ForumsWEPRA Canadian Against ObamaCare, Eh?

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The Road to CanadaCare? Sally Pipes on The Truth About ObamaCare

This lady is Fing crazy. There's no way national health care can fail. It's a fail proof plan. Obama plans on giving people MORE health care options, not create a monopoly.

Look at this lady. She is obviously faking her scenario.

Ok, maybe I am being biased only posting stuff from ReasonTV, an obviously biased and corrupted source. Nobody else out there is as misinformed as Reason TV, are they?

What about this guy? Hmm, he seems pretty crazy as well. I don't trust his real time, non rehearsed approach. I guess there are other nut jobs out there.

Thisperson was obviously hired by Fox news to lie. It's a conspiracy, I swear.

Canadian health care is awesome. I'm glad America is run by Liberals. Power to the people, through government control and regulation!

  • 79 Replies
3,437 posts

The private system we have now is better than the system Obama wants us to adopt. I will not lie, I can't think of a better system than what we have now, and I absolutely can't stand insurance companies. But if I dislike insurance companies, why would I make a law requiring everyone to buy insurance?

But you realize the system does not some fixing right? Regardless of what Obama has done he is trying to help America, it's not like he's deliberately ruining your country.

I have a question: If most of what is considered the western world has a universal healthcare system, and this system is proven to work well for the people, why is it so wrong?

I hate insurance, but there's a reason why everyone can't be covered, it's because insurance companies will go into debt if they do cover everyone. That's why we are going to go into debt with socialized health care. We can't pay for everyone without making everybody pay an extremely inflated price.

erhaps you are merely afraid of change. Americans have a tendencey to look out for their individual needs while Canadians feel a responsibility to their people as a whole. I see problems with my healthcare system yes, but they are not as grevious as everyone makes them out to be. I mean Canada's system covers a lot of things and our economy is in better shape than yours.

Watch taxes go up. I always loved buying books for 15 dollars, and looking at the Canadian price which would be about 25 dollars.

You're exagerating. The average paperback novel costs 9.99-10.99 CAN. 7.99 American.
5,043 posts

But you realize the system does not some fixing right? Regardless of what Obama has done he is trying to help America, it's not like he's deliberately ruining your country.

I don't care if he is trying to help the country or not. Unlike the people who gave him the Nobel Peace Prize, I want to see results, not good intention.

I have a question: If most of what is considered the western world has a universal healthcare system, and this system is proven to work well for the people, why is it so wrong?

It doesn't work well. It works well enough, but not as well as it could if insurance was private. There are all these claims that every other country has better health care than America. Every single list I see is different. Every single list I see has different criteria. In fact, the reason America is probably so low on the list is because not everyone is covered. However, just because everyone isn't covered doesn't mean it's a failing system or that it's even a bad system.

If you have a health problem or if you're injured, a hospital will work on you regardless if you have the money or not. You may not get as good of treatment, but that's because the better treatment costs money. At least you're getting treatment.


You should also watch me!!!

erhaps you are merely afraid of change.

Change? Afraid of change? I am afraid of falling into an even worse economy due to this "change". I do not fear it because it is change, I fear it because I'm confident the system will not work. Don't use the "You fear change," argument because it is nothing more than a strawman.

Americans have a tendencey to look out for their individual needs while Canadians feel a responsibility to their people as a whole.

That's not true at all. If Canadians cared so much about each other, then why must the government force them to share their health care?

Being forced to support each other isn't caring.

"My mom made me apologize to a kid I called stupid. I said I didn't want to but she threatened to ground me if I didn't. I'm such a great person for saying sorry!"

Do you know what I call a poor/middle class person who expects other people to pay so they can have lower health care? Greedy.

So stop using these straw man arguments. Just in case you ignored what I linked before, here they are again.

Watch me!

And me!
5,043 posts

Oh, guess what else profit does? It gives people more money to spend so they can look for cures for things such as cancer. You're so selfish, you would rather take these profits used to look for medical advancements and use them so you don't have to pay expensive health insurance.

u r s0o0o gr33dy.

5,043 posts

That is not entirely true, plenty of people have died because of rejection form the hospital.

