ForumsWEPRDisciplining children

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what do you think about it like do you think if they do something bad they deserve a smack on the head or a "talking to" or something in between or even something different like timeout

even though I'm the OP I'm on a bit of a bias towards a smack because it teaches effectively IMO

  • 139 Replies
9,462 posts

First off, you spelled 'disciplining' wrong, secondly, disciplining isnt wrong,

First of all this is moot.

secondly, disciplining isnt wrong, if a chid misbehaves you should pop them on the head or give them a firm lecture, but some people just take it too far,

Secondly, we are debating on what method of discipline is appropriated and not appropriate to use. Not weather we should or should not discipline.

Though I have noticed that it seems to have been suggested here that not hitting kids = not controlling your kids. I say you can maintain control without hitting.

but it still makes me sick to see some idoit think that beating on a child will make them want to beahave, hint, IT DOESN'T

My favorites bits of utter stupidity are hitting a kid for screaming/crying or hitting the kid for your kid hitting someone.

I'm not tryin to be some hippie saying that being firm is bad,

This is just want I mean about correlating hitting with maintaining some form of control. I agree you do sometimes have to be firm with children, I do not agree that you have to hit them to be firm. You can be firm with a child and not hit.
641 posts

I never said we couldn't learn that way, but now that we have other options wouldn't you agree that the best one would be the choice where little children aren't injured, by their own parents no less?

this might be a generalization of the term discipline. have you ever been spanked, or had a swat, or a smack to the baack of the head? its not really that bad, i never had an injury due to the discipline i recieved. physical discipline, atleast for my dad, was always coupled with a 45-90 minute lecture, that always ended in my dad apologizing, and telling me he loved me. i never hated him, ever. and now, because i understand the difference between right and wrong, i stay out of trouble.
3,085 posts

Violence against your children isn't required to learn the difference between right and wrong. Indeed, it's rather hypocritical if your parents hit you if they're trying to teach you that violence or lashing out is wrong...

8,256 posts

Violence against your children isn't required to learn the difference between right and wrong. Indeed, it's rather hypocritical if your parents hit you if they're trying to teach you that violence or lashing out is wrong...

I think I was never spanked or anything.. it may be the most common, and maybe the easiest, way to handle a situation, but it isn't absolutely necessary if you know how to handle it without spanking.
26,390 posts

ts not really that bad, i never had an injury due to the discipline i recieved.

I never said they were permanently injured, but they were still in pain no matter what, correct? Pain is best avoided, because it SUCKS.

this might be a generalization of the term discipline. have you ever been spanked, or had a swat, or a smack to the baack of the head?

A lot when I was younger. My dad stopped doing it that way a long time ago because it never worked.

physical discipline, atleast for my dad, was always coupled with a 45-90 minute lecture, that always ended in my dad apologizing, and telling me he loved me

Ditto for me, but I hated the punishment more when he did that. It made him seem like a liar, because in my three year old eyes, people who love each other don't hurt each other. I just hated my dad more when he told me he loved me because it annoyed me and I never believed him.

i never hated him, ever. and now, because i understand the difference between right and wrong, i stay out of trouble.

Do you know the difference between right and wrong because your dad used corporal punishment or because he used other methods?
And good for you, by the way. But personal experiences are too selective, an average would be better.
174 posts

Violence against your children isn't required to learn the difference between right and wrong. Indeed, it's rather hypocritical if your parents hit you if they're trying to teach you that violence or lashing out is wrong...

It's the most persuasive, and they get the message quicker.
I was disciplined by spanks, time outs, and intensive yelling. And I'm the only one in my tenth grade class that doesn't smoke cigarettes or pot, do any drugs, get high, abuse medication, have sexual intercourse, or drink alcohol. I'm a living proof.
9,462 posts

It's the most persuasive, and they get the message quicker.
I was disciplined by spanks, time outs, and intensive yelling. And I'm the only one in my tenth grade class that doesn't smoke cigarettes or pot, do any drugs, get high, abuse medication, have sexual intercourse, or drink alcohol. I'm a living proof.

I could say the same thing about not being beat.
174 posts

Yeah true but I was a mean little kid. The kind who yelled screamed and stamped my foot. I needed to get straightened out.

1,133 posts

I don't care if someone else doesn't spank there kids but I do care if someone tries to make it so I can't.

174 posts

^True that.

9,462 posts

Yeah true but I was a mean little kid. The kind who yelled screamed and stamped my foot. I needed to get straightened out.

So getting smacked as a small child really got you to stop screaming, or did you just start crying for other reasons?
15,053 posts

So getting smacked as a small child really got you to stop screaming, or did you just start crying for other reasons?

don't tell me you never wanted to smack a child for being freaken annoying with the mother not doing anything about it
174 posts

Yeah it did actually, donkey.

9,462 posts

don't tell me you never wanted to smack a child for being freaken annoying with the mother not doing anything about it

Wanting to do something and doing it are quite different. There are plenty of adults I have met that I have thought of doing far worse to, but it doesn't mean it would be right of me to do or even the best thing to do.
1,573 posts

It's the most persuasive, and they get the message quicker.
I was disciplined by spanks, time outs, and intensive yelling. And I'm the only one in my tenth grade class that doesn't smoke cigarettes or pot, do any drugs, get high, abuse medication, have sexual intercourse, or drink alcohol. I'm a living proof.

uhh... I think you have no idea what your saying buddy. These things are not because you got smacked... I got smacked and I smoke, take drugs and have a kid... Im "living proof" that you need to wise up. You make your own choices.
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