If you know what I'm talking about, I hope you agree with me that he is a complete moron. He is putting our troops over in Afghanistan at risk, by making 'moderate' muslims 'extreme' muslims. Post your ideas on this topic here:
I think you have a convoluted and extremist notion of what the man is doing, but I agree he's an idiot. All he's doing is drawing even more attention to Islam and further displaying his extremism, while condemning others he feels are 'extremists'. What a $@&^%#% moron...
yes, very idiotic if i do say so myself. although it is his right, and alot of people seem to think its cool if people burn the american flag.... so, i guess i don't care.
Did you see the CNN reporter talking to him? If so, it just proves my point even more. The way this guy is talking seems like we're at war against the Islam religion, which is untrue, we are at war against terrorism. People just stereotype muslims with terrorism.
Soldiers in iraq do wat they want and hey im ok with it its not long before they get killed or wounded by an IED so retarded we should nuke that country. burning a sacred book is very bad though and i opose it.
Oh cuz knuking everything fixes every problem in the world doesn't it? NO. thats even worse. then more countries would hate us and we would be at war almost immediately.
As such it isn't that stupid, it's just at the wrong time in the wrong situation/circumstances. But do it alone in your garden and it is just another symbolic act in this world full of symbolism.
G.Bush has aloud the creation on a anti muslim society.
I wouldn't go so far as to credit Bush with all that, but then again the things I hear about how responsible Obama is for the kerfuffle over that Ground-Zero Mosque...
sorry i was agreeing with HahiHa, not Strop. The mosque on ground zero kinda confuses me personally. I understand why everyone is pissed off, but y do u want to build a mosque THERE?