Alright, maybe, but they weren't covered and they didn't have any money. I mean, if you have money, you don't really need insurance, it just helps for when you do get hurt.

I'm finding videos of people WITH health care being turned down in Canada.
1,133 posts

I know that when my aunt had cancer the doctor wanted to help her but the hospital wouldn't let him because my aunt's insurance wouldn't pay for it.

1,133 posts

Even though I think insurance companies are crooked I still think that private insurance is better than having it socialized.

65 posts

Except... it isn't free.

It's free at the point of delivery.

Of course it is paid for through tax, yet due to thresholds the vast majority of people who use the NHS get much more value out of it over the course of their life than what they put in.

If I remember correctly, don't Canadians also have a higher life expectancy and lower infant mortality rates?

Because they have UHC I would assume this is the case. The US not having UHC is undeniably a factor in their standard of health being so low compared to developed countries.

If you have a serious problem, then you have waiting lines to trudge through.

It's actually the opposite. For serious illness the NHS works very well, since these people get priority. For low level illness due to economies of scale and because this is what about 85% of NHS visits are about they are very quick. It's really mid level non essential treatment where waiting lines are a problem.

I remember reading a letter to a British centre right newspaper, The Times written by an American doctor who practiced in both countries. His idea was that because the NHS is ranked among the best in the world for low and high level illness, the alleviate the waiting times, people should have the option to pay extra fees in order to skip the queue by a certain number of places. In this way, healthcare remains very affordable and accessible, and the revenue intake could be reinvested to help alleviate the waiting lines.

Either way, my point is that waiting lines really aren't that bad. Instead of linking to videos about Canada try and experience living in a country with UHC and using a national health service for yourself. There's a reason they are so popular in most of the developed world. Because they work.

Life expectancy is effected by many different variables outside of medical care.

To deny the causal link between availability of healthcare and the life expectancy of a given country is infantile. Of course there are differing circumstances in the countries, but we are comparing like with like here. Indeed, Britain's circumstance lends itself to having worse healthcare than America since more of its population (%) live in urban areas. As for diet and lifestyle, Britain although not as bad as the US, is pretty unhealthy, much less so than most of Europe. We drink and smoke much more than the US and do a fairly similar amount of exercise.

people who are killed instantly and don't make it to the hospital, car accidents,

Makes up a tiny proportion of the population. It certainly is not enough to disprove the obvious causal link between availability healthcare and life expectancy. The immediate increase in life expectancy after the NHS was adopted supports this.


Oh, and we have terrible weather too.

you need to look at specific effects such as how efficient the costs are, how efficient the hospitals and other medical centers are, how reliable hospitals and medical centers are, and we need to look ONLY at the people who come and go from the hospital.

On all counts, UHC trumps private systems for efficiency. 1)Preventative early treatment costs vastly less than later treatment.
2) Insurance companies aren't involved to make a profit either, doctors have no incentive to recommend expensive treatments as they do in the US.
3) Quality of care is higher because a hospital which has to turn a profit does so by limiting services as much as possible to save money.
4) Economies of scale dictates that public hospitals are more efficient simply because they are larger and are supplied with medicinal things in much greater bulk.

A country can be at war, have the best health care, and have the lowest life expectancy.

You are providing many more hypothetical situations where using life expectancy could be a flawed measure rather than any real life examples to prove your point, or rather disprove the causal link.

Yet, the US still is able to maintain a high standard of living.

High compared to who? The developing world? Definitely. The developed world? Definitely not. It's not a question of whether or not America has a high standard of living across the globe, but rather whether this could be improved upon by the introduction of UHC.

Maybe Americans are so rich they can afford to pay more for medical care?

46 million people cannot gain access to healthcare in America. This is by no means a majority, but it is undoubtedly a significant minority.

And by ''most expensive'' that's compared to average costs of treating someone. So for someone in the UK going to the NHS for a particular procedure, the average cost of that exact same procedure in the US is higher.

Who says most Americans can't afford it?

No one said most, apart from you. But a significant minority cannot.

Also, who says most Americans need medical care in the first place?!

The Americans who get sick and don't have insurance need it of course.

