The Republicans should convince this country that its plans won't send us back to the way things were in 2008, with the rich and poor separated by light-years and greedy businessmen sending the entire world into a recession.
Again, Matt can have 40 dollars and Tim can have 80 dollars. Matt still has 40 dollars. If Tim has 432985637465347965394765309476537986534 Dollars and Matt has 40 dollars, Matt still has 40 dollars.
The gap between rich and poor, in itself, means absolutely nothing.
What matters is how much everything costs. If everything Matt needs is affordable, it doesn't matter if John is 20 dollars richer, or 80 trillion dollars richer.
greedy businessmen sending the entire world into a recession.
Presidents bailing out irresponsible companies you mean? What does that have to do with greedy businessmen?
I'm sorry, but it's these "greedy" businessmen who created affordable fast food, affordable computers, affordable clothes, affordable everything. It's these greedy jerks who compete with each other to produce better and cheaper goods.
If you would rather have greedy politicians than businessmen, then you must at least understand that politicians can take out their competition (aka, your selection of choices) with the flick of a pen.
When it comes time everyone is paying for NHC, you will no longer have a choice in which health plan you have. Maybe I would rather use a HSA to cover my medical bills? But no, greedy Obama wants the government to have a monopoly over our insurance. See, no more choices at the flick of a pen.
"But UHC is so gooood!"
What if, for one reason or another, it isn't? People will be dependent on the system and it will be impossible to take back. What if a better system is out there? We'll be stuck with UHC.
There's no choice or personal control over where your money is going. At least you can choose which car insurance you want or even health insurance, as flaws as such systems are.
So please, don't talk about "greedy" businessmen. When a rich businessman fails and goes into debt, another company takes his place. When the government fails and goes into debt, we keep paying into the same failing system.