ForumsWEPRUS Elections 2010

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Here's a live feed to the results.

It would appear that the predictions were right, the Republicans are on track to win the House and are looking to make gains in the Senate although as of now there has only been a one seat change. Republicans winning the house means that John Boehner of Ohio will become the House majority speaker. Right now Republicans have gained a governor but according to the current results there is a very high chance that they will win more.

Looking at it from a political point of view the Republicans came into power at a very good time as in the next four years it's likely the economy will recover or at least get better which Republicans will be able to claim is there doing. Also this represents a shift in American politics meaning we could see the conservative ramifications of this for years.

So, what do you think?

  • 148 Replies
5,043 posts

Because a two party system is eventually going to lead to nothing getting done.

I agree, it would be nice to get more parties up front and on the stage. The people would have more options when it comes to picking leaders.

Mind you I believe that all democracy leads to a beaureaucratic swamp eventually where the common man is left to himself and nothing is ever achieved.

Such as? Mind you, self reliance is very important. One of the weird effects from having a self reliant society is that everyone becomes successful by becoming reliant on one another. You establish many different connections with different people and when one person or group lets you down, you find another group to becoming reliant on. It's a web where people help each other to help themselves. People also have the opportunity to cut off from those who are holding them down.

When you're reliant on the government, you are also relying on everyone else. When people start to slack off and they start holding the government down, they are also holding other people down as well. The people who they are holding down have no other options to cut away from the weights holding their lives back. Because the government knows this is a problem, the government manipulates facts to make it seem the system is working better than what it really is.

"The government is good at one knows how to break your legs, and then hand you a crutch and say 'see if it weren't for the government you wouldn't be able to walk.'"
-- Harry Browne
3,437 posts

Mind you, self reliance is very important

I realize this. I guess I come off as very socialist, but I also hold many conservative beliefs. I just believe the government should provide me with an education (to an extent), healthcare, and national security.
4,005 posts

Right. Tell how many states can homosexuals be leggaly married in? In Canada it's nation wide.

Actually that's not a federal issue, it's a state-by-state issue, and due to the overwhelming number of bigoted Christians in our society many states have either not even attempted to address them with such a proposal, or such proposals have been defeated.

We don't have it as a federal mandate because such a mandate would require an amendment to our constitution, and that's much more difficult to pass than to allow each state to allow it's residents to decide on statewide measures. While I agree that it should be legal nationwide, the issue isn't proof of a lack of freedom, it's too much freedom for the people to choose.

I'd like to point out that America's economy is worse off than Canada's.


But many European powers succeed also with a UHC plan sooooo not sure where that arguement is going.

Yep, and as I and others pointed out already, for such a system to work you either have to place a cap on spending which reduces treatment options, or you have to raise taxes.
9,462 posts

Yep, and as I and others pointed out already, for such a system to work you either have to place a cap on spending which reduces treatment options, or you have to raise taxes.

What kind of caps and/or tax increases would have to be done?
4,005 posts

What kind of caps and/or tax increases would have to be done?

Either you would have to set a cap on healthcare spending so as to not go into debt paying for everyone's every need, or you increase taxes to whatever level is necessary to provide for sufficient funding to allow everyone to receive proper treatment. For example, the US spends ~16% on healthcare, so we either increase taxes to such a level that we have that amount of funds available, or we set a cap at something lower which we can afford based on current numbers, and once that amount has been spent then no one gets treated until the funds are available again.
3,437 posts


Yep. Really really
3,086 posts

Not only Canada, Australia was hardly affected. No one credits Kevin Rudd for that.

5,043 posts

Yep. Really really

I'm actually glad you said something about Canada's economy being in such a great state. Do you know why Canada's economy is doing so well? Not too long ago, Canada was also falling face first into economic destruction. What did Canada do to save themselves and avoid falling into such huge financial crisis?
4,005 posts

Yep. Really really

Yah, 10th strongest in the world, while the US still maintains the strongest economy in the world. Not sure how that equates to Canada's economy being 'better'. See, every economy fluctuates, however gross buying power, GDP, and total economic power determine strength.
9,504 posts

no you dont lol america is the most free country in the world simple as that. while we do have regulation we are still the most free.

Last I saw, the U.S.A. was ranked 6th in overall freedom. I believe Hong Kong was 1st. Instead of exclusively free, the U.S. is inching towards "mostly free".
4,005 posts

Last I saw, the U.S.A. was ranked 6th in overall freedom. I believe Hong Kong was 1st. Instead of exclusively free, the U.S. is inching towards "mostly free".

Yah, we are in the top 10, but certainly not the 'most free' nation.
6,672 posts

I'd like to point out that America's economy is worse off than Canada's

thats because we had a one party rule over our government for 2 whole years to make things worse then they were

I'm actually glad you said something about Canada's economy being in such a great state. Do you know why Canada's economy is doing so well? Not too long ago, Canada was also falling face first into economic destruction. What did Canada do to save themselves and avoid falling into such huge financial crisis?

im just going to go off of a long shot and say stoped spending? just a guess i guess
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