So, that probably means no they have not. They are too busy pulling 7 year olds into a back room to interrogate about terrorist plots because his name was on a no-fly list.
Scanners are fine and nobody has a real problem with them because all you have to do is walk through them. However, the full body pat-downs are a little ridiculous. I feel that it crosses the line between safety and privacy. It is as if they are treating every passenger as a suspected terrorist.
At the moment people are still a bit paranoid about terrorism though I highly doubt scanners or even pat downs could stop a truley dedicated terrorist. All they do is create another target, the security check point itself. A dedicated terrorist could simply walk into a crowded airport with a bomb and either leave it or blow themself up taking hundreds with them. But, the people are paranoid so the TSA has to do a show for them. The best thing would be bomb sniffing dogs, bag scanner and metal detectors, if even the metal detectors. That is all that is really needed but as long as people are paranoid pointless security measures shall remain. Though, in the end, perhaps we should all feel at least a little sorry for the poor TSA agents who have to either look at the vast majority of travelors naked or feel them up, I'm sure they'd much rather man the bag checker (I don't know the actual name off the top of my head) or walk around a bomb sniffing dog.
If you like being escorted away wearing a sixty pound vest, that is.
The scanners don't cause major radiation problems. The only way they would be effective is if they were quite a bit less powerful than a hospital X-ray. Do you have a problem with those? Hospital X-rays need to see to your very bones. These barely need to see what's under your clothes.
I have no problem with them. I'd trust that only they would see it, and it beats getting a pat down. Remember: You can choose one or the other.
in a way these scanners might make the terrorists feel that they won in that it's spreading fear and humiliation through the U.S. and wherever else they set these up.
i would like to apologize... I haven't done the research needed for my 2 cents to be put in... is there an age limit on who they can pat down? I mean... I foresee images of a certain 4 legged animal that eats honey being portrayed as one of these pat down people... and/or the scanning people
So basically you prefer nude pictures taken of you over being felt up?
Not to be nit-picky here, but it's not really a picture, right? I mean, it's not there's going to be a photograph sitting around for people to look at. Sure, the security scanners are going to see you, but who the hell cares what they think anyway? Still, if someone wants to blow up a plane, it seems like putting the bomb in the checked luggage is the best way to go. And these scanners obviously aren't going to thwart that. Plus, a potential terrorist could simply check in at a small airport without these scanners. Once they're in, they can transfer to a more crowded flight and do their business. Seems like the illusion of security more than anything real. But whatever - TSA and the government are going to do whatever they feel like and there's really nothing we can do about it. I'm already over it.