ForumsThe TavernYour experiences with the paranormal

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2,226 posts

Some creepy things have happened in my house. I've seen shadows that look like people, but walk on there own. I once saw my grandma sitting on my little brother's bed on the anniversery of her death the morning I woke up (I didn't even know it until I told my mom and aunt and they told me). Some nights when I'm in my bed and everyone is sleeping, I will hear things moving downstairs. But it gets wierder! Sometimes I take my showers and I hear someone knocking on the bathroom door. I ask who's knocking and no one replies. I get out a few minutes later and nobody was upstairs. In 8th grade, I would be up doing homework until 12-1 A.M. Twice, I was doing my homework at my desk and the door slams on me! The first time open, the second time shut. And when I say slammed, I mean slammed. There were no windows open, no fans on, nobody was walking around or moving. Have you ever had any experiences of your own?

  • 287 Replies
509 posts

I've seen someone talk about these "ghost zombies of Guam". Sounds creepy huh? If I was attacked by a ghost zombie I'd be scared to ****.

995 posts

Well, it was once, I was going to sleep... when... I saw a flash. Like, a flash of a freakin' zombie. I was 4. Couldn't sleep for a week.

1,066 posts

What were you doing in a school by yourself? and are you sure it wasnt a teacher or principal or janitor playing a prank on you? the staff at my school love to have fun and joke around.

2,226 posts

I saw my sister behind the three. She is dead.

One time I saw my grandma (now passed) by my little brother's bed. I wasn't scared, but was more comforted almost. Ironically, one year previous is the day she had passed...
1,066 posts

That sounds a bit like paranormal activity.^^^^^

Not a lot but a bit

2,226 posts

Ive been at school whilst noone ... this has happened alot....

One time at one of my little brother's baseball games, one of the moms said that their school supposedly has a ghost in it. At the school, some teacher died in a car accident(I'm vaguely remembering the details) and she either loved going to the school or another teacher there. Supposedly now, one area of the school has doors open/ close, people report hearing footsteps, etc. I wish I remembered everything, but that's all I got now D:
800 posts

Well I was on a trip to Belgium. I stopped by a store to get some cheese. I went to the cheese aisle and I see a man walking all over the store. I ask him "Do you need help finding something?" He just keeps walking by like he didn't hear me. I asked him again before he had to turn left. But he didn't turn left he just walked straight through the wall.

1,890 posts

Once I was in my room and I was reading a book and then someone said my name, I turned around and saw my grandma, who died 3 years ago!! This was at 2:00 in the afternoon! I did not go into my room until I bought an actual paranormal activity detector. They actually exist!

2,226 posts

Once I was in my room and I was reading a book and then someone said my name, I turned around and saw my grandma, who died 3 years ago!

Was it in a creepy way like "Ghgt99...I will eat you because Ima ghost!" or was it just like she said your name?
800 posts

Here's one of my first experience too. I was like 12 or something like that and I moved into this big house in London. After the first week of living there I was cooking some lasagna. I went to the back cabinet to get some spices and all of a sudden this black mist appeared over the oven. I tried too wave the mist out cause I thought it was smoke but it didn't go away. I shut off the oven and pulled the lasagna out and it was perfectly fine. The mist kept coming out of the oven for about five minutes before it faded away. The week after that I saw this black shadow on the living room wall. I shone some light on it but it was still there. Then I noticed the shadow was moving towards me and when it got right in front of me it dissapeard. The month after that my dad was taking a nap when he was alone in the house and he woke up to something that sounded like this:BAM! boom boom boom boom boom. That happened too him alot till it got to the point where he couldn't sleep without it. Then my mom saw this lady in a white dress walk toward the house and fade away. After that we moved to an apartment.

1,066 posts

At my old school, before I got there, there was a rumor going around saying that a girl got killed by a janitor in one of the bathrooms by the gym. Her ghost now haunts it. My sister was scared of going in there.

15,595 posts

I've noticed when I stayed up for three days I started hallucinating and getting paranoid when I watched scary movies and though I was seeing ghost and stuff. It was very odd. My mind playing tricks on me.

1,066 posts

There's a reason why your parents tell you to go to sleep even when your quiet. Ghost of Matrix just gave it to us.

In the new nightmare on Elm st. movie it explains that Insomia is caused when people fear their dreams because they can't control them. They then experience "micro-naps" which is where they go uncconcious for a few minutes and dream a dream. scary stuff really.

3,523 posts

Here's one of my first experience too. I was like 12 or something like that and I moved into this big house in London. After the first week of living there I was cooking some lasagna. I went to the back cabinet to get some spices and all of a sudden this black mist appeared over the oven. I tried too wave the mist out cause I thought it was smoke but it didn't go away. I shut off the oven and pulled the lasagna out and it was perfectly fine. The mist kept coming out of the oven for about five minutes before it faded away. The week after that I saw this black shadow on the living room wall. I shone some light on it but it was still there. Then I noticed the shadow was moving towards me and when it got right in front of me it dissapeard. The month after that my dad was taking a nap when he was alone in the house and he woke up to something that sounded like this:BAM! boom boom boom boom boom. That happened too him alot till it got to the point where he couldn't sleep without it. Then my mom saw this lady in a white dress walk toward the house and fade away. After that we moved to an apartment.

Dude, that house is messed up.

Personally, I don't think I have ever experienced anything paranormal. But my mom used to live by herself in an apartment, and one night something sat on her mattress, and it was apperantly heavy since she noticed it. Nothing was there though...
15,595 posts

I don't think what I actually experienced was paranormal. It was just the lack of sleep. My brain wasn't functioning properly.
Watching horror movies didn't help my situation either. What I hallucinated was very creepy. I was seeing objects moving and random things just appearing.

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