What do you believe, and why?
There may have been a real person who was the basis for the mythical character depicted in the Bible.
All I know is that I have seen God do miracles in my life and my families lives, that cannot be coincidences.
Why couldn't it be?
Jesus doesn't answer in a loud booming voice, or magically write a message on the cover of a bible. The only way to hear from God, is to listen. I have not perfected this, because Jesus never does the same thing twice.
Maybe he needs to speak up a bit more then.
In order to comprehend this, you must think with non-earthly views and mindsets.
What is a non-earthly mindset?
As to "roof" that God exists and that Jesus is the Son of God, read the Bible. ALL of it. The main part of being a Christian is believing in what you can not see.
The Bible is as much "
roof" of God as The Lord Of The Rings is proof of orcs. You need to provide evidence that can be objectively verified. Though I do agree people should read the Bible.
What makes Jesus Lord is that he died on the cross because he loves us, even though we did not necessarily love him back.
From a realistic point of view this action would indicate a self delusional states.
From a Biblical perspective his sacrifice was meaningless, since he just came back a few days later. Also even if his sacrifice did hold meaning then we shouldn't have to ask for forgiveness for our sins since this is already taken care of.
Also, he created us.
Nobody created me. I'm the result of the coupling of my parents. No they didn't create me either. They simple performed the necessary acts to allow for the joining of their biological material to allow me to begin forming.
If you saw a man who had just murdered your best friends, and committed unspeakable evil, and had spent his entire life trying to commit all the evil he could. Plus, this is in about 3000 BC, and there is no such thing as a police officer. What would you do? Most people then would have killed him. The "genocide" God committed was for a reason, against unarguably evil people, and that kind of stuff happened all the time in those times.
So God's compassion is no better then a vengeful human? It wasn't just evil people caught up in God's murders. For instance children of all ages, I find it hard to believe even infants were evil enough to have to be killed. In some of those cases it wasn't even because of what the children did that got them killed by God but the actions of the ruler they lived under.
As to the contradiction, we CAN NOT understand God. We never will, and if this seems contradictory, it is because we cannot understand it
It doesn't just seem contradictory it is contradictory.
Saying don't kill then saying stone "so and so" to death is a contradiction.
The main point I would like to bring up is, why does it bother you all so much that I say that Jesus is Lord? Many of you seem to be very emotional about this subject.
Many of us have had to put up with a lot of crap trying to be imposed on us from such unfounded beliefs.
But you believing he is lord doesn't bother me.
All I want is not to push my beliefs down your throats, but to state my beliefs and ask that you consider them.
Many of us have already have considered this belief system and find it lacking in any credible evidence. Many of us were once Christians but realized it held no more truth then any other belief.
It seems to me, as a newcomer, that the discussions on religion are all pretty one-sided.
This topic has come up once or twice (x nth) times around here. But don't get me wrong I do enjoy these debates.
Now a question for you. Why do you believe in the Christian God and not any other god/s? What makes that particular one any more credible then any of the others?