Who created God? I had asked 8 years ago to my first primary school's religious education teacher. The response I got was as I recall, a nothing answer that turned into a change of topic. If 'god' exists, then what created it? (I'm not posting my opinion in the OP as that's never a good way to start open debate).
But what if you CAN create yourself? I think that all you do is think of the largest number you can then keep addiang one to it, when you've come to the biggest number you can, that is when god was created and you will also know what created god.
So you are saying it goes on to infinity? So there was a god who created a god who created a god who created a god who created a god who created a god who created a god who created a god who created a god who created a god who created a god who created a god who created a god who created a god who created a god who created a god who created a god who created a god who created a god who created a god who created a god who.....To infinity? So which god are you worshiping, and why are you worshiping that god? And how could there be no first?
I think the singularity theory is much better, it actually makes since...
So you are saying it goes on to infinity? So there was a god who created a god who created a god who created a god who created a god who created a god who created a god who created a god who created a god who created a god who created a god who created a god who created a god who created a god who created a god who created a god who created a god who created a god who created a god who created a god who created a god who.....To infinity? So which god are you worshiping, and why are you worshiping that god? And how could there be no first?
How can there BE a first? If we live in infinity then we die in infinity. It just goes on and on and on and on ect.
Religion and atheism aren't that different, they both require an infinite force with no beginning. Religion just makes that a person, specifically, someone who cares.
Well then i'll confuse you even more i guess saying who created the start to make the big bang?
Why would someone need to start it?
With your Christian logic, "everything needs a creator". That logic then applies to the creator EX. I created my stool, the stool needed a creator which is me. Apparently I need a creator according to you, according to you that is god. So logically something would nee to create that god.
However using REAL logic we can see that not everything needs a creator. Then it is simple, the universe does not need a creator. Real logic owns.
[/quote]However using REAL logic we can see that not everything needs a creator. Then it is simple, the universe does not need a creator. Real logic owns.[quote] Explain that logic since i am but a feeble 13 year old.
...I thought it was apparent. In the real world, not everything needs a creator.
How do you figure that? The way i see it is you created the stool, you are created by tissue, tissue is created by cells, cells are created by atoms and so on.
How do you figure that? The way i see it is you created the stool, you are created by tissue, tissue is created by cells, cells are created by atoms and so on.
That is a materiel.
A "creator" is :â"noun 1. a person or thing that creates. 2. the Creator, God.
Typically religious people refer to a "creator" as also being self aware and intelligent.
And are you trying to suggest that your god is what makes up the smallest unit of everything?
Religion and atheism aren't that different, they both require an infinite force with no beginning. Religion just makes that a person, specifically, someone who cares.
No, atheism does not require an infinite force with no beginning, it just requires not making a positive assertion of there being a deity.
How do you figure that? The way i see it is you created the stool, you are created by tissue, tissue is created by cells, cells are created by atoms and so on.
Technically nothing has been created, it's all just matter/energy changing forms. That stool example a person didn't getting down to the basics create the stool, they simple changed the order in which the material was in into a useful form. Changes in form do not require an intelligence to happen. Another problem with the argument of God is the complexity requires complexity. First off we do have examples of simplicity combining to become more complex forms such as the formation of elements, so we know simplicity can bring about complexity. The second problem is as pointed out complexity requiring complexity creates a problem of infinite regression. If we are starting for simplicity and moving towards complex forms we don't run into this problem.
Your theory: Nothing was there then a magical sky faerie made itself. Then the magical sky faerie that made itself decided, for no real reason other than to get worshipers, create an entire universe focused on one species that lives on one small blue marble and that everything else was put here to make that one species happy.
And the Big Bang Theory does not involve an explosion, you should read at least the wiki on it before stating anything on it.