People who don't want to pay for insurance and don't have medical problems get the very best value of anyone... they lose no money at all!

Of course they do, but this is not the case for a lot of people. It also depends how much people value healthcare, or at least value knowing they would have access to it if they developed a health problem.

You make it sound as if people pick and choose illness in the same way people pick and choose private health firms. You never know if/when you're going to get ill.

The chances of me paying for health care I will not use are VERY VERY high.

But you will get the value back when you are older. The chances of you putting in your whole life and never needing medical treatment are extremely low. The more you put in, the more can be invested for the benefit of all. If everyone pays, the cost goes down on average and the quality of care goes up since hospitals become more efficient.
5,043 posts

It's free at the point of delivery.

You pay 100 dollars a month for 12 months, you have payed 1,200 dollars. You get hurt and you get an 800 dollar surgery. That's okay, even though you have a net loss of 400 dollars, it was free (because everyone knows taxes isn't considered payment, it's considered donation!)

Of course it is paid for through tax, yet due to thresholds the vast majority of people who use the NHS get much more value out of it over the course of their life than what they put in.

This simply is not true.

Because they have UHC I would assume this is the case. The US not having UHC is undeniably a factor in their standard of health being so low compared to developed countries.

I honestly see no evidence of this at all.

It's actually the opposite. For serious illness the NHS works very well, since these people get priority. For low level illness due to economies of scale and because this is what about 85% of NHS visits are about they are very quick. It's really mid level non essential treatment where waiting lines are a problem.

Thanks for watching the videos I linked...

Non-essential treatment? Can you give me examples please? Regardless, where there are long lines for UHC, there are none with Private health care. None beats some.

No one said most, apart from you. But a significant minority cannot.

I'm one of the minority and I don't need or want to pay for health care at all at my age. I don't see why I should be forced.

The Americans who get sick and don't have insurance need it of course.

No, they need medical care, not insurance. Refer to my broken down car example.

The developed world? Definitely not.

Definitely not? Oh, right, because we don't have UHC, I get it. Har har.

Of course they do, but this is not the case for a lot of people. It also depends how much people value healthcare, or at least value knowing they would have access to it if they developed a health problem.

You make it sound as if people pick and choose illness in the same way people pick and choose private health firms. You never know if/when you're going to get ill.

Learn how insurance works please.

But you will get the value back when you are older.

By the time I am older, I will have payed so much money with taxes I would have been better off putting it in the bank and not having insurance at all! Just because you end up getting treatment does not mean you are getting your money's worth.

Remember, insurance is something you get before you have problems just in case problems arise. The reason you can't get insurance after you have problems is because that's not what insurance is. It's like paying 200 dollars so you don't have to pay 1000 dollars.

How would you like to go to a store, see an xbox that costs what? 200 dollars? And sigh at how pricey it is. Then you see a coupon that costs 20 dollars and it will get you a free xbox! So you buy the coupon and you get a free xbox. The store that is selling the xbox gets screwed over royally.

Why does insurance work? Because most of the people who have it are not getting sick to the point where it is costing the company money! How do insurance companies avoid these problems? They choose who to insure and they use risk to their advantage and the gamble. That's how insurance works.

Insurance is NOT something you pay for, so someone else can pay the rest off. At least, it's not supposed to.

Do you know how much better other countries will be without UHC? To be honest, it's too late for them, they are already dependent on the system. America still has a chance to back out.

Please, for the sake of God, watch the videos I linked before you reply.
5,043 posts

1)Preventative early treatment costs vastly less than later treatment.

No, you have to wait for a nurse to see you and determine how serious your problem is.

2) Insurance companies aren't involved to make a profit either, doctors have no incentive to recommend expensive treatments as they do in the US.

This is the problem with insurance in general. However, doctors have incentive to recommend expensive insurance to everyone, which will drain UHC funds even faster, where before doctors only did expensive treatments when people had the health care. Simply put, the incentive is most definitely still there!

3) Quality of care is higher because a hospital which has to turn a profit does so by limiting services as much as possible to save money.


The more service you provide, the more profit you make.


