Our next beta release, code named Falchion, will launch on Monday, December 6, 2010.
The standard times apply, and are all in Pacific Standard Time, which is where Los Angeles, California is. To convert it, you can visit this time zone site.
At 9am, I'll be marking all NEW beta registrations to receive their invite codes later in the day. Any beta registrations that come in after 9am will have to wait for our next release on December 20th.
We'll be doing lots of internal testing before we roll out any code to the live beta site, and as usual, I will post our progress on my twitter feed.
In the afternoon, when we feel the code base is tested enough, we'll send our next beta newsletter to ALL beta users. This newsletter will explain more about what we've been working on, what's in the new release, that sort of thing.
The newsletter Email you'll receive with your invite code will explain what we need from you as beta testers.
Once that newsletter is sent, I'll send out any invite codes for new beta signups up to 9am that morning.
It's important to note up front that several things will seem "missing" from the site, such as the forums, etc. This is to be expected, because we're rolling out the beta in phases where we add new features every two weeks.
The full details of what's going in the beta release, and what major pieces of the site are still missing will be detailed in the newsletter.
Try typing in beta.armorgames.com/profile/thaboss it should show up there. I know on my dashboard it doesn't show any of my followers but when I type in beta.armorgames.com/profile/GhostOfMatrix it shows a lot of people.
I was gone for a little while, so excuse my ignorance. I've been reading up on all the things about AG3 and came upon this thread. I realize it's the 15th so I'm guessing it is too late to sign up and do I sign up by just posting here or no?
No, actually you'll need to go to http://beta.armorgames.com/ to sign up. Now I am not sure wether or not you are to late to sign up for the current beta release because Cormyn has not given out the invitation codes yet (to my knowledge).
Now I am not sure wether or not you are to late to sign up for the current beta release because Cormyn has not given out the invitation codes yet (to my knowledge).
Well, I submitted my email address so I guess something will happen sooner or later. I'm in no real rush. Thanks Sam.
I feel like Cormyn when he has to reiterate something 13 times :P
if we can get some of these bugs squished this week, I'll send out the invite codes. It's a significant enough number of users to warrant holding off until some of these bugs get fixed first.
This is why there haven't been any new invites sent yet. They *may* come after the activity stream has been worked on enough. Actually it's just all bugs in general, but I assume it's mostly the AS.