So basically '**** the truth, let's go based on popularity'. That is half the problem with American politics. I understand it is easier, but that means that instead of government decisions based on their inherent rationality and validity, we get government decisions based on the popularity of the party that puts them forth.
Easier? The government should work for the people, not the other way around.
Fine with me.
Quick question. What happened to your spine?
I guess you're fine with the government throwing everyone who has an STD in prison then? As long as it is for the greater good? A parent let their 8 year old stay up past midnight, should we lock those horrible people up for neglecting their child the sleep they need?
Here I agree. But what you are missing is that I do not advocate government action based on subjective moral principles. Whilst there is always a degree of subjectivity when legislating on any law, certain things like UHC and gun prohibition have been empirically proven to increase the health of a people and to reduce murder rates.
Yeah, you're right. I'm wrong. How could I forget about the government's war on drugs? The drug wars have obviously protected the people!
Do you think it is right that gay couples cannot marry because the majority decree that they cannot?
Do you think it is right that gay couples cannot marry because the minority in America decree they cannot?
at worst an ignorant and prejudiced one.
Ignorance? I mean, the people want to think for themselves. That is ignorant, selfish, and we should give up our freedom to promote safety through government control so we can let a crooked elite decide what is best for the people.
I'm afraid I'm going to have to see some statistics to back up the claim that the tea party represent blue collar Americans. I happen to have blue collar relatives in the States who wouldn't touch the tea party with a barge pole.
You're family must be too busy kissing Obama's feet as they say, "I'm so afraid of the real world. I'm afraid of baddies. Tell me what to eat. Tell me who to fuck. Tell me when to sleep. Tell me what to buy. Tell me how to walk. Tell me how to breath. Oh tell me how I can trade in my freedom for protection so called protection."
Also do you not see the irony in saying they should decide what they pay for. By keeping a private systeem they hold people to ransom by ensuring they have to pay private health insurance, much higher than the rise in tax would be for the average American.
There is no irony. You are complaining that everyone should be covered, and therefore they should be forced to pay for insurance. You don't even know what insurance is.
I believe we should have a choice when it comes to our own health, lifestyle, and actions.
But they need it.
No, they don't. Even if they did, it should not be forced.
Same question. Where do you draw the line with the majority making a choice for everyone? I realize the government cannot provide for everyone, but surely passing a law because a bunch of people say it's good does not make it so (Yes I realize you'll tell me UHC is in the same boat).
I don't draw a line. I believe in free speech and protest. Therefore I believe it is up to THE PEOPLE to persuade the minds of the majority, not the government.
Ah yes, the Tea Party, America's psychotic rednecks.
Psychotic rednecks? I'm sorry to say this, but you're nothing more than a stereotyping bigot who can't think for themselves. You know what pisses me off with people like you? People like you are trying to say things like "the tea party is racist." Yet, you're stereotyping the tea party as a bunch of rednecks. You're no better than a racist.
Did you see the video of the rally where a member decided to start dropping f-bombs and accuse a man filming the rally of being a Communist simply because the man who was filming asked on the views of said Tea Party member?
Sorry, what was that? I was too busy watching
this.History Note: Germany was democratic before Hitler. And evem Hitler was technically elected.
Yeah, we should not be allowed to elect our leaders. Our leaders should be allowed to inherit their positions.
Stop with the strawman bullshit.