ForumsWEPRA question for the theistic people of Armor games.

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Who created God? I had asked 8 years ago to my first primary school's religious education teacher. The response I got was as I recall, a nothing answer that turned into a change of topic. If 'god' exists, then what created it?
(I'm not posting my opinion in the OP as that's never a good way to start open debate).

  • 77 Replies
486 posts

In our understanding of the universe yes, but that still begs the question how could something have always existed, doesn't everything we know have a beginning?

Time is the prerequisite to cause and effect. Time was began with the big bang. You are probably thinking of the word always to mean an infinite span of time before the big bang, but there was no 'before' the big bang. Time started and now we have cause and effect. Almost everything in the universe seems to have a cause, but it would be erroneous to extend this observation to the universe as a whole and what ever system the universe may rest upon. And there is nothing in science to suggest that everything had a beggining, only that everything came from the singularity. Only creationists say that science makes some bull**** claim that everything has a beggining, it's just their round about way of saying that everything was created (which is a clear violation of conservation laws) so that they can put God in there.

Energy and matter can be treated as the same. It does not matter if matter turns into energy(no pun intended), nothing is lost. The energy does not go away, so there wont be 'nothingness'.
And you talk about creating matter by creating enough energy, but the creation of either violates the laws of physics...
1,322 posts

and yet it happened 0_o.

we didn't set up the laws of physics. we don't know if they're all encompassing... we can only say that as of yet... nothing has been proven to surpass light. i mean how could we tell???

there's all sorts of sites out there that debate this hypothetical science... saying its true... and saying its false. both claiming to have hard evidence...

Tachyon particles. i mean you don't need a link. google it. i can't find the all knowing source. anything i find may be just as flawed as what you find. anywho... these tachyon particles are rumored to only be able to go as slow as the speed of light... if these little buggers are real... then e=mc^2^ may actually be able to be used to create matter. my mind = officially blown.... i'm sure einstein himself would have crapped his pants if this was ever proven to be true. and the time travel concept i just said wasn't possible last night may yet be true... but then again one site said that if they're true then time travel couldn't be 0___o

i mean yes its theory... but what if?

9,462 posts

it may also sometimes convert to other elements (not sure)... but it does in fact convert into energy and then into nothingness. ;-)

I can't find anything backing your claim that energy converts into nothingness.
1,322 posts

i was bored and only being halfway serious during my first post. i know its wrong... but i was writing to the premise that if its matter and then changes to energy and you can't touch it... then its not there... doesn't exist.... it was a sort of twist I tried to put back on the atheist argument of I can't see or touch god therefore he doesn't exist..."Nothingness"... i knew it was wrong when i typed it

I apologize for not taking it seriously at the time. my brain can't work on all 6 cylinders all of the time

486 posts

I can't see or touch god therefore he doesn't exist...
Im not sure if you are trying to be sarcastic. That if your point is that just because we cant observe energy does not mean its not there just as the fact that we cant observe God does not mean he does not exist. But think about it a little, it is not matter than we feel but the energy from matter that repulses us. We do not see matter, we see light energybeing emmited/refracted from matter. We do not hear objects move, we hear the kinetic energy in the air. Matter turning into energy does not make it invisible. Infact, turn matter into energy en masse and you pretty much have a nuclear bomb. Not very invisible is it?
A question you may ask is, where does all the energy from a nuclear bomb go? Does it just disappear? The answer is no, a nuclear bomb leaves behind nuclear fallout and heats the atmosphere amongst other things.
God however is unobservable.
3,562 posts

I can't find anything backing your claim that energy converts into nothingness.

law of thermodynamics derp.
9,504 posts

Energy can be neither created nor destroyed. It can only change forms.

Energy converting into nothing is part of the law of thermodynamics?

1.You cannot win (that is, you cannot get something for nothing, because matter and energy are conserved).

2. You cannot break even (you cannot return to the same energy state, because there is always an increase in disorder; entropy always increases).

3. You cannot get out of the game (because absolute zero is unattainable).

Hope you're jokin' there.
486 posts

Energy converting into nothing is part of the law of thermodynamics?

No. The laws of thermodynamics concern the balance of energy loss and gain for a closed system and an increase in the disorder on energy. The first law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed. Please do not bring up thermodynamics again, I've seen thermodynamics grossly misenterpreted too many times. The laws of thermodynamics, in no shape or form, even remotely suggests the destruction of energy.
26 posts

Chuck Norris created God.
But seriously, God had no creator, he is the creator. If there were ever a spark where he 'formed', nobody knows of it, and it will probably never be known. It's just one of those 'Plot Holes' that 99% of religion is made of.

1,573 posts

If you can apply this eternal existence to a deity then why not save the step and say the singularity always existed?

Thank you. This refutes the silly answer of "god exists outside of the loop and has always existed." derp :P
1,573 posts

The singularity was not created, it was always there and it created everything. I don't think we will ever know where it came from, if it wasn't here all the time already

6,672 posts

really ive learned that the universe's history really cant be solved and instead of quandering over it i find life so much easier when i jsut sit back and relax and smoke some hookah. id suggest everyone to do the same but that would make thousands lose jobs so ill just let everyone squable over how the universe was made

1,573 posts

just sit back and relax and smoke some hookah

A fine suggestion.

ill just let everyone squable over how the universe was made

I would admit I dont know how the universe is made quite happily. I just cant sit down when other people tell me with such conviction that it was god. Those ppl need a frikkin acid tab and they can become one with all the particles of the universe, travel time and space and talk to the great pink elephant, he will tell them they dont know nuthin, and possibly tell them to smoke a big hookah and chill the jazz out
6,672 posts

honestly dude you cant be ignorant over it, cause for all you know a creator could have created a big bang and created a universe. when it comes to that always have a shadow of a doubt in your head, cause even though something is very unlikley in your eyes its still possible, especially in this situation were there is nothing proven

6,672 posts

ya im a christian, but im open minded, honestly no one knows

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