Okay, to be fair, I'm not an expert when it comes to how hospitals work. I'm sure there are certain patients that costs hospitals money and get cheaper care. However, I'm still pretty certain you are wrong, and in the very least, you know no more than I do when it comes to how hospitals make and lose profit.

4) Economies of scale dictates that public hospitals are more efficient simply because they are larger and are supplied with medicinal things in much greater bulk.

Uh... no?

Who told you this? Obama?
10,816 posts

In the interest of helping Nemo find somebody suitable to pick on, I'm going to poke my head in here, because I happen to know how a public health system works, so might provide a little more useful discussion than this to-and-fro which seems to consist almost purely of adherence to respective party lines.

[quote]Because they have UHC I would assume this is the case. The US not having UHC is undeniably a factor in their standard of health being so low compared to developed countries.

I honestly see no evidence of this at all.[/quote]

I'm not going to weigh in on the debate as to whether public health is "better" or not, because I'm not sold on the premises of the value of life. Furthermore, I think Nemo's premise is "anything I pay for that I'm not getting back in services is unacceptable", and well, I think I also reject this.

However, I will direct you towards the morbidity and mortality statistics of every European nation that has an established public health system. The Scandanavian ones, in particular, which have the best statistics (in terms of those measures). The qualifier here is that the Scandanavian public health system is very well funded in the form of high taxes, so it's actually got the resources to cover everything. In fact one of the reasons it's so successful is because there's a well-established central database of health records for citizens, which I'm sure will resemble a bit of a police-state to many of you. Which brings me to my assertion that most Americans who oppose public healthcare do so because they're born and raised in a culture in which this quasi-socialistic lifestyle is completely alien... but hey, they also have excellent satisfaction levels!

(Loose corollary: the more "freedom" a society makes for itself, the whinier it becomes.)

The more service you provide, the more profit you make.


I wish "more" here meant "better", but that's really a matter of luck in the private sector. In general, however, let's make no bones about it, people who can afford to pay for private health insurance are likely to get "better" healthcare, usually in the form of perks and certain options (like being able to see a specific consultant instead of seeing whoever is available). I'll vouch for this anecdotally, as well as relate the general consensus from a health professional living in a country that has had public healthcare funding for several decades. Note that we're generally quite happy with how it works, despite the fact it's not perfect and we get taxed for it.

Most importantly, a public healthcare system is designed to address the issue that not everybody has access to basic healthcare. Adequacy forms a different set of criteria from excellence, because you can't have the latter without even establishing the former.
10,816 posts

p.s. on the other hand, I have no intention of taking out ambulance insurance, which I think isn't covered by our public Medicare funding. Despite the fact that an ambulance trip is at least $2000 a pop, and I'm probably at higher risk than most people of needing said trip (the life of a ninja is dangerous). And this is because I'm being offered that insurance for what, 500 bucks a year!?!?!?

Maybe if it were 50 I would fork out. On the other hand I have no objection to paying tax for what IS covered in public health funding because a) I don't have a choice and the quality of my life is satisfactory, so I'm not complaining b) it's handier than you think. I do often require a visit to the doctor if for nothing else other than medical certificates, so I go to a bulk-billing clinic. It costs me nothing. The service I get is absolutely minimal (because the clinic only gets half the standard fee back from the government). But since I'm just there for a certificate, it works out. If I had to go get that certificate privately, it'd set me back 65 bucks. 65 bucks is not my idea of value for a slip of paper that allows me to get paid when I'm ill because of the work I do!

Somebody mentioned US healthcare is expensive when you do pay for it. I happened to visit this wonderful country a while back, and while I was in Disneyland Anaheim, all these snotty kids who obviously were incubating chickenpox went and gave me shingles. It was obvious to me that I had shingles but I still needed to call a locum in order to prescribe me acyclovir, pronto (otherwise bad things might happen), and that one call set me back 550 bucks. Holy crap guys, that's steep. Thank God it was mostly covered by my travel insurance.

65 posts

No, you have to wait for a nurse to see you and determine how serious your problem is.

You do realise a queue will last of a maximum of a few hours. If you need tests the maximum you can be held to wait for serious conditions in the UK is 2 weeks. In the US people without healthcare will wait until they have no other option to go to the doctor, perhaps weeks or months after they started feeling ill, by which point the illness is much more expensive to treat.

