ForumsWEPRDebate: Jesus is Lord

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165 posts

I believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God and died on the cross for all our sins and did miracles his whole life.

What do you believe, and why?

  • 372 Replies
8,257 posts

I believe "Jesus" was a man like any other, nothing godlike there. And though I am agnostic atheist, I have prayed once (sincerely) and since I didn't get the slightest feedback or wink, this means even if there is a Lord Jesus, he doesn't care for me and so I don't care for him. Simple as that.

3,817 posts

Ah, here is the video I mentioned.

And while we are on the subject of Jesus, What Would Jesus Not Do?

Quite frankly, it seems impractical to simply send an omnipotent being to earth without telling anything about science. Even just simply modern medicine would have saved billions... But instead he sits there turns some water to wine(Yeah that's useful...) and walks on water. A trifle of what he SHOULD have done if he truly existed and was the son of an omnipotent omnipresent deity...

165 posts

deserteagle- Jesus doesn't answer in a loud booming voice, or magically write a message on the cover of a bible. The only way to hear from God, is to listen. I have not perfected this, because Jesus never does the same thing twice.

iMorgwai - This personal relationship with Jesus can be described in many ways. I is a servant and master, a father and son, two friends, and others. In order to comprehend this, you must think with non-earthly views and mindsets. For the most part, this is impossible. But the vague glimpses of it that I have had are great.

As to &quotroof" that God exists and that Jesus is the Son of God, read the Bible. ALL of it. The main part of being a Christian is believing in what you can not see.

As to the experiences that can not be a coincidence, I feel that that is a little to personal of a question. But let me just say that the reason my family and I are not on the streets is because of God's provision.

What makes Jesus Lord is that he died on the cross because he loves us, even though we did not necessarily love him back. Also, he created us. I is not like a monarchy or dictatorship at all.

1,633 posts

The only way to hear from God, is to listen. I have not perfected this, because Jesus never does the same thing twice.

All I hear is the sound of voice in the air. And a random lawnmower in the backgroud. please elaborate. I know I'm not deaf.

you must think with non-earthly views and mindsets. For the most part, this is impossible

I <3 contradictions

read the Bible. ALL of it.

Good! then you should know that God is the biggest convict of Genocide.
501 posts

Good! then you should know that God is the biggest convict of Genocide.

then you should also know that we are all incest be cause adam an eve had children and then... well you get my point...
2,027 posts

As to &quotroof" that God exists and that Jesus is the Son of God, read the Bible. ALL of it.

What makes the bible more believable than, say, the Quran, or the Hinduism's Vedas?

What makes Jesus Lord is that he died on the cross because he loves us, even though we did not necessarily love him back. Also, he created us.

Jesus created us? I thought it was his dad.
3,085 posts

I think the Christians believe that Jesus is his own father or something crazy like that.

3,437 posts

In order to comprehend this, you must think with non-earthly views and mindsets. For the most part, this is impossible.

You do realize this is perhaps the most contradicting statement you could have made?

As to &quotroof" that God exists and that Jesus is the Son of God, read the Bible. ALL of it. The main part of being a Christian is believing in what you can not see.

Let me specify, by proof we mean scientific proof. The bible is not considered scientific proof, therefore this arguement means nothing.

But let me just say that the reason my family and I are not on the streets is because of God's provision.

Or a decent salary. And hard work. Did god do that?

What makes Jesus Lord is that he died on the cross because he loves us, even though we did not necessarily love him back. Also, he created us. I is not like a monarchy or dictatorship at all.

The historical figure of Jesus was a schizophrenic who believed he was the saviour of man and that to become the true Messiah he had to become a martyr (die for his beliefs). Furthermore, God (if he exists) is a tyrant who demands that you believe in him or suffer in hell, no matter how decent a person you may be.
3,817 posts

As to &quotroof" that God exists and that Jesus is the Son of God, read the Bible. ALL of it. The main part of being a Christian is believing in what you can not see.

Thank you Walt. But you are wrong. The main reason most people are atheist is because they read the Bible. For example, one of the ones that converted me to my atheism, Job. They tortured him, to win a bet, then killed all his children like it was nothing. After they were done, Job was fine with it, simply because he was given pwety ones... And that was one of the least ones, as that could have been Satan instead. I continued reading the Bible and found it soaked with blood...

As to the experiences that can not be a coincidence, I feel that that is a little to personal of a question. But let me just say that the reason my family and I are not on the streets is because of God's provision.

Did magical gold fall from the sky? No? Then it was not any form of deity.

What makes Jesus Lord is that he died on the cross because he loves us, even though we did not necessarily love him back. Also, he created us. I is not like a monarchy or dictatorship at all.

