ForumsThe TavernYour experiences with the paranormal

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Some creepy things have happened in my house. I've seen shadows that look like people, but walk on there own. I once saw my grandma sitting on my little brother's bed on the anniversery of her death the morning I woke up (I didn't even know it until I told my mom and aunt and they told me). Some nights when I'm in my bed and everyone is sleeping, I will hear things moving downstairs. But it gets wierder! Sometimes I take my showers and I hear someone knocking on the bathroom door. I ask who's knocking and no one replies. I get out a few minutes later and nobody was upstairs. In 8th grade, I would be up doing homework until 12-1 A.M. Twice, I was doing my homework at my desk and the door slams on me! The first time open, the second time shut. And when I say slammed, I mean slammed. There were no windows open, no fans on, nobody was walking around or moving. Have you ever had any experiences of your own?

  • 287 Replies
2,226 posts

I was lying down on my bed, reading a book with a lamp on, and at the top right corner of my room, there was a pitch black shadow. Then, I leave it alone, and somehow, it moved to another corner, then gone. I was so scared

That happened to me a few times too. Whenever I see those, I catch them out of the corner of my eye. When I turn around, they run away.
Wow, that's creepy. I was watching this one show, Celebrity Haunts once and that happened. It said that ghosts will sometimes mimic the appearance of a close one to let them know they don't want to hurt them...or one time on A Haunting, this family had these two sons sleeping in the basement. The demon in the house pretended to be their sister and flicked the lights on and off even though there was no light bulb O_o
45 posts

I don't have any creepy story ¬¬
But this is a great post

45 posts

Got one
A few weeks ago, I was playing Dead Space with a friend in my room (It's scary, so don't judge me) and suddenly, we heard a scratching by the window. We paused the game, and we saw a hand, maybe an arm, well, the hand and the wrist, scratching my window. We run the hell out of there. We still don't know what was it.

13,344 posts

Once, when I was about 5 or 6, I said something to myself while alone in my room, and then a young man's voice answered me. But there was nobody else in the room. :O

99.999% chance it was my imagination.
0.001% chance it was a young man who had gotten into my house completely undetected and had found a hiding place in my room just to respond to one thing I said, then to leave the house without making any noise or being seen.

That's the closest I've ever gotten to hearing a "ghost". I know it's not the same, but it felt like it needed to be said.

622 posts

A few weeks ago, I was playing.....the wrist, scratching my window. We run the hell out of there

That is quite a creepy experience.

I never had any eerie experience myself but if nightmares count then I've had a bunch of them.
1,148 posts

I have absolutely no experience with the paranormal and I don't want to come across a ghost, demon spirit or any other paranormal being that might frighten you. I've watched some episodes on Discovery Channel where people actually experience these &quotaranormal" beings, I also got scared sometimes, cause I usually watched them at midnight, and I was perhaps a little 9-year-old kid.

i am now aware that people were torturs and killd in this building during the ww2, and tht thos people are haunting the basements.

Let's just ignore you're horrible grammar and spelling, I watched an episode somewhere of a group of teenagers who left camera's recording everything in "haunted" places, such as the basements you were talking about.
1,747 posts

This posts are great, too bad I can't post any stories, but actually, I'm better off not posting... I don't want to experience anything with the paranormal.

1,564 posts

I got one and it happened today.

I came back from school and I was putting on my PJ. While I was changing I was singing a random song about what happens when the electricity goes out in a school (I was happy about that it's the week-ends) that I made up. Then I hear a knocking sound on the wall. I stop and the knocking becomes less regular. When I restart I hear the knocking again and I think It's the neighbors (I live in a apartment) telling me to stop. When my parents come I ask them what's the room behind my room and they tell me the kitchen. I go check and I see that the oven was on the spot that was knocking. 8O
Probably was a pipe or something or maybe it was a ghost.