Simply put, the incentive is most definitely still there!

Except it isn't. GPs are given efficiency targets and expected to be as efficienct as possible due to all the red tape in the NHS.

Also you misunderstand. Doctors working in hospitals trying to turn a profit will have a personal incentive in terms of their own salary to recommend as many expensive treatments as possible to increase revenue for their particular hospital. Regardless of what treatments doctors in the NHS recommend their salaries are still decided by the government, removing their control over their own salary.

The more service you provide, the more profit you make.

The more customers you have the more profit you make. For each individual customer however, being a private business you want to provide that service at as low a cost as possible to your company. That is in a very basic sense what productive efficiency is. Lowest cost per unit, the unit in this case being the patient.

My basic point is that by treating medical care as a business and not a service hospitals cut as many corners as possible at the expense of the customer to make as much money as possible. Of course they are so expensive anyway that treatment in private hospitals is very good. But the point is by having a profit incentive it could be much better.

Who told you this? Obama?

No, I don't watch American tv, or reporting anyway. Most of it is pretty crap. Really, economies of scale is a very simple economic concept. It's one of the benefits of a monopoly. The bigger an entity a simple company is the more they can save on costs through bulk buying and specialisation.

because I'm not sold on the premises of the value of life.

Just so I understand your agument better, what do you you mean when you say 'value'?

I'll vouch for this anecdotally, as well as relate the general consensus from a health professional living in a country that has had public healthcare funding for several decades.

I wasn't disputing the fact that private healthcare would be generally better than public. However I just don't live in a fantasy world where everyone can afford private insurance or indeed one where people believe that anyone who can't afford it doesn't deserve it. I suppose I am showing my true colours here, but that's fine with me. I believe that morally people are entitled to healthcare if they need it. But from what I have read and heard from doctors here in the UK and Germany is that on average a public system is better. I don't think that is in dispute.

Out of interest where do you practice? In Europe, Canada?
5,043 posts

The Bill with No Name

Sorry, somewhat unrelated, but can you blame me for not trusting the government?

65 posts

Oh, I do not blame you at all for not trusting the democrats. From the little I've seen of their healthcare campaign it certainly looks like something is up.

That's one of the problems with garnering support for UHC in the states though. So much of the opinion based on it is exactly that. Whenever I speak to Americans about it (there are tons of students here in Berlin) the only arguments they can come up with are ''it's unfair, I don't want to pay for other people's shit!!11'' When you ask them what it actually entails most of the replies you get are about the evils of socialism (without exmplaining what socialism is or why exactly it is evil, I digress). I think one of the biggest challenges for the US getting a functional healthcare system is the media and the two party system which exists now. The Republics seem to have no idea what they're doing, so instead of critiquing the bill, they just use fearmongering tactics. The democrats are equally inept and are so afraid of average Joe's opinion of them they water it down to the point where it's only tweaking.

As Bill Maher said (I think); 60% of Americans are still creationists. Fuck public opinion and do it. Not my words, and fairly crude, but the point he makes is I think a good one.

5,043 posts

As Bill Maher said (I think); 60% of Americans are still creationists. **** public opinion and do it.

That's not democracy, therefore it is not ethical in my opinion.

Let's reverse the roles. Let's say the leader is a Creationist and 60%, let's make it 90, believe in the big bang. Should the leader be allowed to make a choice that most people don't want simply because that leader thinks they are right and everyone else is wrong?

Where do you draw the line?

What if the government makes a law limiting the amount of salts, sugars, and fats that may go into food? What if the government thinks it is best to take everyone's guns away? What if the government thinks it is best to give everyone a gun?

As soon as you allow the government the power to go against the will of the majority because you think the majority is wrong, then you give the government the power to go against the will of the people when the people are right.

So regardless if UHC works or not, many American's don't want it.

"But what about the uninsured? derp derp"

Look at everyone at the Tea Party Rallies. They are the working class of America. They are the ones who work to make the economy better. They are the ones paying the taxes. They should get a say in what they must and must not pay for.
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