How does that work? "I will kill myself, to appease myself, for a law that I myself made!"? And besides "I made this toy, so I can break it all I want" doesn't apply to humans. For example, what if the guy who built the twin towers said "The towers have blaspheme against me, and since I made them, that must mean I can punish them with a wrecking ball!"?

then you should also know that we are all incest be cause adam an eve had children and then... well you get my point...

So he is punishing us for what our Great(100000000) grandparents did? How is that fair in any way. "Sorry son, I am taking you in. Your great great great Grandfather used Drugs. "
928 posts

Wouldn't it be nice if AG just removed and locked all religious argument. Theres too many beliefs, and personalities, and TOPICS about this crap.

Jesus was a MAN, a Carpenter. A Schizophrenic Carpenter.

2,027 posts

Furthermore, God (if he exists) is a tyrant who demands that you believe in him or suffer in hell, no matter how decent a person you may be.

Exactly. If he doesn't exist, I have no reason to worship him, and if he does exist, he's a jerk and I don't want to worship him
165 posts

As to the fact that several of you have debated my statement about my families situation, you know nothing about it, and it is not what you think. I think that it would be courteous if you would drop that subject.

If you saw a man who had just murdered your best friends, and committed unspeakable evil, and had spent his entire life trying to commit all the evil he could. Plus, this is in about 3000 BC, and there is no such thing as a police officer. What would you do? Most people then would have killed him. The "genocide" God committed was for a reason, against unarguably evil people, and that kind of stuff happened all the time in those times.

If AG locked religious arguments, that would be inhibiting freedom of speech.

Jesus created us? I thought it was his dad.

I, and most Christians, believe that Jesus is part of God, as well as the father and the holy spirit. This, and so many other parts of God, we cannot comprehend until we get to heaven.

As to the contradiction, we CAN NOT understand God. We never will, and if this seems contradictory, it is because we cannot understand it

The main point I would like to bring up is, why does it bother you all so much that I say that Jesus is Lord? Many of you seem to be very emotional about this subject.

4,206 posts

All I know is that I have seen God do miracles in my life and my families lives, that cannot be coincidences. I have a personal relationship with Jesus, that is not one sided.

dam your so lucky! Who wouldn't want to have Jesus as your best friend? I mean he can go all Naruto on you at the pool by walking on the water. And god never does miracles to me!

The main point I would like to bring up is, why does it bother you all so much that I say that Jesus is Lord?

nooo....I AM LORD!!!

If AG locked religious arguments, that would be inhibiting freedom of speech.

AG would lock for being a duplicate, don't give this bs.

As to the contradiction, we CAN NOT understand God. We never will, and if this seems contradictory, it is because we cannot understand it

lol. That must be the best reply from a religious zombie that i have ever heard. good job!
3,817 posts

As to the fact that several of you have debated my statement about my families situation, you know nothing about it, and it is not what you think. I think that it would be courteous if you would drop that subject.

Don't bring up things you are willing to talk about...

If you saw a man who had just murdered your best friends, and committed unspeakable evil, and had spent his entire life trying to commit all the evil he could. Plus, this is in about 3000 BC, and there is no such thing as a police officer. What would you do? Most people then would have killed him. The "genocide" God committed was for a reason, against unarguably evil people, and that kind of stuff happened all the time in those times.

Now lets say you are in the same situation, except you are omnipotent. And all loving. Wouldn't it me much better to put him in a cosmic jailcell were he is completely happy, but can not harm others? Or at least disabled enough to be able to do no harm, but able enough to keep himself alive. If you were all powerful, it would be stupid to kill him. There are plenty better alternatives, your deity dicieded the most violent ones. And besides, much of the genocides were innocents- such as the Egyptian genocides of the troops and first born. That is a well known one. And that is god's fault to begin with, as he "hardened Pharaoh's heart"

If AG locked religious arguments, that would be inhibiting freedom of speech.

This is a game forum, they can block anything they want. They could block any topic involving "Cheese" if they wanted to, and they would not be breaking any law.

I, and most Christians, believe that Jesus is part of God, as well as the father and the holy spirit. This, and so many other parts of God, we cannot comprehend until we get to heaven.

That is because it makes no since(as you just admitted) and there is no heaven, therefor you will never understand the nonsense.

As to the contradiction, we CAN NOT understand God. We never will, and if this seems contradictory, it is because we cannot understand it

Once again, because it makes no since. When someone noticed that it is contradictory, a priest just yelled "JU JUST CAN"T UNDA STAND IT! HE IZ 2 MISTERIUZE FOR YOU!"....

The main point I would like to bring up is, why does it bother you all so much that I say that Jesus is Lord? Many of you seem to be very emotional about this subject.

Maybe its the millions who died, the hundreds of years of scientific achievement held back, or the hate that religion breeds? Ever think of that?
165 posts

You didn't answer my question...Why does it bother atheists so much that I say Jesus is Lord?

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