ForumsWEPRcrusade on bullying

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wow can you believe this one event starts a huge reaction amoung alot. News, Ellen, Opra, and many others my only problem is why didnt they see this sooner with bullying well give your opinions.

  • 180 Replies
1,707 posts

Are people so apathetic that they can just shrug off the news of teens committing suicides

Would you rather people start screaming and pulling their hair out of their heads over this?

And people aren't so pathetic that it takes Oprah to remind them how bad it is and cause a fuss. There would be an equal reaction if some Joe blow put an article up about it, and sent it to the New York Times. It's just that alot of people have forgotten about it or simply didn't know the facts about it. In my opion.
329 posts

@Wolf1991: this may get you suspended (implying that you're at school) but if you're in a circle that you dont want to be in, with people abusing you (eg, laughing at you) just punch one in the face, you will either get piled on or people will know that your not a little pussy that takes ---- from people. You could also start martial arts or just working out by yourself and then, not only will less people diss you, but you will be able to do something about it

15,053 posts

sorry for double post but

Or, if you were a smart kid like me, then you learn how to manipulate the people around you to fool them into assigning you a high place on the pecking order without you fitting any of the general criteria to do so. I was never the strongest or sportiest but I was held in high regard that would make a casual passer-by think I was. Half the trick is self-replicating that effect - once you have a few people in a group thinking that you're at the top then it spreads like a virus. When you get to the top, there are bound to be people that resist your newfound dominance, you can wipe them away quite easily with your new legion of minions - "What the hell Gary?! Why are you messing with Avorne? He's awesome - you're not. Get the message?"

exactly what i did once someone who i didn't know came up to me and said "who is this fool?" when i was hanging out with a group of half people i didn't know one of my friends was like "him oh he's cool and really funny" so yeah avorne is right
329 posts

exactly what i did once someone who i didn't know came up to me and said "who is this fool?" when i was hanging out with a group of half people i didn't know one of my friends was like "him oh he's cool and really funny" so yeah avorne is right

I like that idea :P
3,437 posts

@Wolf1991: this may get you suspended (implying that you're at school) but if you're in a circle that you dont want to be in, with people abusing you (eg, laughing at you) just punch one in the face, you will either get piled on or people will know that your not a little ***** that takes ---- from people. You could also start martial arts or just working out by yourself and then, not only will less people diss you, but you will be able to do something about it

I'm out of school. I'm talking about something that started an decade ago and ended five years ago. Also, I'm really tired of hearing all this BS of "well you could do this". Your brilliant ideas are A) Unrealistic for a victim B) Over assuming.
641 posts

and C) really stupid. i'm all for fighting, but martial arts takes years to fully master, plus a good wrestler would kick ass, all he has to do is get it on the ground and skinny karate dude is tied up like a pretzel.

9,462 posts

and C) really stupid. i'm all for fighting, but martial arts takes years to fully master, plus a good wrestler would kick ***, all he has to do is get it on the ground and skinny karate dude is tied up like a pretzel.

You might be surprised what someone can do if properly trained. Claiming his ideas are stupid then making a comment like that right after is well, fail on your part.
5,061 posts

I'm really tired of hearing all this BS of "well you could do this". Your brilliant ideas are A) Unrealistic for a victim B) Over assuming.

And I'm tired of hearing your BS, the only reason that many people are bullied is because they ALLOW it. A bully can be considered akin to a predator, they will not go after prey that is harder to catch. (in this case bully) Any show of strength, or even just ignoring the jackass will prove that you're done putting up with it. Accordingly while he might not have have any like or even respect for you he will leave you alone. Why? You didn't give him the reaction he was looking for. Do you see where I'm coming from?


The effectiveness of that plan hinges upon the impression you first made.

Also I've noticed that while geeks are ignored/bullied in elementary and middle school. Come high-school they usually gain respect and/or friendship from their peers.
3,437 posts

because they ALLOW it.

BULLSHIT! No one simply says "Oh they're bullying me I guess I'll let it happen". Yeah, because the victim does try anything at all eh? Wtf mate. Seriously. Did you know there are people out there who ignore all the supposed "things to do"? Did you know there are people who if you ignore them they simply try to break your nose? Or they push until you give them a reaction. Don't sit there and give me this BS on "Well ignoring it makes it go away" it doesn't. If it did I'm sure there'd be a lot less suicides from bullying. Some times it isn't something you can't ignore. That's the problem. Everyone thinks if they ignore things the problem will go away. IT DOESN'T! I know okay? I friggen know!
641 posts

right i forgot that karate can be mastered in just a couple of weeks, my bad, all the nerds shoul dlearn it then, that way they could bully the bullies.

5,061 posts

Everyone thinks if they ignore things the problem will go away. IT DOESN'T! I know okay? I friggen know!

You honestly think that you're the only person in the world that ever got bullied? You act like you speak for every single victim in the world, YOU DON'T! While it may not have worked for you, it does work for others, stop acting like a child.

right i forgot that karate can be mastered in just a couple of weeks, my bad, all the nerds should learn it then, that way they could bully the bullies.

Basic self defense can be learned with a week. Effectively.
3 posts

You don't need to know actual self-defense (although some karate doesn't hurt, right?)
You just need to look confident.

15,053 posts

Basic self defense can be learned with a week. Effectively.

yeah i know slap fu a.k.a white fu
9,462 posts

people are bullied is because they ALLOW it.

I'm going to second wolf on this one, that's bull$%^&.

Any show of strength, or even just ignoring the ******* will prove that you're done putting up with it. Accordingly while he might not have have any like or even respect for you he will leave you alone. Why? You didn't give him the reaction he was looking for. Do you see where I'm coming from?

Ignoring it doesn't work at all. The will simply try harder to get the reaction they want. Which means things often just get worse. Sometimes a show of strength can work, though not always. I became somewhat famous for breaking the nose of the biggest bully in school and even that wasn't enough to stop him.

The only thing that got every low life scum off my case was becoming so depressed they mistook my behavior for heavy drug use.

right i forgot that karate can be mastered in just a couple of weeks, my bad, all the nerds shoul dlearn it then, that way they could bully the bullies.

Kyouzou is correct here, basic self defense can be taught within that amount of time. So say a three month course over the summer would be more then enough to level someone just using wrestling. Especially if it was just someone replicating the faked junk they see on tv, which would be a likely scenario.
3,437 posts

You honestly think that you're the only person in the world that ever got bullied? You act like you speak for every single victim in the world, YOU DON'T! While it may not have worked for you, it does work for others, stop acting like a child.

Says the imbecile who thinks ignoring things will allow rainbows and smiling sunshines to appear.
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