ForumsWEPRcrusade on bullying

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wow can you believe this one event starts a huge reaction amoung alot. News, Ellen, Opra, and many others my only problem is why didnt they see this sooner with bullying well give your opinions.

  • 180 Replies
3,437 posts

Seriously, no one has the time, resources, and most don't even have the desire to dig up everything they can find about all the bad things happening in the world so they can be outraged by them.

You're taking my words out of context
4,005 posts

You're taking my words out of context

Not at all. You claim that ignorance of the situation is no excuse for the seeming apathy to the atrocities going on in the world. I posit that people are only educated about the subjects which either affect them and thus drive them to learn about, or the subjects which are placed in front of them, especially via media.

Most people aren't educated about the bullying going on toward young homosexual people in our society because, frankly, most people simply aren't directly affected by it. Thus their only avenue to learn about it is to come upon the subject by chance or to have the subject presented to the via media.

This is why celebrities tend to champion causes like this, they realize that most people don't know about it and they know that through their influence they can give the issue a broader audience. Instead of condemning those who don't champion a cause until their favorite celebrity tells them about it I say you should applaud said celebrity for giving important issues a broader audience.
3,437 posts

Here's the problem, once the celebrity's campaign is over everyone forgets about it again. And christ, I may not be gay, but I do know a thing or two about wanting to die and seriously considering that fact. Bullying isn't some foriegn war that half the world can't understand, bullying is an issue here and now. You say most people don't know about it, but that in itself is terrible. Just because it doesn't directly affect you doesn't mean it can't indirectly affect you, and why the hell should people have to wait around for the media to tell them? The media is also at fault for throwing stories like this under the rug.

5,043 posts

I'm going to try to say this in the least amount of words as possible.

Just because it doesn't directly affect you doesn't mean it can't indirectly affect you, and why the hell should people have to wait around for the media to tell them?

It is unfair to expect people to devote their lives to issues that do not directly effect themselves. Everyone has their own problems to sort through, as well as the problems of their friends and families. To expect any more is plain unfair, and the fact that so many people do help with such issues is simply amazing in itself.

I personally feel that the war on marijuana is absolute BS. I don't smoke marijuana, I don't sell marijuana, but it's something I focus on that I feel would help the world (or a part of it). I honestly can't be bothered to worry about every other issue, such as depression, hunger, lack of warmth for the elderly, lack of clothes, lack of nutrition, illnesses of different kinds, and so on. After my own problems and those of my friends and family, it is required that I live in my own world and for myself, so I can keep those around me happy.

There must be a balance between focusing on your own life and trying to help the world in some way, but you can't force people to help the world or even themselves if they don't want it. You just need to raise awareness the best you can.

The media is also at fault for throwing stories like this under the rug.

It's hard for the media to focus on a single issue. We can't blame the media for lack of coverage. Everyone is already stuck doing what they can. It's nobody's fault that people are misinformed unless people are intentionally hiding suicidal stories.
9,462 posts

The media is also at fault for throwing stories like this under the rug.

Considering the ridiculous things that schools do to try and curve bullying I'm not sure loads of media would be a good thing.
2,226 posts

Or has Famous Joe not gotten around to endorsing it yet?

Are you referring to me or is there an actual "Famous Joe"?
230 posts

Are you referring to me or is there an actual "Famous Joe"?

There is no actual "Famous Joe". He's just using it to refer to important figures, such as Oprah.
2,226 posts

^Killing yourself is a little drastic, but you forget that it's not just bullying that makes people suicidal. There's losing a job, losing a loved one, divorce, eviction/ home forclosure, family troubles, money troubles, someone you know commiting suicide, crime, pollution, isolation, etc.
Also, I would try to think of what they had gone through before they decided they couldn't take it anymore. That's really sad and in my opinion shouldn't happen. I just think it's a little sad what this world is coming to.

5,061 posts

I share views with Hiden in a sense. Yes, bullying is terrible, I'm not a stranger to it. If you can't take some mean-spirited humor from children, how will you function in society?

I'm not saying bullying isn't a problem, but I think it's one that needs to be resolved by kids. When adults jump interfere, in most cases it just gets worse.

3,437 posts

I think its sad when kids kill themselves over bullying. And I;m not saying we shouldn't punish the bullies, but society has made us such pus.sies that we get SAD over EVERYTHING.

Society is also creating the circumstances so that the stresses of life lead to mass depression.

Yes, bullying is terrible, I'm not a stranger to it. If you can't take some mean-spirited humor from children, how will you function in society?

Being a punching bag, shunned, isloated, mocked, humiliated and a slew of other things for 5 years goes beyond "mean spirited humor". Nice way to put it, but not true all the time. Sometimes it's this "mean spirited humor" that makes kids unable to become functioning society members.

I'm not saying bullying isn't a problem, but I think it's one that needs to be resolved by kids. When adults jump interfere, in most cases it just gets worse.

Then you're delluded. Kids lack the maturity to solve problems especially in the extreme cases. But I agree adults often make it worse. However, this wouldn't be a problem if the punishments were more severe to act a a deterent.
1,573 posts

[quote]I'm not saying bullying isn't a problem, but I think it's one that needs to be resolved by kids. When adults jump interfere, in most cases it just gets worse.

Then you're delluded. Kids lack the maturity to solve problems especially in the extreme cases. But I agree adults often make it worse. However, this wouldn't be a problem if the punishments were more severe to act a a deterent.[/quote]

One thing that might work is a name and shame. Or even allow the adult to say "leave my kid alone or I will come down and smack the sh*t outta you"... ok that prolly wont work but its a nice thought.
5,061 posts

Kids lack the maturity to solve problems especially in the extreme cases.

Kids can be a lot more mature than you might think. Also talking things out isn't always the way to go. I'm not ashamed to admit that a good punch goes a long way. If you get someone else to stand up for you, it makes you a harder target, not someone worthy of equality. If you stand up to this bully, than he/she will have some modicum of respect or wariness towards you.
3,085 posts

Or, if you were a smart kid like me, then you learn how to manipulate the people around you to fool them into assigning you a high place on the pecking order without you fitting any of the general criteria to do so. I was never the strongest or sportiest but I was held in high regard that would make a casual passer-by think I was. Half the trick is self-replicating that effect - once you have a few people in a group thinking that you're at the top then it spreads like a virus. When you get to the top, there are bound to be people that resist your newfound dominance, you can wipe them away quite easily with your new legion of minions - "What the hell Gary?! Why are you messing with Avorne? He's awesome - you're not. Get the message?"

Life at the top = sweet.

3,086 posts

I'm not ashamed to admit that a good punch goes a long way.

Make that several punches. And a kick to make me feel good.
you learn how to manipulate the people around you to fool them into assigning you a high place on the pecking order without you fitting any of the general criteria to do so.

I have done the same thing several times myself.
3,437 posts

Kids can be a lot more mature than you might think. Also talking things out isn't always the way to go. I'm not ashamed to admit that a good punch goes a long way. If you get someone else to stand up for you, it makes you a harder target, not someone worthy of equality. If you stand up to this bully, than he/she will have some modicum of respect or wariness towards you.

Gee what a my case they forced me to eat grass and dirt while a group of people stood around laughing.
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