, that was too easy

Wow that was to easy looking how you spelled your gramar.;P
1st It cant kill you from ODing.

THat s true but yet you usually get hooked by it or you have a craving for the another one and another one etc. Bascically you end up dieing anyways. ALso are you saying everyone should try one? o.O

Oh, and if pot is legal the gateway drug factor will be totally destroyed because it wont be crossing over in the realm of illegal drugs anymore.

Kinda... of not really

2nd There are plenty of things that people spend way to much money on and end up going bankrupt that a perfectly legal. So thats not even a remotely good argument.

True if the goverment sells enough they could get us out of the recession.

Not to motion if they legalize it the price can go down because most of the cost is because of doing it secretly. And to add even more to my argument if the cost of pot goes down because they legalize it even less people will go on to harder drugs that are cheaper.

WOw first of all yes inflation does make it cheaper. Second of all makin it cheaper is only gonna make it more popular just like cigarettes. More people buying more people selling. Making it legal could be good but yet a lot of people will stay away from it though.
1,287 posts

THat s true but yet you usually get hooked by it or you have a craving for the another one and another one

Wrong. It is not habit forming.

Kinda... of not really

The Gateway theory is worng anyways. Just because one thing follows another doesnt mean those things are linked in any way. And

WOw first of all yes inflation does make it cheaper. Second of all makin it cheaper is only gonna make it more popular just like cigarettes.

Wrong. In countries that legalized it there have been virtually no increases in usage.
4,682 posts

You mean isn't true. I think you are arguing agaist me xD, car accidents with alcohol as a factor is related to alcohol, so I will give you the fact that there have been deaths related to marijuana use.

I was actually agreeing with you.
1,036 posts

Wrong. It is not habit forming.

How where's your proof it's not like nicotine correct put yet after a time it's addictive to your brain because you keep on having it...



But I don't want a hangover in the morning!

TEh picture under it is from a good movie.... (total random comment.)

Wrong. In countries that legalized it there have been virtually no increases in usage.

First of all yes it has increased usage of the people that have been already taking it. Second of all I was talking about 1st wrld countries if it happened there.
234 posts

all the other drugs besides weed have VERY good reasons to not legalize

weed on the other hand is better for your lungs then cigarettes

th reason y they made weed illegal is because they cant tax it

234 posts

marijuana is too easy to grow and cultivate for the govt to keep tabs on everyone. there definately not worried about people's health and things like that. if that were the case, alcohol would be illegal as well. there's no money in it for the govt. they currently make more from fining people than they would from tax revenue.

4,682 posts

marijuana is too easy to grow and cultivate for the govt to keep tabs on everyone. there definately not worried about people's health and things like that. if that were the case, alcohol would be illegal as well. there's no money in it for the govt. they currently make more from fining people than they would from tax revenue.

So you think if they tax it, it would become legal?
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

Scientist say that marijuana (if you don't smoke too much) solves some health problems, though there is the problem there that when you start even with a drug marijuana you will probably continue with harder drugs which are way dangerous and ruin so many lives.

1,036 posts

will probably continue with harder drugs which are way dangerous and ruin so many lives.

That's where I hate scientist they always use probability, why can't they just except the fact that their either wrong or right?
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

It's their job talking like Pythia, they are paid to say things that are/seem correct. So they rarely make mistakes, cause when they are not 100% about something they make prediction which are neither very accurate nor wrong.

1,031 posts

Well, think about it. If drugs were legal then there would be alot more of them. And it would be setting a bad influence on kids. Then because older people have lots and lots of them. Teens will be able to do it. If drugs were legalized this country would defiantly become corrupt.
But I do agree with what your saying, but I say it's better to keep them illegal. Drugs are bad, and people die from taking them. You shouldn't be allowed to get off the hook for taking drugs.

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