If you know what I'm talking about, I hope you agree with me that he is a complete moron. He is putting our troops over in Afghanistan at risk, by making 'moderate' muslims 'extreme' muslims. Post your ideas on this topic here:
It is unfortunate that the pastor in Florida is so unconsiance as to the ramafications of his proposed action. How ever as a vet is must stand up to his right to do so. We are a country blessed with freedom. Freedom is both a gift and a burdon, also joyus and inferiating. Speaking out against such actions is a correct action however it should always be tempered with the knowlage yhat such actions are their rite to preorme
I've downloaded the Qur'an from an e-book site. I've had a slow connection lately, but it was done by Saturday the 11th. I'm putting it on disk, if anyone wants one I can burn a few copies?
And that not going to provoke conflicts or war mongering no you know god what a bloody ******. I know people are gunna be like "freedom of speech" but for the love of jesus christ thats just stupid as Joe 96 says hes just asking for it.