ForumsWEPRLife is Pointless.

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1,255 posts

Just sayin'. There has not been one permanent thing done by a human on this Earth, to Earth. Our lives revolve around the fact that we want to be happy and make a lot of money, but what is true happieness, and if we find it, it is pointless to another human who is still searching for their happieness and vica-versa.

Not trying to be a downer here, but I just want to know what you think about the futility of being a mortal with no real purpose other than to find a personal Utopia.

  • 156 Replies
26,390 posts

Hah, someone's depressing. I like it.
1. Humanity will leave our scar on this world, our mark if you will. But if you view us from an animalistic perspective, then yes, we are ridiculous. We have invented a way to improve our lives and yet in order to gain these improvements we must work, and educate ourselves, and it is these things that make us miserable. But the improvement of our own lives and indeed the lives of others is a reasonable goal to strive for. All we can do is improve our own lives, enjoy our own lives, and in the process try to help others do the same. Whether we, in fact, make a lasting impression upon the lives of others is irrelevant to our own lives. If we can make ourselves happy, that in itself is an achievement.

1,766 posts

Well, I kind of do agree with you (valkery) because there is no real point in life. You live, you eat, you sleep, you get happy, you get depressed, you suffer, you get a job, etc. And it's a cycle. No real point. If we discovered something new then that would be exciting but nothing would change the point of life. That's why I live fast, and die young.

2,763 posts

Well evolutionary and biologically happiness lies in personal achievements, altruistic goals, being accepted and not under significant stress.

Our lives revolve around the fact that we want to be happy and make a lot of money

Yes and no, sure we want money but that's only a cloak of what we really want. Money is just a disguise for power. Power over people, power to get things we want and power to be safe.

but what is true happiness, and if we find it

I think it's a personal question which revolves around you and your goals and virtues and is ultimately unfolded to you through self realization and experience. True happiness would be the above biological happiness factors.

If we can make ourselves happy, that in itself is an achievement.

Yes, we have great power over ourself and if someone for example is optimistic he will intercept with happiness than a normal or depressed person.

no real point in life. You live, you eat, you sleep, you get happy, you get depressed, you suffer, you get a job, etc. And it's a cycle. No real point. If we discovered something new then that would be exciting but nothing would change the point of life. That's why I live fast, and die young.

This is a good example of what I said before it depend on your perspective and psyche if you think you are powerless and that your actions have no influence on the world you will not find happiness and will be forced to just tolerate the world and have only few bumps with happiness. I don't believe that, that is a good way to live. It's a waste of energy to be unhappy you should enjoy your life while you have it. It's the same for lets say a birthday party. Why waste such an occasion when you could be having fun with your friends.
2,027 posts

I don't think life has a meaning, and I don't think we're alive for any special reason, and to be honest, I don't care. Does it matter if we have a purpose or not? Just enjoy it while it lasts.

9,462 posts

but I just want to know what you think about the futility of being a mortal with no real purpose other than to find a personal Utopia.

Just because something is finite doesn't mean it's futile. It's like saying it;s futile to eat because your just going to be hungry again later. In some ways having a finite existence makes what we do and the moments of happiness we have all that more special.
815 posts

Three things you do in life, get born, pay tax and die. Its sad but the truth always is.

4,005 posts

In some ways having a finite existence makes what we do and the moments of happiness we have all that more special.

Nah, it really is pointless. I compare it to staying up watching late night t.v. (before cable boxes and all that) when you knew it was pointless to stay up but you're afraid that you'll miss some cool show. Kinda like life. No real point being here, but you don't want it to be over right now cause you're just certain there's something cool about to happen XD
9,462 posts

Nah, it really is pointless. I compare it to staying up watching late night t.v. (before cable boxes and all that) when you knew it was pointless to stay up but you're afraid that you'll miss some cool show. Kinda like life. No real point being here, but you don't want it to be over right now cause you're just certain there's something cool about to happen XD

Speak for yourself I do my best work at night. :P
79 posts

"The real irony of life is that hardly anyone makes it out alive"
Mark Twain

13 posts

Only oblivious people think that "life is pointless" is a downer statement. But being oblivious is better. Haha, life's a wonderful joke, with contradictions galore.

5,043 posts

You claim that life is pointless, then you talk about the point of existence.

Just sayin'. There has not been one permanent thing done by a human on this Earth, to Earth. Our lives revolve around the fact that we want to be happy and make a lot of money, but what is true happieness, and if we find it, it is pointless to another human who is still searching for their happieness and vica-versa.

According to what you just said, the point of existence is for a human to do one permanent thing to the earth, whatever that may be, and for every last person to be happy.

People who talk about how life has no point tend to list why life has no point, which then becomes the point of life.

Let's assume someone uses the all too common "Life is pointless because you're just going to die anyway," statement. Can you tell what the point of life is according to this person? Immortality!

If you're going to say life is pointless because you're going to die, then someone who will not die must have a point in life (because they do not fall into the criteria of why life is pointless).

I hope that makes sense.

I believe what I said is mostly BS, so don't hold it against me.
8,051 posts

"Life is pointless because you're just going to die anyway," statement.

That reminded me of something I said to someone a few years back.

"What's the point of life if you're just going to die?"

I said "What's the point of going to an amusement park if you're just going to leave?"
9,462 posts

I said "What's the point of going to an amusement park if you're just going to leave?"

That's a pretty good analogy.
3,224 posts

It is only because life exists that the concept of 'having a point' exists. As for the exact point? There's no overarching goal of all humanity. Each individual has a point to his or her life, and if they don't their current purpose is to find a larger purpose. It's up to everyone to define the purpose and meaning of their own lives.

This may seem like a cheap shot, but this is probably my number one complaint against organised religion. It's a bit of a cheat. Life is incredible, horrific, beautiful and obscene, and every system of religion (and most philosophies I might add) make the same mistake of trying to make sense of what is fundamentally insane. Yes it gives you a feeling of devotion, but look how ordinary and easy we have made it seem.

You don't climb the mountain because it is there, you climb it because you are there.

1,720 posts

I think its all about being good to others and the real point comes in life after death

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