It would appear that the predictions were right, the Republicans are on track to win the House and are looking to make gains in the Senate although as of now there has only been a one seat change. Republicans winning the house means that John Boehner of Ohio will become the House majority speaker. Right now Republicans have gained a governor but according to the current results there is a very high chance that they will win more.
Looking at it from a political point of view the Republicans came into power at a very good time as in the next four years it's likely the economy will recover or at least get better which Republicans will be able to claim is there doing. Also this represents a shift in American politics meaning we could see the conservative ramifications of this for years.
Nothing at all isn't freedom either since it just leaves us at the mercy of the more powerful. A government doesn't have to be one extreme or the other. Which seems to be your mode of thinking.
The rich isn't harming anyone. Bill Gates deserves every dollar he has. I also eat at Taco Bell, so whoever owns Taco Bell has provided me with food. They aren't hurting me at all.
Thank you NoName for not rich-bashing, Bill Gates started Microsoft in his parents garage and worked nonstop to make the first PC's.
Really, why does it matter if someone has a large amount of money? They earned it so let them have it. Most rich people give very generously in philanthropy to make the world a better place.
Most of your post I have pretty much already covered which seems to me that you are just ranting.
If we get rid of the party system, people will still continue to refer to themselves as libertarians, greens, and so on. It's an easy way to identify with people.
Perhaps but if non of the candidates are doing it the people won't be able to automatically tic Democrat or Republican without seeing what that person is standing for.
The best way for me to find people with similar views is to find other people who also refer to themselves as libertarians.
You liberal????...?
You have to take care of yourself. : (
I thought that's what you were promoting this whole time?
Instead of providing for these people, why don't we simply give them opportunities? Rather than finding ways to take care of them, why not find ways to help them take care of themselves by making it easier for jobs to open up that can hire these people.
It doesn't do them a bit of good if they aren't healthy enough to fend for themselves.
You are basically trading quality for quantity. This trade only causes as many problems as it fixes, except everyone will be forced to pay NHC so it actually causes more by giving us no choices.
Why does having NHC have to exclude having a private system?
I thought that's what you were promoting this whole time?
Yeah, I was being sarcastic.
It doesn't do them a bit of good if they aren't healthy enough to fend for themselves.
I believe most poor people without jobs are healthy enough to work. In fact, some do work. There are many different reasons why people are poor. I believe health care is seldom the reason.
Why does having NHC have to exclude having a private system?
If you want to pay into a privatized system, you will still be paying for NHC as well. The two problems with NHC is that you have no choice but to pay into it, and because it's a government system that will eat off of tax dollars if the money going into the system isn't enough to sustain itself.
Fun fact: America spends 16% budget wise on healthcare Canada spends 10.1%. Canada's system is self sustaining, though we need to put more money into it (to imrpove it). While the American system, from what I see, is falling apart.
Fun fact: America spends 16% budget wise on healthcare Canada spends 10.1%. Canada's system is self sustaining, though we need to put more money into it (to imrpove it). While the American system, from what I see, is falling apart.
Another fun fact: Many people have to come to the US from Canada to get surgeries because there isn't enough funding so they have to go on a waiting list. Yep, our system is falling apart alright.
Yeah I never said the system was perfect. I even admit the waits are ridiculous hence we need to improve it with more money. However, at least we cover everyone.
I believe most poor people without jobs are healthy enough to work. In fact, some do work. There are many different reasons why people are poor. I believe health care is seldom the reason.
I'm for both opportunity and care really. Yes health can be a factor for many people who work. It can limit their options and their chance of being hired. Also many poor can't afford the private health care systems. Hell many middle class can't afford it.
If you want to pay into a privatized system, you will still be paying for NHC as well. The two problems with NHC is that you have no choice but to pay into it, and because it's a government system that will eat off of tax dollars if the money going into the system isn't enough to sustain itself.
Then you have it as a fall back if you ever need it. The money going in would be form taxes, yeah taxes being used to benefit the people what a novel idea. I don't see how this would be any different from any other program we rely on the government to provide.
Just a thought, instead of thinking of the rich being taxed more as a punishment for being successful. Maybe look at it as taking on greater responsibly for having more power.
"With great power comes great responsibility" -Uncle Ben (Spiderman)
Yeah I never said the system was perfect. I even admit the waits are ridiculous hence we need to improve it with more money. However, at least we cover everyone.
Covering everyone and servicing everyone are very different things. And the spending difference is based on the allotted funds, not the need. We spend 16% because we need to in order to provide services, you guys spend 10% because that's all the government allows.
I agree though that both systems need to be modified. My proposal would be to increase the availability for government insurance for the poor while keeping privatized insurance as an availability. In America we do have government healthcare, however it is solely for those under certain income levels. However the cutoffs are ridiculous, and the gap between the cutoff for government insurance and the ability to afford private insurance is what leaves so many people doing without insurance altogether.
I agree though that both systems need to be modified. My proposal would be to increase the availability for government insurance for the poor while keeping privatized insurance as an availability. In America we do have government healthcare, however it is solely for those under certain income levels. However the cutoffs are ridiculous, and the gap between the cutoff for government insurance and the ability to afford private insurance is what leaves so many people doing without insurance altogether.
that could work, also improve it by expanding what is covered. There are often time treatments that aren't covered even if you do qualify.
you guys spend 10% because that's all the government allows.
And because "King" Harper needs a bloody reality check. Mind you the Liberals are no better. People have asked to increase spending for years now, but the Conservatives won't budge. I really wish the NDP would win even with a minority government, but it won't happen.
And because "King" Harper needs a bloody reality check. Mind you the Liberals are no better. People have asked to increase spending for years now, but the Conservatives won't budge. I really wish the NDP would win even with a minority government, but it won't happen.
Obviously, but again, this is the problem with the government controlling healthcare. Politics become the determining factor in quality and availability of care. I don't know about you, but I sure as hell don't want some silver-spoon fed politician determining when I can or can't have medical procedures. At least with a private industry system we get the care when we need it.
I was completely baffled about the absolute outrage over a government health option. From what I saw, the government was trying to create an option for people that either couldn't afford private insurance or had special needs that private insurance wouldn't pay for. Never once did I hear or read anything in the proposal about a government insurance takeover or some Big Brother conspiracy to make us all wear red armbands and sing Party anthems.
Allowing the poor to have a government run option would allow so many more people to have insurance. The figures given out after the passing of the sorry diluted plan that we have now states that about 30 MILLION people now have basic health insurance. People who were turned down due to pre-existing conditions by private insurance companies now have access to the treatments they need. These are extremely beneficial results coming ONLY after an absolute arm-twisting by the large insurance companies.
Im very sorry if this seems like a "rant". I just find it so frustrating that so many people are without basic needs and that a plan that was created simply to give average Americans another health insurance option was turned into some rediculous Communist plot. Very very sad....
Im very sorry if this seems like a "rant". I just find it so frustrating that so many people are without basic needs and that a plan that was created simply to give average Americans another health insurance option was turned into some rediculous Communist plot.
It reads like a UHC bill. Go read the bills of any country that has UHC you'll find something along those lines. I guess those countries are also secretely communists.