53 posts

One night I went to my aunt and uncles trailer to hang out with them and play xbox. But at around 7:30 they asked if it was ok if they went out with a couple friends to the bar. I said sure I will just stay here and play madden. So they left and I was in the trailer all alone. In the trailer there is a really long hall from the living room to the main bedroom which is on the opposite end. I hate this hall because the light switch to the hall is on the side with the bedroom so if you want to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night you have to walk down this hall in pitch black and feel along the wall for the lights. Well anyway It was around 10:00 pm when a storm came and it started hailing really hard on our tin roof. Very loud and nonstop for like 10 minutes. About halfway through the hailstorm The power went out. So I had to find some candles and put them around the living room. I had nothing else to do with the power out than to play my uncles acoustic guitar. But while I was playing it I heard something squeking so I stopped playing. It was somebody jumping on my aunt and uncles bed at the end of the hall. As I listened my heart started to beat really fast and whoever was jumping on the bed jumped faster too. I was the only one in the house and was really freaked out. Especially since my aunt had had very scary paranormal experiences several times in that trailer before. And also one time I was taking a whiz in the bathroom when the bathtub water turned on full blast spontaniously. One time my aunt had a psychic examine the house and the pyschic said it wasnt the trailer but the land that was haunted. Also she predicted my aunt was pregnant before even my aunt knew it. AND SHE WAS RIGHT! But any way to end the story, after the bed squeking for 2 minutes or so I heard a loud BANG! like somebody dropped something really heavy from a high place. I was so terrified that I didnt move from my spot on the couch until my aunt and uncle got home. Thankfully the squeking stopped after the loud bang though.

122 posts

Well i havent had any paranormal things happen but i have heard weird things like bangs not to loud or people walking through my hall and stepping on the steps upstairs but its just beacuse this house is old and creeks.So if you hear stuff like that or creeks at night in the walls or floors.It ether is the wind blowing hard and hitting the walls and the house is old and is pipes can be messed up.

158 posts

One time i had to stay in this really old wooden houses with my dad and it was old and eerie. that night i kept hearing thudding on the roof but it wasn't raining. the next day i found a dead bird on the coat rack that was there. thank god we were just staying in that house for the night it was creepy

32 posts

once when i was young, about 6-8 i had to use the bathroom. So after i got done using the bathroom i went to the kitchen to get me something to eat. After i was done eating i went to go back to my room and i had to walk past the bathroom to get to my room. When i walked past the bathroom and looked in and saw some guy standing there with flowers and i ran to my mom's room and told her that there was some guy standing in the bathroom with flowers.

42 posts

Well here are my experienses: just last year, i was sitting in my room at my computer near the window, i saw a man walking, pretty creepy lookin guy, wearing a bunch of scary black clothes. he walked by and sat on the curb across the street, he was just sitting looking at his feet. i was staring at him for a little while, then he looked up and saw me. i turned away casualy for a second or two and looked back and he was gone. i looked away for long enough for somebody sitting on a curb to jump up. no way he could have ran away that fast, or even hidden anywere. i pressed my face agianst the window to see if he was running down the street. nope. nothing. made me jumpy for the rest of the day.

Second: sixth grade. on my computer really late at night (when i'm supposed to be sleeping) nobodys up. i go to the bathroom, go pee. turn off the light and go sit at my computer. my door is open and i can see the bathroom from it, the light turns on suddenly. i slowly walk slowly in the bathroom totaly freaked, and turn it back off. i sit back down at my computer, and it's still on. i though about it for like 10 minutesi knew it tunred itself on the first time, but this time i didn't see it turn on did i just not turn it off and forget? i went back in and turned it off. and it didn't happen agian.

third, it was in fouth grade the first time, it's not very scary but i randomly heard a very sweet womans voice that i'd never heard before say my name. it's happened 6 times since then. might just be my mind.

42 posts

I'm home alone atm so i'm super freaked atm!

543 posts

i just had another one like 3 mins ago a light bulb from my chandiler unscrewed its self and broke on the floor and no it didnt just fall the bulbs piont stright up not down i would have to unscrew its self then fall

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