ForumsWEPRThat (in my opinion) IDIOT burning the koran on 9/11

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272 posts

If you know what I'm talking about, I hope you agree with me that he is a complete moron. He is putting our troops over in Afghanistan at risk, by making 'moderate' muslims 'extreme' muslims. Post your ideas on this topic here:

  • 327 Replies
5,043 posts

You really can't make that assumption without proof to back it up - how can you say that he's a better man than them without knowing him first?

How can I assume otherwise? You're right, I can't make that assumption. However, if you look at the messages alone, the pastor's message was much less violent.

Man 1: You're a murderer!

Man 2: No I'm not! Say that again and I'll kill you!

The pastor was wrong to assume all Muslims are evil radicals. However, it's because of the radicals that he spoke out. He's wrong to assume all Muslims are bad, but he's right that some of them are radical pigheads.
881 posts

Just like in all other religions there are the overzealous, just these radicals have a bit more of an explosive temper... no pun intended... som hurt themseleves to prove their faith, others hurt others, it's horrible to be sure, it gives the people associated, even mildly, with their religion a bad name and reputation.

383 posts

Don't really care.
Though burning books in general is bad for foresight.

1,573 posts

Anyone else find this ironic?

Nope... I cant find any irony there as none of the articles I could find actually state that it was a muslim attack or gunner. She sounds like a high profile target as she had a bodyguard?!?

This article has far too much speculation to be ironic.
1,573 posts

Coincidences are rare, what I am saying is, if it was muslim attackers, it kinda proved the pope's point.

Nope it didnt prove anything. sorry dude I really dont see it at all. Even if it IS a muslim attacker AND he did it because either the pope said what he did or because of that idiot muslim dude who said to go kill the people who ridicule us because of this... then it only proves that there was an extremist in the world who was waiting for an excuse to vent his anger at a world that doesnt see it his way.
1,573 posts

It is ironically funny in that, upon being told his faith is violent, he goes out and kills a catholic to prove his faith isn't.

Ok I see what your getting at. But he is not going out and killing to disprove anything. He kills because they are the enemy and he believes god is on his side. It WOULD be ironic if the guy ran up and said

"ALLAHU AKBAR! How dare you say my religion is violent, for this god says I must punish you christian nun with bodyguard!!!"

The irony would go further that saying "Im not violent so I kill you" the real irony is that the pope is saying Islam is bad and teh Islamic cleric who says "kill all who believe other than we do" and yet they follow the same god... THAT... is ironic.
2,226 posts

I'm a Christian, but I think that all holy objects should be treated as sacred. And yes, it is putting our troops in danger. I personally think there is too much hate and persecution today between Christians and Muslims.

1,943 posts

Joe that's to of us we are both Christians but I do not think that the Koran is a holy sacred object. It is to he Muslims but it is not really well shall we say realistic, I myself belive that the bible is the only Holy Object that there is. I do know though that the idiot who burnt the Koran on 9/11 should be put in prison or maybe taking it extent killed just like our troops will be because of this. But there has always been a hate and persucation between us Christians and Muslims, they do not follow there Religion as Muslims are actully supposed to be 'Good Muslims' but killing people is the wrong way round. But back to the man who burnt the Koran, I belive this may lead to another attack like 9/11 personlley but not as big as this time they know what they can do.

26,677 posts

I am strongly opposed to killing anyone over their religious beliefs, but this guy really desrves it. He makes us regular Christians look like oppressive Fascists. We stopped doing that..... years ago. In all seriousness, he makes us seem to the Muslims as they seem to him.

An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.

--Muhhatma Ghandi
10 posts

I do know though that the idiot who burnt the Koran on 9/11 should be put in prison
What about Muslims (and other people) who burn the US flag? Should they be killed or sent to jail? He's speaking out against terrorists, not just Muslims. He is being an idiot, however. Hopefully this won't retaliate in our troops getting killed. I have a pretty biased view, but the Muslim radical groups started this with 9/11, and the guy was retaliating. An eye for an eye makes every one have one eye, it doesn't blind them. The only way this whole thing will stop is if someone is declared a clear winner, and he is just showing support for the anti terrorism groups.

26,677 posts

An eye for an eye makes every one have one eye, it doesn't blind them

Who has wronged only one person?
1,943 posts

What about Muslims (and other people) who burn the US flag

This is just the Muslims retaliating if he had not burnt the Koran they would not of burnt your stinking flag.
842 posts

Lmao if aliens came to earth in saucers and junk, they would be like... wtf? these creatures are killing themselves, lets not even stop by this planet, lets go..

1,943 posts

Thats totally off topic and random but it is true we are killing ourselves off and we need to stop but the Muslims Decline our peace treatys and refuse to stop blowing themselves up

5,043 posts

This is just the Muslims retaliating if he had not burnt the Koran they would not of burnt your stinking flag.

If they hadn't burnt our flag, cursed America, and killed a man for drawing a picture of Muhammad, then there would be no need to burn their Koran.

We shouldn't limit our freedom of speech just because someone else doesn't like what we are saying. We shouldn't hold back on burning the Koran simply because a bunch of Muslims get offended, because that's the point of burning the Koran.

If you want, buy a bible and burn it. Buy the Origin of Species. I don't care, buy a book and burn it. Buy a book and use it as a door stop. Buy a book and use it as a rug. Why is America so awesome? Because we are allowed to do these things and the government can't do a thing about it.

The Black Panthers placed the American flag on the ground and invited people to walk over it. Why hasn't anyone complained about them? God forbid someone threatens to burn the Koran because of all the radical and intolerant Muslims! But the Black Panthers marching on the American flag? Oh who cares?
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