ForumsThe TavernYour experiences with the paranormal

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Some creepy things have happened in my house. I've seen shadows that look like people, but walk on there own. I once saw my grandma sitting on my little brother's bed on the anniversery of her death the morning I woke up (I didn't even know it until I told my mom and aunt and they told me). Some nights when I'm in my bed and everyone is sleeping, I will hear things moving downstairs. But it gets wierder! Sometimes I take my showers and I hear someone knocking on the bathroom door. I ask who's knocking and no one replies. I get out a few minutes later and nobody was upstairs. In 8th grade, I would be up doing homework until 12-1 A.M. Twice, I was doing my homework at my desk and the door slams on me! The first time open, the second time shut. And when I say slammed, I mean slammed. There were no windows open, no fans on, nobody was walking around or moving. Have you ever had any experiences of your own?

  • 287 Replies
42 posts

Woah, freaky.

2,226 posts

Today at about 7 A.M. my time, maybe an hour after I woke up (it was still a little dark and everyone except me was asleep). Just before I blinked, I saw the silhouette of a person. When I opened my eyes, it was gone.

509 posts

My first experience was when I was probably about 8 or 9.My family said we had to visit my aunt in England.I honestly hate my aunt because she has this weird creepy house with alot of garden gnomes(which I hate so much)and a creepy voice.So when we got there we unpacked our stuff and my aunt showed me to where I had to sleep which was the couch.I was kinda glad since I didn't have to sleep with my aunt like I had to when I was 5.When night came along my aunt made dinner.To be honest my aunt makes horrible food and I have to choke it down so I won't be rude.So I was chokeing the food down when I noticed a slight draft.The air conditioner wasn't on so I asked my dad if he felt it.He said no.After dinner I turned on the lights in the living room and flipped on the TV.At midnight I thought I saw a dark figure in the window.I was laying there the TV still on when I noticed he was wearing some old fashioned clothing then I blinked and he faded away.When we left I looked at the house and saw the man looking through the window.Then a month later my aunt got cancer and died.This might sound a little evil but I was a bit happy I didn't have to visit her anymore.Then just yesterday my TV flipped on and off for two times.

2,226 posts

Then just yesterday my TV flipped on and off for two times.

I think that happens to me once in a while, too.
By the way, that thing with the guy was freaky O_o
509 posts

[i]By the way, that thing with the guy was freaky

Yeah.Sometimes I think hes still watching me.

509 posts

Oh one more thing.This kid at my school he asked me if I wanted to come over to his house and play Halo.So I said sure and we walked over to his house.When we were playing I saw a picture of a man in a top hat and tux.I asked him who he was and he said his grandpa.Then the Xbox shut off and I was like what the heck.We tried to turn it back on but we couldn't.Then we saw a guy who looked like the dude in the picture.He dissapeared after ten seconds.I was like forget this im leaving.I rode my rollerblades the half mile to my house scared to death.

2,226 posts

^That's freaky, too. Maybe only some people can see stuff like this. I mean, I rarely see (or hear) things like this; maybe a few times a year but my parents never see anything. My little brother has seen a shadow once and heard breathing when I was in the basement that one time (pretty sure I posted the story about this already). How often do you see these things?

509 posts

How often do you see these things?

Hard to say really.I have noticed that these things only happen to me when Im afraid.I talked to my councellor at school and she said to talk to this psychic guy.I might do that tommorow.

848 posts

I only experienced deja vus. But those freaky ones which last several seconds and you know the exact sequence of events that are about to occur. Weird feeling.

2,226 posts

I only experienced deja vus.

I don't think that ever happened to me, but sometimes it feels like stuff I do is what I did before...
these things only happen to me when Im afraid

I watched something on tv that said ghosts are most active when people have strong negative energy or something. If you don't like it (which I'm pretty sure you don't) they said you should tell them that it's your house...seems to work for me.
she said to talk to this psychic guy

Aww... I've always kinda wanted to do that D:
Well good luck...have fun?
509 posts


Hm I think I seen that show was it on A&E?Anyways the psychic guy said I didn't have to worry much about it.(That's great advice I think)this morning I was taking a shower and when I was turning off the shower I made it really stuck on off so but it sprays water for about two minutes which really surprised me.

256 posts

I don't know if this counts as paranormal but almost every time I lay eyes on an old object or place (such as an old closet or an old house wall) that I am unfamiliar with I get a sudden but painless throb in my head and a feeling of nostalgia. I remebmer going to Salvation Army to drop off old stuff and when I entered my head constantly throbbed in this manner. Probably just some psycological thing.

1,584 posts

Don't know when but i had a deja vu and i forgot it like always i get them in dreams randomly and if i have a bad feeling. Ok so i see something cant remember exactly but you know when you see a deja vu and you cant remember until it happens but this is what i saw i saw dark grey bars like a prison cell and a hole in the floor infront of the bars. Then a flash of white and then darkness and it kinda well like umm i could almost see the wind and it came from nowhere. The last thing i remember was seeing a few shadows in the hole. (sorry for poor detail but you know a dream or deja vu is like just a cover of art and if you reveal whats under it you will be prepaired for what it ment.

509 posts


Yeah its most likely its something psychological.Theirs this thing called EMP or something like that and it has to do with electrical waves that make people feel like there being watched or claustrophobic tons of symptoms.

256 posts

that make people feel like there being watched or claustrophobic tons of symptoms.

Well, I didn't feel watched or claustrophobic at all. In fact, the sensation is quite pleasant, almost like a brain stretch.
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